GraphQL framework for Python


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The below readme is the documentation for the dev (prerelease) version of Graphene. To view the documentation for the latest stable Graphene version go to the v2 docs


Graphene is an opinionated Python library for building GraphQL schemas/types fast and easily.

  • Easy to use: Graphene helps you use GraphQL in Python without effort.
  • Relay: Graphene has builtin support for Relay.
  • Data agnostic: Graphene supports any kind of data source: SQL (Django, SQLAlchemy), NoSQL, custom Python objects, etc. We believe that by providing a complete API you could plug Graphene anywhere your data lives and make your data available through GraphQL.


Graphene has multiple integrations with different frameworks:

integration Package
Django graphene-django
SQLAlchemy graphene-sqlalchemy
Google App Engine graphene-gae

Also, Graphene is fully compatible with the GraphQL spec, working seamlessly with all GraphQL clients, such as Relay, Apollo and gql.


For instaling graphene, just run this command in your shell

pip install "graphene>=2.0"


Here is one example for you to get started:

import graphene

class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
    hello = graphene.String(description='A typical hello world')

    def resolve_hello(self, info):
        return 'World'

schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)

Then Querying graphene.Schema is as simple as:

query = '''
    query SayHello {
result = schema.execute(query)

If you want to learn even more, you can also check the following examples:


Documentation and links to additional resources are available at


After cloning this repo, create a virtualenv and ensure dependencies are installed by running:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e ".[test]"

Well-written tests and maintaining good test coverage is important to this project. While developing, run new and existing tests with:

py.test graphene/relay/tests/ # Single file
py.test graphene/relay # All tests in directory

Add the -s flag if you have introduced breakpoints into the code for debugging. Add the -v ("verbose") flag to get more detailed test output. For even more detailed output, use -vv. Check out the pytest documentation for more options and test running controls.

You can also run the benchmarks with:

py.test graphene --benchmark-only

Graphene supports several versions of Python. To make sure that changes do not break compatibility with any of those versions, we use tox to create virtualenvs for each Python version and run tests with that version. To run against all Python versions defined in the tox.ini config file, just run:


If you wish to run against a specific version defined in the tox.ini file:

tox -e py36

Tox can only use whatever versions of Python are installed on your system. When you create a pull request, Travis will also be running the same tests and report the results, so there is no need for potential contributors to try to install every single version of Python on their own system ahead of time. We appreciate opening issues and pull requests to make graphene even more stable & useful!

Building Documentation

The documentation is generated using the excellent Sphinx and a custom theme.

An HTML version of the documentation is produced by running:

make docs
  • Graphene real-time subscriptions and Apollo client graphql integration

    Graphene real-time subscriptions and Apollo client graphql integration

    Hello @syrusakbary.

    Thanks for all your hard work on graphene and graphql-python. Awesome library!!

    I posted this on #393 earlier this week...reposting here so it's easier to discover.

    I implemented a port of the apollo graphql subscriptions modules (graphql-subscriptions and subscriptions-transport-ws) for graphene / python. They work w/ apollo-client.

    It is here.

    Same basic api as the Apollo modules. It is still very rough...but works so far, based on my limited internal testing. Uses redis-py, gevent-websockets, and syrusakbary/promises. I was going to add a simple example app, for easier install, and more info to the readme w/ the API, in the next few days. A brief example is below. Only works on python2 for now. My plan is to start working on tests as well. I figured I'd go ahead and share in this early stage in case anybody is interested...

    I'm very new to open source, so any critiques or pull requests are welcome.

    Simple example:

    Server (using Flask and Flask-Sockets):

    from flask import Flask
    from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
    from flask_sockets import Sockets
    from .subscription_manager import SubscriptionManager, RedisPubsub
    from .subscription_transport_ws import ApolloSubscriptionServer
    app = Flask(__name__)
    sockets = Sockets(app)
    pubsub = RedisPubsub()
    schema = graphene.Schema(
    subscription_mgr = SubscriptionManager(schema, pubsub)
    def socket_channel(websocket):
        subscription_server = ApolloSubscriptionServer(subscription_mgr, websocket)
        return []
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        from geventwebsocket import WebSocketServer
        server = WebSocketServer(('', 5000), app)
        print '  Serving at host\n'

    Of course on the server you have to "publish" each time you have a mutation (in this case to a redis channel). That could look something like this (using graphene / sql-alchemy):

    class Subscription(graphene.ObjectType):
        users = graphene_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyConnectionField(
        def resolve_users(self, args, context, info):
            query = User.get_query(context)
            return query.filter_by(id=info.root_value.get('id'))
    class AddUser(graphene.ClientIDMutation):
        class Input:
            username = graphene.String(required=True)
            email = graphene.String()
        ok = graphene.Boolean()
        user = graphene.Field(lambda: User)
        def mutate_and_get_payload(cls, args, context, info):
            _input = args.copy()
            del _input['clientMutationId']
            new_user = UserModel(**_input)
            ok = True
            if pubsub.subscriptions:
                pubsub.publish('users', new_user.as_dict())
            return AddUser(ok=ok, user=new_user)

