Password generator
technologies used
What is?
It is Password generator
How to Download?
- Download on releases
- Clone repo
git clone
How to use?
It is Password generator
git clone
Profile-Athena-Generator A simple profile athena generator for Fortnite Private Servers. This profile athena generrator features: Item variants Get al
NFT-Generator is the best way to generate thousands of NFTs quick and easily with Python. Just add your files, set your configuration and run the scri
Use the generator for the range function! installation method: pip install yrange How to use: First import yrange in your application. You can then wo
Dork Gen A simple dork generator written in python that outputs dorks with the domain extensions you enter in a ".txt file". Usage The code is pretty
nHentai Code Generator A simple, console based nHentai Code Generator. How to run? Windows Android Windows Make sure you have python and git installed
Tree-Traversals (BST) 🌲 A simple BST (Binary Search Tree) generator written in python Installation Use the package manager pip to install BST. Usage
Random Profile Generator USAGE & CREDITS Any public or priavte demonstrative usage of this project is strictly prohibited, UNLESS WhineyMonkey10 (http
Random-Number-Generator-Analysis Governor's Honors Program Project to determine
s-pass v1.1 s-pass is a program that creates strong passwords and then encrypts the password and saves it to a file. To see the encrypted password, ex
Generates permutations of Months, Seasons, Years, Sports Teams (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL), Sports Scores, "Password", and even Iterable Keyspaces of a specified size.
Password-Manager Create Account Quick Login Generate Password Save Password Offline App Passwords are stored on your system and no one has access to t
Flask-User v1.0 Attention: Flask-User v1.0 is a Production/Stable version. The previous version is Flask-User v0.6. User Authentication and Management
Flask-User v1.0 Attention: Flask-User v1.0 is a Production/Stable version. The previous version is Flask-User v0.6. User Authentication and Management
Zip brute is a python script that cracks zip that are password protected using a wordlist dictionary.
Simple Python tool that generates a pseudo-random password with numbers, letters, and special characters in accordance with password policy best practices.
A tool that can encrypt python2 or python3 code with the given password and can reuse with that password
Instagram Brute force attack Instagram Brute force attack helps you to find password of an instagram account from your list of provided password. Inst
Generate Random Password with Passphrase This is a python code to generate stron
Password Manager 🔑 This is a Password Manager Application which is made using P
deprecat Decorator Python @deprecat decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods. Installation pip install deprecat Usage To use th
Adding-two-matrix-from-scratch-using-python. Here, I have take two matrix from user and add it without using any library. I made this program from scr
python-color-getter Color getter (including method to get random color or complementary color) made out of Python Setup pip3 install git+https://githu
~kitor Magic Lantern scripts A few automation scripts I wrote to automate some things in my ML development efforts. Used only on Debian running over W
Units Abstraction of a Unit, includes convertions and basic operations. ------ EXAMPLE : Free Fall (No air resistance) ------- from units_test import
Spacegit Spacegit is a basic .git exposed finder Usage: You need python3 installed to run spacegit use: python3 (url) Disclaimer: **This i
Leviathon A simple language and reference decompiler/compiler for MHW THK Files. Project Goals The project aims to define a language specification for
ETHAdressGenerator This short program will generate a eth key pair that has the public key that starts with a defined amount of 0 Requirements Python
ticktock is a minimalist library to view Python time performance of Python code.
PoorScanner使用说明书 -工具在不同环境下可能不怎么稳定,如果有什么问题恳请大家反馈。说明书有什么错误的地方也大家欢迎指正。 更新记录 2021.8.23 修复了云函数主程序 gitee上传文件接口写错了的BUG(之前把自己的上传地址写死进去了,没从配置文件里读) 更新了说明书 PoorS
'ToolBurnt' A Set Of Tools In One Place =}
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uuid6 New time-based UUID formats which are suited for use as a database key. This module extends immutable UUID objects (the UUID class) with the fun
EthTx - Ethereum transactions decoder Installation pip install ethtx Requirements The package needs a few external resources, defined in EthTxConfig o
macro-kit is a package for efficient macro recording and metaprogramming in Python using abstract syntax tree (AST).
wayremap Dynamic keyboard remapper for Wayland. It works on both X Window Manager and Wayland, but focused on Wayland as it intercepts evdev input and
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SUP The git for the Python Story Utility Package library. Installation: Install SUP by simply running pip install psup in your terminal. Check out our
CommonRegex Find all times, dates, links, phone numbers, emails, ip addresses, prices, hex colors, and credit card numbers in a string. We did the har
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