Python package that generates hardware pinout diagrams as SVG images



A Python package that generates hardware pinout diagrams as SVG images. The package is designed to be quite flexible and works well for general 'pinning' labels to an image.

How to use

Some demonstration code and notes are a quick way to get started. Browsing the source code is recommended in the absence of more detailed explaination. The guide here walks through creating a diagram, add an image and some labels. Then finally exporting the resulting SVG graphic.


Using a virtual environment is recommended; Start by installing the PinOut diagram package. Either clone this repo and pip install it or it can be installed directly from github...

pip install git+[email protected]

You will need an image and a stylesheet to complete this guide. Some sample files are included with the package and can be duplicated for your use. Launch Python at the location you intend to work and enter the following:

from pinout import resources

# expected output:
# >>> duplicated.
# >>> sample_hardware_board.png duplicated.
# >>> sample_styles.css duplicated.

Spoiler Alert: '' is a completed script that duplicates the code in this guide. Running it will create a sample SVG pinout diagram.

Starting a pinout diagram

Start by importing the pinout diagram module

from pinout import diagram

Create a new diagram and add a stylesheet.

pinout_diagram = diagram.Diagram()
pinout_diagram.stylesheet = 'sample_styles.css'

TIP: Component coordinates

On export the final diagram dimensions are calculated and all components shifted into view (via the SVG viewBox). Consequently, component 'x' and 'y' positioning is relative to each other and not the parent diagram. It is recommended to position your image to make easier calculations for subsequent pin placements.

Add an image to the diagram

The image is linked in the final diagram (not embedded or copied to the export destination). If a relative path is used it must be relative to where the diagram is exported to.

pinout_diagram.add_image(0, 0, 220, 300, 'sample_hardware_board.png')

Create a pin

This is slow way, included to provide an idea of the steps going on behind the scene.

leftpin = diagram.Pin(16, 80, 'left')

Add some labels to the pin Note: label width, height, and gap to next label, can be controlled per label and override default settings.

leftpin.add_label('#1', 'gpio', 60, 20, 60)
leftpin.add_label('A1', 'analog')
leftpin.add_label('PWM', 'pwm')

Add this pin to the diagram


Create a Pin and Labels in a single action

The fast - and recommended - way.

label_data = [('#2', 'gpio',60, 20, 60),('GPI', 'gpi')]  
pinout_diagram.add_pin(16, 120, 'left', label_data)

With a little 'python-foo' this process can be streamlined dramatically

custom_specs = (60, 20, 60) 
pin_label_data = [
        [('Vss', 'pwr-mgt', 40, 20, 190)], 
        [('GND', 'pwr-mgt', 40, 20, 190)], 
        [('#6', 'gpi',*custom_specs),('A3', 'analog'),('CLK', 'gpi')], 
        [('#5', 'gpio',*custom_specs),('A2', 'analog')], 

Hardware headers have evenly spaced pins - which can be taken advantage of in a loop. These variables were determined by measuring pin locations on the image.

y_offset = 80
x_offset = 204
pitch = 40

for i, label_data in enumerate(pin_label_data):
    y = y_offset + pitch * i
    pinout_diagram.add_pin(x_offset, y, 'right', label_data)

Export the diagram

The final diagram can be exported as a graphic in SVG format. This vector format and excellent for high quality printing but still an effecient size for web-based usage. Note: the 'overwrite' argument is a safeguard to prevent unintentionally losing existing files. Set it to True for easier tinkering on a single SVG graphic.

pinout_diagram.export('sample_diagram.svg', overwrite=False)

# expected output:
# > 'sample_diagram.svg' exported successfully.
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