Raspi-scraper is a configurable python webscraper that checks raspberry pi stocks from verified sellers


Raspberry Pi Stock Checker

______  ___   ___________ _____      _____ _____ ______  ___  ______ ___________ 
| ___ \/ _ \ /  ___| ___ \_   _|    /  ___/  __ \| ___ \/ _ \ | ___ \  ___| ___ \
| |_/ / /_\ \\ `--.| |_/ / | |______\ `--.| /  \/| |_/ / /_\ \| |_/ / |__ | |_/ /
|    /|  _  | `--. \  __/  | |______|`--. \ |    |    /|  _  ||  __/|  __||    / 
| |\ \| | | |/\__/ / |    _| |_     /\__/ / \__/\| |\ \| | | || |   | |___| |\ \
\_| \_\_| |_/\____/\_|    \___/     \____/ \____/\_| \_\_| |_/\_|   \____/\_| \_|  By Louie Cai

forthebadge made-with-python

Raspi-scraper is a configurable python webscraper that checks raspberry pi stocks from verified sellers.


Python libraries needed (How to install python packages):



Windows (git bash)/Mac OS/Linux:

git clone https://github.com/louie-cai/raspberry-pi-stock-checker.git
cd raspberry-pi-stock-checker



python raspi-scraper.py

Mac OS/Linux:

python3 raspi-scraper.py

Linux (if your python interpreter is at /usr/bin/python3):



Adjust config.yaml to turn on/off different Raspberry Pi models.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.



Louie Cai
College Data Science student at UC San Diego. Minecraft Mod Creator. Indie Game Dev.
Louie Cai
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