CPLib is the abbreviation of Competitive Programming Library.

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CPLib is the abbreviation of Competitive Programming Library. It aims to be a general template and optimization library for competitive programming.

The idea is similar to cLay, but I hope it to be easier to maintain, having less hard-coded rules, and C++ compatible. Also, I want to implement some optimizations, such as loop-blocking/unrolling, auto SIMD, etc. on the source code level.

Templates proposal

General templates are not implemented yet. I want to implement in cLay like formats (see https://codeforces.com/contest/1556/submission/127359517 for example).

I hope the templates can use global arrays (for example, the array in segment tree) instead of struct members. Also, I want to use global functions as callback functions (for example, the maintain function in segment tree). If we use std::function or function pointers, the running speed depends on how smart is the compiler.

To pass these arguments into the templates, I think pragmas is a good idea (see the modint part below for more information).

Implemented packages

Currently there are very few implemented packages.


This package implements a typical modint template. It allows common operations, but it's more efficient.

It traversals each expression, computes the possible min/max of them, and finds a method which has mininum number of modulo.

See examples/modint/ for examples.


This package can inline functions on source code level. Add #pragma cplib inline in front of your function, every call will be inline.

See examples/inline/ for examples.


This package tries to minimize the code. However, it only detects repeating segments, and replace them using macro definitions.


Download Clava at https://github.com/specs-feup/clava, and fill the path into src/config.py.

Install python packages from src/requirements.txt.

Then you can run python src/compile.py input.cpp -o output.cpp to "compile" files.

You need to add include to your IDE's include paths to make IDE happy.

To include a package, use #include "cplib/xxx/xxx.hpp" or #pragma cplib use xxx.xxx.


If you have some ideas about the template proposals, or the project, please open issues.

This project is very immature, and needs a lot of time to develop, welcome for your contribute.

Clava runs very slow (~5s on my computer for a regular source code), if there is better replacement, please tell me!

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