Auto-detecting the n+1 queries problem in Python

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nplusone is a library for detecting the n+1 queries problem in Python ORMs, including SQLAlchemy, Peewee, and the Django ORM.

The Problem

Many object-relational mapping (ORM) libraries default to lazy loading for relationships. This pattern can be efficient when related rows are rarely accessed, but quickly becomes inefficient as relationships are accessed more frequently. In these cases, loading related rows eagerly using a JOIN can be vastly more performant. Unfortunately, understanding when to use lazy versus eager loading can be challenging: you might not notice the problem until your app has slowed to a crawl.

nplusone is an ORM profiling tool to help diagnose and improve poor performance caused by inappropriate lazy loading. nplusone monitors applications using Django or SQLAlchemy and sends notifications when potentially expensive lazy loads are emitted. It can identify the offending relationship attribute and specific lines of code behind the problem, and recommend fixes for better performance.

nplusone also detects inappropriate eager loading for Flask-SQLAlchemy and the Django ORM, emitting a warning when related data are eagerly loaded but never accessed within the current request.


pip install -U nplusone

nplusone supports Python >= 2.7 or >= 3.3.


Note: nplusone should only be used for development and should not be deployed to production environments.


Note: nplusone supports Django >= 1.8.

Add nplusone to INSTALLED_APPS:


Add NPlusOneMiddleware:


Optionally configure logging settings:

NPLUSONE_LOGGER = logging.getLogger('nplusone')

Configure logging handlers:

    'version': 1,
    'handlers': {
        'console': {
            'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
    'loggers': {
        'nplusone': {
            'handlers': ['console'],
            'level': 'WARN',

When your app loads data lazily, nplusone will emit a log message:

Potential n+1 query detected on `<model>.<field>`

Consider using select_related or prefetch_related in this case.

When your app eagerly loads related data without accessing it, nplusone will log a warning:

Potential unnecessary eager load detected on `<model>.<field>`


Wrap application with NPlusOne:

from flask import Flask
from nplusone.ext.flask_sqlalchemy import NPlusOne

app = Flask(__name__)

Optionally configure logging settings:

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['NPLUSONE_LOGGER'] = logging.getLogger('app.nplusone')
app.config['NPLUSONE_LOG_LEVEL'] = logging.ERROR

When your app loads data lazily, nplusone will emit a log message:

Potential n+1 query detected on `<model>.<field>`

Consider using subqueryload or joinedload in this case; see SQLAlchemy's guide to relationship loading for complete documentation.

When your app eagerly loads related data without accessing it, nplusone will log a warning:

Potential unnecessary eager load detected on `<model>.<field>`


For other frameworks that follow the WSGI specification, wrap your application with NPlusOneMiddleware. You must also import the relevant nplusone extension for your ORM:

import bottle
from nplusone.ext.wsgi import NPlusOneMiddleware
import nplusone.ext.sqlalchemy

app = NPlusOneMiddleware(


The integrations above are coupled to the request-response cycle. To use nplusone outside the context of an HTTP request, use the Profiler context manager: You must also import the relevant nplusone extension for your ORM:

from nplusone.core import profiler
import nplusone.ext.sqlalchemy

with profiler.Profiler():

Customizing notifications

By default, nplusone logs all potentially unnecessary queries using a logger named "nplusone". When the NPLUSONE_RAISE configuration option is set, nplusone will also raise an NPlusOneError. This can be used to force all automated tests involving unnecessary queries to fail.

# Django config

# Flask config
app.config['NPLUSONE_RAISE'] = True

The exception type can also be specified, if desired, using the NPLUSONE_ERROR option.

Ignoring notifications

To ignore notifications from nplusone globally, configure the whitelist using the NPLUSONE_WHITELIST option:

# Django config
    {'label': 'n_plus_one', 'model': 'myapp.MyModel'}

# Flask-SQLAlchemy config
app.config['NPLUSONE_WHITELIST'] = [
    {'label': 'unused_eager_load', 'model': 'MyModel', 'field': 'my_field'}

You can whitelist models by exact name or by fnmatch patterns:

# Django config
    {'model': 'myapp.*'}

To suppress notifications locally, use the ignore context manager:

from nplusone.core import signals

with signals.ignore(signals.lazy_load):
    # lazy-load rows
    # ...


MIT licensed. See the bundled LICENSE file for more details.

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