    Client (using react-apollo client):

    import React from 'react'
    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
    import { graphql, ApolloProvider } from 'react-apollo'
    import gql from 'graphql-tag'
    import ApolloClient, { createNetworkInterface } from 'apollo-client'
    import { SubscriptionClient, addGraphQLSubscriptions } from 'subscriptions-transport-ws'
    import ChatApp from './screens/ChatApp'
    import ListBox from '../components/ListBox'
    const SUBSCRIPTION_QUERY = gql`
      subscription newUsers {
        users(active: true) {
          edges {
            node {
    const LIST_BOX_QUERY = gql`
      query AllUsers {
        users(active: true) {
          edges {
            node {
    class ChatListBox extends React.Component {
      componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) {
        if (! {
          if (this.subscription) {
          this.subscription ={
            document: SUBSCRIPTION_QUERY,
            updateQuery: (previousResult, {subscriptionData}) => {
              const newUser =
              const newResult = {
                users: {
                  edges: [
              return newResult
            onError: (err) => console.error(err)
      render() {
        return <ListBox data={} />
    const ChatListBoxWithData = graphql(LIST_BOX_QUERY)(ChatListBox)
    export default ChatListBoxWithData
    const networkInterface = createNetworkInterface({
      uri: 'http://localhost:5000/graphql'
    const wsClient = new SubscriptionClient(`ws://localhost:5000/socket`, {
      reconnect: true
    const networkInterfaceWithSubscriptions = addGraphQLSubscriptions(
    const client = new ApolloClient({
      dataIdFromObject: o =>,
      networkInterface: networkInterfaceWithSubscriptions
      <ApolloProvider client={client}>
        <ChatApp />
    opened by hballard 83
  • ☂️ Graphene v3

    ☂️ Graphene v3

    This issue is to track v3 of Graphene which will contain some breaking changes.

    Breaking changes

    • Upgrade to graphql-core to v3 which brings feature parity with GraphQL.js v14.6.0
    • Drop support for Python v2
    • Schema type changes
    • "Backends" have been removed
    • Switch arguments from type to type_ since type is a builtin:
    • Upgrade to graphql-core v.3.1 which corresponds to GraphQL.js v15 (will be released soon).
    • Change enum behaviour:
    • Remove to_const function


    • [x] Write up some proper release notes:
    • [x] Merge
    • [x] Switch arguments from type to type_ since type is a builtin:
    • [x] Remove to_const function: #1212
    • [x] Change enum behaviour:
    • [x] Set minimum graphql-core version to v3.1
    • [x] Upgrade graphene-sqlalchemy to v3 WIP
    • [x] Upgrade graphene-mongo to v3 WIP
    opened by jkimbo 82
  • Maintenance Plan

    Maintenance Plan


    We need to start working on a Maintenance plan for Graphene and it's sub-projects: graphene-django, graphene-sqlalchemy, graphql-core, graphql-core-next ... .


    Right now my main focus has diverged from Graphene.

    Because of that but also because my main focus is now on @wasmerio (which takes most of my time), we should plan a proper way to maintain Graphene in the long term without being blocked by my explicit approval, so it keeps growing at a healthy pace from contributors willing to take the time to make the project shine.

    How we will do it?

    Few months ago I've created an internal Slack channel, with people from Yelp, Reddit and other companies to have a direct way of communication with them. I would love to invite more people to join this channel, so we can discuss the maintainance plan in a realtime fashion. If you are interested in joining, please write your email as a comment on this issue :)

    Ideal Solution

    Ideally, we will form a committee of experts that have the knowledge and insight into what Graphene needs in both the short and long term. Done in a way that is not skewed on doing what only one or two companies need, but rather to focus on the community and the global needs.

    I do like the way Django and the PSF are doing this, but more ideas will also be more than welcome!

    At the same time, because all this years have gave me a lot of insight, I'll keep beign the belevolent dictator for Graphene, but my role will be more on the back side rather than in the front.

    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! :)

    opened by syrusakbary 73
  • Added support for subscription

    Added support for subscription

    This is my first ever pull request so please be kind :)

    This adds subscription functionality to v3 by introducing a subscribe method to the schema.

    import asyncio
    from datetime import datetime
    from graphene import ObjectType, String, Schema, Field
    # All schema must contain a query.
    class Query(ObjectType):
        hello = String()
        def resolve_hello(root, info):
            return 'Hello, world!'
    class Subscription(ObjectType):
        time_of_day = Field(String)
        async def subscribe_time_of_day(root, info):
            while True:
                yield { 'time_of_day':}
                await asyncio.sleep(1)
    SCHEMA = Schema(query=Query, subscription=Subscription)
    async def main(schema):
        subscription = 'subscription { timeOfDay }'
        result = await schema.subscribe(subscription)
        async for item in result:
    opened by rob-blackbourn 38
  • Apollo Optics Integration

    Apollo Optics Integration

    opened by chaffeqa 38
  • Django integration implementation

    Django integration implementation

    I'm creating this (work in progress) pull request given that #48 seems to have developed a sensible solution.

