Ingest and query genomic intervals from multiple BED files


Region search with tileDB

Ingest and query genomic intervals from multiple BED files.


>>> import glob
>>> import tiles
# Get paths to local BED files.
>>> files = sorted(glob.glob('/path/to/beds/*.bed.gz'))
>>> files[:5]
# Create chromosome by genomic position database.
>>> tiles.create_region_array('regions')
# Load first five BEDs into tileDB.
>>> tiles.load_local('regions', files[:5])
generating positions
writing data
# Save accession to file index maps.
>>> tiles.save_maps('regions')
# Consolidate and vacuum database.
>>> tiles.clean('regions')


>>> import tiles
# Load accession to file index maps.
>> tiles.load_maps('regions')
# Get first five intervals around POMC gene on chromosome two.
>>> tiles.query_region('regions', 2, 25132492, 25192278, limit=5)
    ('ENCFF001SOF.bed.gz', 25139665, 25139815),
    ('ENCFF001SOF.bed.gz', 25141485, 25141635),
    ('ENCFF001SOF.bed.gz', 25141625, 25141775),
    ('ENCFF001SOF.bed.gz', 25142065, 25142215),
    ('ENCFF001SOF.bed.gz', 25142665, 25142815),
# Get total number of intervals in that region.
>>> len(tiles.query_region('regions', 2, 25132492, 25192278, limit=1000))
# Get files with intervals in that region.
>>> tiles.query_file('regions', 2, 25132492, 25192278)
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