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You can Re Use My Code , and If It Helped You Just Drop A thumbs Up
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Ontario-Covid19-Screening An automated Covid-19 School Screening Tool for Ontari
parcel Packaging tools for shanty services. What? Services are docker containers deployed by shanty on a hosting appliance. Each service consists of t
This code extracts line width of phonons from specular energy density (SED) calculated with LAMMPS.
Сервис для работы с открытыми данными Госдумы РФ Исходные данные из API Госдумы РФ извлекаются с помощью Apache Nifi и приземляются в хранилище Clickh
Hornero A package selector for building your comfy nest About Hornero helps you to install your favourite packages on your fresh installed Linux distr
This Repo contains a series of Python Jupyter Notebooks and assignments. The assignments are taken from Python Crash Course book by Eric Matthes.
basitSunucuistemci Aşağıdaki adresteki uygulamadaki process kapanmama sorununun çözülmesi ile oluşturulmuş yeni depo
Pre-commit Configuration Guide The main aim of this repository is to act as a guide on how to configure the pre-commit hooks in your existing python p
Football Court This project utilized Pytorch and Tensorflow so that the learning agent learns firstly approaching to the football and then kicking the
Analyse plancapaciteit woningen In deze notebook zetten we cijfers op een rij om de woningbouwplannen van Nederlandse gemeenten in kaart te kunnen bre
An Intermediate Level Python - MySQL Connectivity based project. Contains various functions of a Store-Management-System.
About: This is an open-source bot, the code is open for anyone to see, fork and
JSON Memoize What is this? json_memoize is a straightforward tool for light-duty persistent memoization, created with API calls in mind. It stores the
Datamol is a python library to work with molecules. It's a layer built on top of RDKit and aims to be as light as possible.
Python re(gex)? Learn Python Regular Expressions step by step from beginner to advanced levels with hundreds of examples and exercises The book also i
TUM Library Checker Only for educational purposes This repository contains a crawler to save bookings for TUM libraries in a CSV file. Sample data fro
BOAMP Extractor BOAMP-Extractor permet d'extraire les offres de marchés publics publiées au bulletin officiel des annonces des marchés publics (BOAMP)
certi Utility to play with ADCS, allows to request tickets and collect information about related objects. Basically, it's the impacket copy of Certify
WhiteSource Top 10 Rejected Libraries Generate a spreadsheet listing the 10 most common libraries in your WhiteSource inventory that were rejected by
Number calculator application.