    This pull request currently represents the contents of the original proposed Gist which can be found at:


    • [x] Create a GlobalIDFilter and GlobalIDField field
    • ~~Consider allowing the new resolvers to be used as function decorators (as per @syrusakbary suggestion)~~
    • [x] Allow FilterSet classes to be created dynamically created upon passing a fields argument to DjangoFilterConnectionField (as per @syrusakbary suggestion)
    • [x] Write tests
    • [x] django-filter should be an optional package
    • [x] Filtering on to-many fields
    • [x] Change order parameter name to order rather than o
    • [x] Filtering information should be stored on the destination node's Meta class
    • [x] Filtering should be available on nodes without having to explicitly define the fields
    • ~~Filtering should be enabled explicitly (i.e. via Django setting) rather than implicit (via presence of django-filter).~~
    • [x] Documentation

    Useful, but perhaps for a second phase of development:

    • [ ] Support for lazy loading of related nodes
    • [ ] Loading of app-level query classes
    opened by adamcharnock 35
  • Error handling

    Error handling

    We have decided to approach error handling like suggested in many blogs, by having errors defined as fields rather than raising exceptions.

    The thing with this is that we need to make sure we catch every exception that we want to handle and somehow keep track of them to be able to inform them.

    So we came up with:

    class BaseObjectType(graphene.ObjectType):
        class Meta:
            abstract = True
        def __init_subclass_with_meta__(
                interfaces, possible_types, default_resolver, _meta, **options)
            for f in cls._meta.fields:
                if f in ['errors']:
                resolver_name = "resolve_{}".format(f)
                if hasattr(cls, resolver_name):
                    setattr(cls, resolver_name, catch_errors(getattr(cls, resolver_name)))
    class BaseResponse(BaseObjectType):
        class Meta:
            abstract = True
        errors = graphene.String()
        def resolve_errors(root, info, **kwargs):
            operation_name = info.path[0]
            error_key = f"{operation_name}_errors"
            if not root.errors and error_key in info.context.errors:
                root.errors = ",".join(info.context.errors[error_key])
            return root.errors

    catch_errors just populates info.context.errors for each operation

    While implementing this approach for error handling I have also found an issue when resolving the error field. I have a base class that extends ObjectType by iterating over the resolvers and wrapping them to n catch any errors and setting an errors dict in the info.context.

    Problem is that when resolving a type field that throws an exception, I do catch it and set the error, but the error field was already processed/resolved. Is there a way to force a particular field to be processed at the end or to force it to update? I need to make sure every resolver runs before the error field is resolver so I make sure all errors are caught.

    opened by sebastiandev 31
  • Saving null value for nullable fields

    Saving null value for nullable fields

    I had a problem saving the null values in the mutations. Is it possible to implement functionality to get_argument_values function could distinguish passed null value and not passed value? I think it can be implemented similar to the executor.ececute_fields using Undefined.

    opened by prokofiev 28
  • Add Documentation for Relay Edge implementation

    Add Documentation for Relay Edge implementation

    In the Relay mutation docs, performing RANGE_ADD requires that the new edge created by the mutation is provided in the payload.

    I do not know how to provide the correct cursor/Edge construction within the relay.ClientIDMutation subclass.

    The following code I wrote:

    new_object_edge = graphene.Field('ObjectEdge')

    I believed would solve my issue, with a proper resolve_new_object_edge(...) resolver.

    However, my resolver cannot reference the relay.ConnectionField that is specified on one of the other object types in my mutation, since it only has the context of my (in this case, Django) objects.

    I experimented with relay.Edge.for_node(SomeObjectType) as well but all of the solutions I have tried so far modify the schema correctly but cannot return the appropriate Edge.

    The implementation of this scenario in javascript can be found here in the Relay examples directory.

    Any idea of a best approach? I can take this question to stack overflow, but felt that people using Relay & Graphene would enjoy seeing an example solution in the docs.

    question work in progress 
    opened by gregziegan 28
  • Protection against malicious queries

    Protection against malicious queries

    Hey. I was looking for a lot of information on how to protect against malicious requests, and as a result I found several common approaches:

    • query cost or resource limitations (
    • limiting query depth (
    • query whitelisting
    • hide introspection for production mode (this is not common solution, but sounds good)

    All this approaches we can implement by meddleware and custom backend. But it will be cool if this solution is out of the box.

    Also, graphene don't have information about security into the documentation.

    ps: I can try to help, but if u have no reason why this is a bad idea.

    🙋 help wanted question 
    opened by Arfey 26
  • Authorization for Node queries

    Authorization for Node queries


    It would be helpful to have a standard way to do authorization in graphene, specifically for Node Relay queries. In non-Node queries it's easy enough to enforce authorization in resolve_XXX (mentioned in but for Node we need a hook to inject type-specific and argument-specific checks.

    We're most using @ekampf 's graphene-gae so in theory we could inherit and override NdbObjectType.get_node but that would require doing a similar override in for non-ndb types.

