Scans all drives for log4j jar files and gets their version from the manifest. Windows and Windows Server only.
Hrafna - Log4j-Scanner for the masses Features Scanning-system designed to check your own infra for vulnerable log4j-installations start and stop scan
log4jpwn log4j rce test environment See: https://www.lunasec.io/docs/blog/log4j-zero-day/ Experiments to trigger in various software products mentione
Provides script to download and format public IP lists related to the Log4j exploit. Current format includes: plain list, Cisco ASA Network Group.
Log4J-Huntress-Automate-Script This python script will automate the testing for the Log4J vulnerability for HTTP and HTTPS connections. Pre-Requisits
1.Create a Sample Vulnerable Application . 2.Start a netcat listner . 3.Run the exploit . 5.Use jdk1.8.0_20 for better results . Exploit-db - https://
Visibility and Mitigation for Log4J vulnerabilities Several scripts for the visibility and mitigation of Log4J vulnerabilities. Static Scanner - Linux
log4j-scan A fully automated, accurate, and extensive scanner for finding vulnerable log4j hosts Features Support for lists of URLs. Fuzzing for more
An amazing application that will help us manage our passwords and even generate new passwords for us.
Northwave Log4j CVE-2021-44228 checker Friday 10 December 2021 a new Proof-of-Concept 1 addressing a Remote code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in the
Improved speed, added rudimentary nesting detection
Source code(tar.gz)improved threading safety and speed
Full Changelog: https://github.com/louckazdenekjr/log4shell_scanner/compare/v2.21...v2.3
Source code(tar.gz)added restart, visual fixes
Full Changelog: https://github.com/louckazdenekjr/log4shell_scanner/compare/v2.2...v2.21
Source code(tar.gz)Source code(tar.gz)removed Please use a newer version from https://github.com/louckazdenekjr/log4shell_scanner/releases
tinyman_exploit_finder There was a big tinyman exploit. You can read about it he
xkeysnail is yet another keyboard remapping tool for X environment written in Python. It's like xmodmap but allows more flexible remappings.
SLmail5.5-Exploit-BoF Buffer Overflow para SLmail5.5 32 bits con un par de utilidades para que puedas hacer el tuyo REQUISITOS PARA QUE FUNCIONE: Desa
MozDef: Documentation: https://mozdef.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ Give MozDef a Try in AWS: The following button will launch the Mozilla Enterprise Def
BrokenSMTP BrokenSMTP is a python3 BugBounty/Pentesting tool to look for common vulnerabilities on SMTP server. Supported Vulnerability : Spoofing - T
CVE-2021-36260-metasploit the metasploit script(POC) about CVE-2021-36260. A command injection vulnerability in the web server of some Hikvision produ
소켓을 이용한 RDT protocols (RDT3.0,GBN,SR) 구현 및 성능 평가 코드 입니다. 코드를 실행할때 리시버를 먼저 실행하세요. 성능 평가 코드는 패킷 전송 과정을 제외하고 시간당 전송률을 출력합니다. RDT3.0 GBN SR(버그 발견으로 구현중 입니
Password-Manager This app can generate ,save , find and delete passwords. In the StartUp() Function , there are three buttons to choose from : Generat
PyPasser is a Python library for bypassing reCaptchaV3 only by sending 2 requests. In 1st request, gets token of captcha and in 2nd request,
Python program that generates secure passwords. The user has the option to select the length of the password, amount of passwords,
Interactsh An OOB interaction gathering server and client library Features • Usage • Interactsh Client • Interactsh Server • Interactsh Integration •
E-Crack By Aang-XD Fitur Login • Login via token facebook • Login via cookie facebook Install On Termux $ pkg update && pkg upgrade $ pkg install pyth
Delta Sharing: An Open Protocol for Secure Data Sharing Delta Sharing is an open protocol for secure real-time exchange of large datasets, which enabl
Spring Cloud Gateway 3.0.7 & 3.1.1 Code Injection (RCE) CVE: CVE-2022-22947 CVSS: 10.0 (Vmware - https://tanzu.vmware.com/security/cve-2022-22947)
springcore-0day-en These are all my notes from the alleged confirmed! 0day dropped on 2022-03-29. This vulnerability is commonly referred to as "Sprin
Dlint Dlint is a tool for encouraging best coding practices and helping ensure Python code is secure. The most important thing I have done as a progra
Compilation of resources and insights that helped me on my journey to data scientist
Salesforce Recon and Exploitation Toolkit Salesforce Recon and Exploitation Toolkit Usage python3 main.py URL References Announcement Blog - https:/
Wonk is a tool for combining a set of AWS policy files into smaller compiled policy sets.
Browser Creds this script will recover saved browsers logins into txt files. It currently only support windows 10. currently support : Chrome Opera Fi