Develop and deploy applications with the Ionburst Cloud Python SDK.


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Ionburst SDK for Python

The Ionburst SDK for Python enables developers to easily integrate with Ionburst Cloud, building in ultra-secure and private object storage to their applications.

Getting Started


pip3 install ionburst-sdk-python
# OR
pip3 install ionburst-sdk-python --user


The Ionburst SDK can get its configuration (ionburst_id, ionburst_key, ionburst_uri) from the following three files.

If ionburst_id and ionburst_key are not specified by environment variable, they are obtained from the credentials file with information from the config.json file.

If ionburst_uri is not specified in Ionburst constructor, it'll first check config.json, and then the credentials file.

Environment Variables


config.json file

  "Ionburst": {
    "Profile": "example",
    "IonburstUri": "",
    "TraceCredentialsFile": "OFF"

Credentials file




from Ionburst import Ionburst
ionburst = Ionburst()


from Ionburst import Ionburst
ionburst = Ionburst("")

Upload Data

result = ionburst.put({
  id: '...',
  data: '...',
  classstr: '...' // Not Required

Download Data

result = ionburst.get(id)

Delete Data

result = ionburst.delete(id)

Upload Data Deferred

token = ionburst.startDeferredAction({
  action: 'PUT',
  id: '...',
  data: '...',
  classstr: '...'  // Not Required

Download Data Deferred

token = ionburst.startDeferredAction({
  action: 'GET',
  id: '...'

Check Data Deferred

result = ionburst.checkDeferred(token)

Fetch Data Deferred

result = ionburst.fetch(token)

Get Classifcations

data = ionburst.getClassifications()

Getting Help

Please use the following community resources to get help. We use Gitlab issues to track bugs and feature requests.

  • Join the Ionburst Cloud community on Slack
  • Get in touch with Ionburst Support
  • If it turns out that you may have found a bug, please open an issue

Opening Issues

If you find a bug, or have an issue with the Ionburst SDK for Python we would like to hear about it. Check the existing issues and try to make sure your problem doesn’t already exist before opening a new issue. It’s helpful if you include the version of ionburst-sdk-python and the OS you’re using. Please include a stack trace and reduced repro case when appropriate, too.

The Gitlab issues are intended for bug reports and feature requests. For help and questions with using the Ionburst SDK for Python please make use of the resources listed in the Getting Help section. There are limited resources available for handling issues and by keeping the list of open issues clean we can respond in a timely manner.

SDK Change Log

The change log for the SDK can be found in the Gitlab Releases page


A massive thanks to Costin Botez for developing this SDK.



Ionburst Cloud
Automatic data protection, compliance, and secure distributed cloud storage 🛡
Ionburst Cloud
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