    Any plans to support authorization directly in graphene?

    opened by barakcoh 24
  • Add `subscribe` to Field

    Add `subscribe` to Field

    This PR makes possible to use external functions as subscriptions, not just subsctibe_field.


    class Query(ObjectType):
        hello = String()
        def resolve_hello(root, info):
            return "Hello, world!"
    class Subscription(ObjectType):
        count_to_ten = Field(Int)
        async def subscribe_count_to_ten(root, info): # <- you can only subscribe...
            for count in range(1, 11):
                yield count
    schema = Schema(query=Query, subscription=Subscription)


    class Query(ObjectType):
        hello = String()
        def resolve_hello(root, info):
            return "Hello, world!"
    async def subscribe_count_to_five(root, info):
        for count in range(1, 6):
            yield count
    class Subscription(ObjectType):
        count_to_ten = Field(Int)
        async def subscribe_count_to_ten(root, info):
            for count in range(1, 11):
                yield count
        count_to_five = Field(Int, subscribe=subscribe_count_to_five) # <- Can use external function
    schema = Schema(query=Query, subscription=Subscription)

    At the same time, the permission function directly in the class has priority over Field.subscribe.

    opened by Luferov 1
  • Thanks for Thanks for GraphQL Python Roadmap

    Thanks for Thanks for GraphQL Python Roadmap

    Hello, thanks for Thanks for GraphQL Python Roadmap

    I see that this project is the most alive in

    I use python as GraphQL client and server in my projects and I created the package for pydantic data-model generation from some GraphQL schema and for queries and mutations generation: Docs:

    Queries generation examples: Data-model generation examples: Using with gql:

    This package so far has few settings. This will be fixed in future releases. For example:

    • custom templates for render of data-model (your pydantic style or other packages (, ...));
    • custom input for output file;
    • load GraphQL as like in;
    • custom base class;
    • and more;

    I hope that graphql2python can be useful to you and the python GraphQL community.

    ✨ enhancement 
    opened by denisart 0
  • Allow configuring schema.introspect

    Allow configuring schema.introspect

    Schema.introspect should implement some mechanism to modify the introspection query settings (see graphql.utilities.get_introspection_query). A use case for this is the recently implemented deprecated argument and input fields support (#1472). These are by default excluded from the introspection query.

    ✨ enhancement 
    opened by erikwrede 0
  • Changed InputObjectType's default builder-from-dict argument to be `Undefined` instead of `None` (or else we can't catch

    Changed InputObjectType's default builder-from-dict argument to be `Undefined` instead of `None` (or else we can't catch "null" inputs in InputObjectTypes, as both would coerce to `None`)

    This pull request aims to fix a shortcoming in the InputObjectTypes' implementation that makes it unable to differentiate an incoming undefined value from an intentional null.

    The problem lies in the way the InputObjectType is constructed from the incoming parameter dictionary:

    class InputObjectTypeContainer(dict, BaseType):
        class Meta:
            abstract = True
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
            for key in self._meta.fields:
                setattr(self, key, self.get(key, None)) # <-- Ambiguous default value
        def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs):

    With None as that self.get's default value, we are unable to differentiate between someone passing an intentional null (None) in an optional field. This PR refactors that default to point to Undefined, aligning closely with the GraphQL Spec.

    This change is a potential breaking change for resolvers, so I've implemented a function called set_input_object_type_default_value that allows one to set the desired default value for InputObjectTypes. Calling set_input_object_type_default_value(graphql.Undefined) activates the new behavior in your codebase. This function should be called before your InputObjectTypes are defined.

    The final container type then became:

    def set_input_object_type_default_value(default_value):
        _INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFAULT_VALUE = default_value
    class InputObjectTypeContainer(dict, BaseType):  # type: ignore
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
            for key in self._meta.fields:
                setattr(self, key, self.get(key, _INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFAULT_VALUE))
    opened by flipbit03 4
  • Question: Document how to raise exceptions to get an

    Question: Document how to raise exceptions to get an "errors" list in response

    First off, this is a question. I apologize for creating a ticket here. As suggested in the "bug report" issue template, i asked on StackOverflow first, but unfortunately there are no responses yet. I realize this does not give me the right to create an issue . I'm hoping my question might benefit the documentation in some way.

    I don't know how to raise an exception in such a way that it results in an "errors" list in the response data.

    In, @erikwrede wrote that we can just raise a GraphQLError. I don't think that's documented yet. All i found about GraphQLError usage is with regard to validators: There's nothing there that says that the response will have an "errors" list.

    The reason is ask is that this used to work for us with older Graphene versions (graphene==3.0, graphene-django==3.0.0b7, graphql-core==3.1.7) but stopped working after we upgrade (graphene==3.1.1, graphene-django==3.0.0 and graphql-core==3.2.3).

    This used to work:

    class DeleteOrderlineMutation(graphene.Mutation):
        Output = graphene.ID()
        class Arguments:
            id = graphene.UUID()
            order_id = graphene.ID()
        def mutate(cls, root, info, id, order_id):
            user = info.context.user
            order = Order.objects.for_user(user).get(pk=order_id)
            if not order.is_editable_by(user):
                raise GraphQLError(
                    "Order mutation not allowed, Orderline can not be deleted."

