A new style for Django admin

Related tags

Admin Panelsdjamin


Djamin a new and clean styles for Django admin based in Google projects styles.

Quick start

  1. Install djamin: pip install -e git://github.com/hersonls/djamin.git#egg=djamin

  2. Add "djamin" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting, before django admin app like this:

  3. Start the development server and visit the and enjoy it.


alt tag

alt tag

alt tag

alt tag


Please, install and give a try to Djamin. Make a pull request with the bugfix or open a new issue with the screenshot's problem. Any kind of help are welcome!



  • Background at list page and exclude items

    Background at list page and exclude items

    Hi there! You did a great job here, congratulations! ;)

    I think I have some tips for you. Look this prints:

    screen shot 2014-08-05 at 9 39 51 pm

    screen shot 2014-08-05 at 9 43 09 pm

    I believe the white background to the texts (0 results and items for exclude) would be great. And the button "Yes I'm sure" must be more visible. What do you think?

    opened by lerrua 2
  • fieldset titles are absolutely positioned over other text

    fieldset titles are absolutely positioned over other text

    This can be resolved by modifying the CSS to match:


    form .module > h2, #content-related .module h2, .module caption {
    /* position: absolute; */
    top: -40px;
    padding: 17px 0 0 10px;
    font-size: 12px;

    I'm not sure if there are any other implications of the change.

    opened by kotyy 0
  • unable to install

    unable to install

    after entering pip install -e git://github.com/hersonls/djamin.git#egg=djamin it says no matches found.

    and while I tried to install it like pip install djamin. It says that - "Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement djamin".

    my pip freeze looks like this.

    opened by imalaminmahamud 0
  • Improve layout validations

    Improve layout validations

    Form validations still using django admin style.

    screen shot 2014-08-05 at 9 51 19 pm

    Perhaps change some icons like "warning", "error" and "add" improve the design.

    opened by lerrua 2
  • Release on PyPI

    Release on PyPI

    Hi @hersonls,

    Even if this isn't accepted as the new CSS for django.contrib.admin I think it's hugely valuable to Django developers as a third-party app. I think the design is great and because you don't modify the HTML, other third party apps are going to work well for it.

    Could you please release this on PyPI?


    opened by rockymeza 2
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