pybicyclewheel calulates the required spoke length for bicycle wheels


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pybicyclewheel calulates the required spoke length for bicycle wheels.

(under construcion) -> homepage

further readings


bicycle guru doc


the calculation methods mentioned above differ sligthly from each other by putting e.g. spoke hole, or spoke radius into consideration or not. the provided method within this module uses a mathematic 3d geometric vector and matrix based approach to determine the length of a spoke using numpy.

how to use

maintain your rim and hub data in the xls sheets provided in the github repo

call the simple gui with (remark: hubs.xls, and rims.xls base dir is "~/Downloads")

python3 -m pybicyclewheel_gui

or use it along with

alternatively explore and use the classes directly (less convinient).

probably a better user interface (then the simple one) will be provided later ... (if i have time i will do)

structure of the xls - sizing data


where to find sizing data

browse the manufacturer web site and search for specification

or search for the product detail page

if none of the above is available measure the component (not recommended)

What's new ?

Check CHANGELOG for latest ongoing, or upcoming news


Tested on Python3, and Linux.

development status

alpha state. the API or logical call flow might change without prior notice.

read CHANGELOG for latest, or upcoming news.


available on pypi. install with:

python3 -m pip install pybicyclewheel
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