    It would result in a response like this:

      "errors": [
          {"message": "Order mutation not allowed, Orderline can not be deleted.", ...}

    However, after upgrade this gives

      'data': {
        'deleteOrderline': "<Promise at 0x7f899900d5b0 rejected with GraphQLError('Order mutation not allowed, Orderline can not be deleted.')>"

    I've read through the changelog of graphene and graphene-django. As this "broke" (for us) in graphene-django 3.0.0b8, i thought might have something to do with it. But then, that also requires a newer version of graphene.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.

    ✨ enhancement 
    opened by khink 3
  • feat: added object_type_name_prefix

    feat: added object_type_name_prefix

    This MR adds the ability to pass object_type_name_prefix: string to Schema, the prefix will be prepended to:

    • Queries name
    • Mutations name
    • Subscription name
    • Types name

    Fields are left unmodified.

    This is useful in micro-services architecture to add the service's name in the Schema.


    schema = Schema(

    The schema:

    type Query {
        inner: MyOtherType
    type MyOtherType {
        field: String
        myType: MyType
    type MyType {
        field: String
    type Mutation {
        createUser(name: String): CreateUser
    type CreateUser {
        name: String
    type Subscription {
        countToTen: Int


    schema {
        query: PrefixQuery
        mutation: PrefixMutation
        subscription: PrefixSubscription
    type PrefixQuery {
        prefixInner: PrefixMyOtherType
    type PrefixMyOtherType {
        field: String
        myType: PrefixMyType
    type PrefixMyType {
        field: String
    type PrefixMutation {
        prefixCreateUser(name: String): PrefixCreateUser
    type PrefixCreateUser {
        name: String
    type PrefixSubscription {
        prefixCountToTen: Int
    opened by superlevure 9
  • v3.2.1(Dec 11, 2022)

    What's Changed

    Non-required InputFields and Arguments can now be marked as deprecated by passing the deprecation_reason keyword argument to the constructor.

    • Complete deprecated fields and arguments support by @vhutov in

    New Contributors

    • @vhutov made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.2.0(Dec 9, 2022)

    What's Changed

    Support for custom global IDs in relay.Node

    The global ID type of a Node can now be customized:

    class CustomNode(Node):
        class Meta:
            global_id_type = CustomGlobalIDType
    class User(ObjectType):
        class Meta:
            interfaces = [CustomNode]
        name = String()
        def get_node(cls, _type, _id):
            return self.users[_id]
    Available Types

    Currently, the following types are available:

    • DefaultGlobalIDType: Default global ID type: base64 encoded version of ": ". (Previously the only option) Scalar: ID
    • SimpleGlobalIDType: Simple global ID type: simply the id of the object. Scalar: ID
    • UUIDGlobalIDType: UUID global ID type. Scalar: UUID

    To create a custom global type, BaseGlobalIDType must be extended:

    class CustomGlobalIDType(BaseGlobalIDType):
        graphene_type = CustomScalar
        def resolve_global_id(cls, info, global_id):
            _type = custom_get_type_from_global_id(global_id)
            return _type, global_id
        def to_global_id(cls, _type, _id):
            return _id

    graphene_type specifies the type of scalar to be used in the schema. Remember, that if you're using ID as a scalar, you might need to deserialize your custom global ID first!

    Relevant PR:

    • feat: Add support for custom global (Issue #1276) by @tcleonard in

    Fixes & Improvements:

    • Regression fix: (graphene 2->3) ObjectTypes can be copied again #1333 by @keu210
    • Fix: Enums can now have members called description: #1478 by @mike-roberts-healx
    • Enums are now hashable: #1461 by @bkad
    • Enums are now iterable: #1473 by @rgroothuijsen
    • Dependency on unused promise Library was removed: #1476 by @mike-roberts-healx
    • Docs improvements by @rgroothuijsen

    All Changes

    • feat: Add support for custom global (Issue #1276) by @tcleonard in
    • Add copy function for GrapheneGraphQLType by @keu210 in
    • hashable Enum by @bkad in
    • Clarify execution order in middleware docs by @rgroothuijsen in
    • fix: MyPy findings due to a mypy version upgrade were corrected by @erikwrede in
    • Disambiguate argument name in quickstart docs by @rgroothuijsen in
    • Make Graphene enums iterable like Python enums by @rgroothuijsen in
    • Remove unnecessary dependency on 'promise' library by @mike-roberts-healx in
    • Do not interpret Enum members called 'description' as description properties by @mike-roberts-healx in

    New Contributors

    • @keu210 made their first contribution in
    • @bkad made their first contribution in
    • @rgroothuijsen made their first contribution in
    • @mike-roberts-healx made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.1.1(Sep 8, 2022)

    What's changed


    Graphene now includes an updated version of aiodataloader by Syrus Akbary under graphene.utils.dataloader due to inactivity of the old repository. The update fixes an issue some users experienced when trying to use dataloader in conjunction with pytest ( Further contributions and updates to dataloader in this repo are welcome!


    A custom typename can now be added when using from_enum:

        from enum import Enum as PyEnum
        class Color(PyEnum):
            RED = 1
            YELLOW = 2
            BLUE = 3
        GColor = Enum.from_enum(Color, description="original colors")
        UniqueGColor = Enum.from_enum(
            Color, name="UniqueColor", description="unique colors"
    type Query {
        color: Color!
        uniqueColor: UniqueColor!
    """original colors"""
    enum Color {
    """unique colors"""
    enum UniqueColor {
    • feat: add ability to provide a type name to enum when using from_enum by @tcleonard in


    Interfaces extending interfaces is now supported!

        class FooInterface(Interface):
            foo = String()
        class BarInterface(Interface):
            class Meta:
                interfaces = [FooInterface]
            foo = String()
            bar = String()
    interface FooInterface {
      foo: String
    interface BarInterface implements FooInterface {
      foo: String
      bar: String
    • Add support for interfaces on interfaces by @AlecRosenbaum in

    Thank you to everyone that contributed to this release!

    Other Changes

    • Fix typo in union comments by @ramonwenger in
    • Add Codecov to github actions by @erikwrede in
    • docs: Fix a few typos by @timgates42 in
    • Highlight .get in backticks by @RJ722 in
    • Add support for interfaces on interfaces by @AlecRosenbaum in
    • Update Dataloader docs [Waiting for Graphene v3 to be live] by @jkimbo in
    • Avoid ambiguity in graphene.Mutation docstring [documentation] by @belkka in
    • Issue #1413 fix invalid input type by @tcleonard in
    • Delete coveralls.yml by @erikwrede in
    • fix: use install instead of instal for consistency by @karmingc in
    • Update quickstart.rst by @alimcmaster1 in
    • Update pre-commit hooks by @ulgens in
    • fix: update ariadne url to the new docs by @DrewHoo in
    • Add Python 3.11 release candidate 1 to the testing by @cclauss in
    • Remove duplicate flake8 call in tox, it's covered by pre-commit by @ulgens in
    • Fix BigInt export by @erikwrede in
    • Upgrade base Python version to 3.10 by @ulgens in
    • Upgrade GitHub Actions by @cclauss in
    • Vendor DataLoader from aiodataloader and move get_event_loop() out of __init__ function. by @flipbit03 in

    New Contributors

    • @ramonwenger made their first contribution in
    • @timgates42 made their first contribution in
    • @RJ722 made their first contribution in
    • @belkka made their first contribution in
    • @karmingc made their first contribution in
    • @alimcmaster1 made their first contribution in
    • @ulgens made their first contribution in
    • @DrewHoo made their first contribution in
    • @flipbit03 made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.1.0(May 30, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Various spelling and grammar fixes for the documentation. by @justinrmiller in
    • Chore: Refactor Multi Expression Code ✨ by @yezz123 in
    • Add Python 3.9 and 3.10 to the test matrix by @Cito in
    • fix by @conao3 in
    • fix: default value for argument should be Undefined (Issue #1394) by @tcleonard in
    • fix: add default param _variables to parse_literal #1419 by @fugal-dy in
    • Make Graphene compatible with GraphQL-Core 3.2 by @Cito in

    New Contributors

    • @justinrmiller made their first contribution in
    • @yezz123 made their first contribution in
    • @conao3 made their first contribution in
    • @fugal-dy made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.0(Nov 13, 2021)

    Release notes

    The full release notes including an upgrade guide can be found here:

    What's Changed

    • Graphene v3 following v3 graphql-core by @mvanlonden in
    • Fix typos by @minho42 in
    • Remove AbstractType by @jkimbo in
    • Propagate arguments of relay.NodeField to Field by @tdiam in
    • Fix typo in execute.rst by @TheMelter in
    • Increase the allowed version of aniso8601 by @ymoch in
    • Update quickstart.rst by @ibhlool7 in
    • Add file uploading docs by @jkimbo in
    • Fix objecttypes DefaultResolver example (#1087) by @tompao in
    • Fix tests by @jkimbo in
    • Fix example code by @jkimbo in
    • Update readme by @jkimbo in
    • Use unidecode to handle unicode characters in constant names by @henrythor in
    • The default_value of InputField should be INVALID by @ganwell in
    • Add a helpful message to when a global_id fails to parse. by @allen-munsch in
    • fix example middleware class in docs by @dsanders11 in
    • fix typo in class 'Interface' by @JMmmmuu in
    • Fix example query in quickstart doc by @ko-lem in
    • Fixed import causing Graphene v3 to crash by @jaydenwindle in
    • Replace INVALID with Undefined by @jkimbo in
    • Added support for subscription by @rob-blackbourn in
    • Remove subclass polyfill by @syrusakbary in
    • Updated all str.format(…) to f-strings by @syrusakbary in
    • Fixed examples, make root object explicit inside resolvers and mutate by @hzlmn in
    • Remove unused function by @jkimbo in
    • Add some more tests for Interface by @jkimbo in
    • Use default_resolver to resolve values when using the source attribute by @jkimbo in
    • Add note about the use of args by @jkimbo in
    • Docs: integrations: fix FastAPI link by @sduthil in
    • Fix resolve method parameters bullet list by @rrueth in
    • Allow fast ObjectType creation based on dataclasses by @syrusakbary in
    • added graphene import to READMEs by @kimbo in
    • Update excluded packages list to properly exclude examples package by @radekwlsk in
    • Fix typos by @kevinharvey in
    • Fix issue with trailing whitespace by @jkimbo in
    • Fix typo in quickstart document by @dbgb in
    • Fix DateTime Scalar parse_literal methods (#1199) by @Cito in
    • Remove @staticmethod decorator in mutations doc by @jkimbo in
    • Remove to_const function by @jkimbo in
    • Update requirement for Query type in mutation docs by @jkimbo in
    • Rename variables called type to type_ by @DoctorJohn in
    • Set min version of graphql-core to v3.1.1 by @jkimbo in
    • Revert 1213 update mutation docs by @jkimbo in
    • ObjectType meta arguments by @jkimbo in
    • Add Base64 scalar by @EpicEric in
    • Expose Base64 type and add custom scalar examples by @jkimbo in
    • Improve enum compatibility by @jkimbo in
    • Minor grammatical fix in the schema docs by @rednafi in
    • Subscription revamp by @syrusakbary in
    • Split out the subscriptions documentation a separate file and fix it by @jkimbo in
    • Fix subscribe with arguments by @jkimbo in
    • Fix Typo in Docs by @plopd in
    • Fix typo in Schema docs by @varundey in
    • add BigInt type by @pizzapanther in
    • Syntax Error Fixed for Dictionary assert by @lnxpy in
    • Add UnforgivingExecutionContext by @AlecRosenbaum in
    • Remove Object Mutation dead link from Relay docs by @varundey in
    • fix(Decimal): parse integers as decimal. by @zbyte64 in
    • Fix links to Relay docs by @bartenra in
    • Language fixes on index.rst by @shukryzablah in
    • Use argument's default_value regardless if the input field is required by @minhtule in
    • fix field name in execute.rst example by @kevinr-electric in
    • Fix typo in docstring of ObjectType by @sir-sigurd in
    • Allow later aniso8601 releases by @fabaff in
    • Update pytz to 2021.1 by @fabaff in
    • add support for query validation by @aryaniyaps in
    • Fix actions by @aryaniyaps in
    • Fix GraphQL-core dependency by @ekampf in
    • Fix unseen examples by @aryaniyaps in

    New Contributors

    • @minho42 made their first contribution in
    • @tdiam made their first contribution in
    • @TheMelter made their first contribution in
    • @ymoch made their first contribution in
    • @ibhlool7 made their first contribution in
    • @tompao made their first contribution in
    • @henrythor made their first contribution in
    • @ganwell made their first contribution in
    • @allen-munsch made their first contribution in
    • @dsanders11 made their first contribution in
    • @JMmmmuu made their first contribution in
    • @ko-lem made their first contribution in
    • @jaydenwindle made their first contribution in
    • @rob-blackbourn made their first contribution in
    • @hzlmn made their first contribution in
    • @sduthil made their first contribution in
    • @rrueth made their first contribution in
    • @kimbo made their first contribution in
    • @radekwlsk made their first contribution in
    • @kevinharvey made their first contribution in
    • @dbgb made their first contribution in
    • @Cito made their first contribution in
    • @DoctorJohn made their first contribution in
    • @EpicEric made their first contribution in
    • @rednafi made their first contribution in
    • @plopd made their first contribution in
    • @lnxpy made their first contribution in
    • @AlecRosenbaum made their first contribution in
    • @zbyte64 made their first contribution in
    • @bartenra made their first contribution in
    • @shukryzablah made their first contribution in
    • @kevinr-electric made their first contribution in
    • @sir-sigurd made their first contribution in
    • @fabaff made their first contribution in
    • @aryaniyaps made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.0b8(Sep 30, 2021)


    • fix: graphql-core dependency resolution. (#1377)

    All changes:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1.9(Jul 16, 2021)

  • v3.0.0b7(Jan 6, 2021)


    • fix(Decimal): parse integers as decimal. (#1295)

    All changes:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.0b6(Oct 21, 2020)


    • Fix subscribe with arguments (#1251)
    • Add BigInt type (#1261)
    • Add UnforgivingExecutionContext (#1255)

    All changes:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.0b5(Aug 6, 2020)

  • v3.0.0b4(Jul 14, 2020)


    • Improve enum compatibility (#1153)
    • Rename variables called type to type_ (#1216)
    • Fix ObjectType meta arguments (#1219)
    • Add Base64 scalar (#1221)
    • Pin graphql-core to >v3.1.2

    Full changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.0b3(Jun 25, 2020)


    • Fix DateTime Scalar parse_literal methods (#1199) (#1200)
    • Remove to_const function (#1212)

    Full changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.0b2(May 9, 2020)

    Third beta release for Graphene v3.



    • Allow fast ObjectType creation based on dataclasses (#1157) Contributes to an estimated 3x speedup with initialising ObjectTypes!
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.0b1(Apr 6, 2020)

    Second beta release for Graphene v3.



    • Added subscription support! Thanks to @rob-blackbourn for this fantasic contribution
    • Remove subclass polyfill #1156
    • The source attribute now uses the default resolver function #1155
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.0b0(Mar 4, 2020)

  • v3.0.0a1(Mar 4, 2020)

  • v3.0.0a0(Aug 17, 2019)

  • v2.1.8(Aug 17, 2019)


    • Bump pinned aniso8601 version
    • Allow mutations to apply the interfaces META argument to have the payload object type implement the desired interfaces
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1.7(Jul 15, 2019)

  • v2.1.6(Jun 14, 2019)


    • Fix malformed version on aniso8601 requirement (#995) 431e93c


    • Revise documentation (#969) 5cb7d91
    • Expose livehtml autobuild in Makefile + Add API autodoc (#971) da1359e

    Full changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1.5(Jun 5, 2019)


    • Add Decimal type d728b84e48cb107a66f0fa5d22b19b89ba2abd1c
    • Allow Union types to have descriptions 8d4b9cdc77c1a978a9ae6808ecaf5d3ed8841cd2
    • Add type documentation for Relay fields 131cbebc88229db1bbc86f432d0c5700a9f0f84b
    • Mutation description now defaults to docstring 37a6c01839687505da496d94dfd6c9f4383ca74c
    • Fix Windows support ae7a5d71c773fb3b8710a67bed8c800f2af068c2
    • The default resolver for ObjectTypes now handles dicts and objects ca9188a6150485132c27b3dddf149641935dfab2
    • Date, DateTime and Time types now accept datetime.datetime,, and datetime.time resp. inputs when used as variables 7b6dae7fa3bf8d2e066e92e730c8a9740656a448
    • Make UUID type compatible with all string types in Python 2 7b6dae7fa3bf8d2e066e92e730c8a9740656a448
    • Allow relay connection node to be wrapped in a NonNull type abff3d75a39bc8f2d1fdb48aafa1866cf47dfff6
    • from_enum can now take a deprecation reason 6a4091b3e4734fe032397b0bcd350820f6037d0f
    • Update aniso8601 dependency to allow versions 4+ a5162e9ae39bcb7d6b0655bf3385e674611e6d17
    • Drop support for Python 3.4 because it is EOL f73055f72bf7d4b06130507eeeed4ae70f61bd97
    • Allow type annotation in meta classes eb7966eca7f9f90da1ac60c97aafa542ae3d0b38


    Too many documentation improvements to list out here and lots more to come. Watch this space.

    Full changelog:

    Note: v2.1.4 was never released to PyPi due to build issues. We went straight from v2.1.3 to v2.1.5

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1.3(Jul 19, 2018)


    • Added crunch and deduplicator utitlities
    • Permit subclassing arguments from Mutations
    • Added precommit
    • Moved Enum library to graphql-core, use graphql-core>=2.1


    • Improved docs
    • Updated interface docs
    • Improved Mutation Output docs
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1.2(Jun 14, 2018)

    Bugfix release to fix a couple of issues. Thanks to the effort of contributors for this new release @jlowin @nxtman123 @danpalmer @dan98765 @femesq 🎉


    • Don't overwrite fields on InputObject #752
    • Incorrectly formatted error message #751
    • Fix warning output #748

    Docs and Internal

    • Update contributing docs about using tox and sync tox pytest cmd with travis #744
    • Add isort precommit hook & run on all files #743
    • Add flake8 pre-commit hook and manually edit files to pass flake8 validation #746
    • Add pyupgrade pre-commit hook and run on all files #736
    • Update README Contributing section to encourage use of virtualenv #765
    • Fix parameter order for Relay's Root-field #754
    • Add python3.6 classifier to #763
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1.1(May 25, 2018)

    A small bugfix release to fix a couple of issues. Thanks to the effort of contributors for this new release @nikordaris @dan98765 @femesq @devArtoria 🎉


    • Fix default_value on NonNull fields (9408ba70d165284ff7ab5efd159a62e1d40a9a7f)
    • Add pre-commit tool to repository, and run on all files (#730)
    • Added partial support to Dynamic type (#725)


    • Improve v2 migrations docs (#732)
    • Add Graphene-Mongo to integrations list (#711)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1.0(Mar 30, 2018)

    This is a minor release, fixing a lot of small issues, with better support for Date, DateTime and Time scalars and tons of improvements on docs. Thanks to the effort of contributors for this new release @jkimbo @danpalmer @g-- @dfee @Prince-Leto @simonwoerpel @pjdelport @anisjonischkeit @abawchen 🎉


    • Extend support for subclassing InputObjectType meta a16c5ba00be1d963d438c5e96962b79d1b145cc3
    • Raise better error if type is missing from Schema d6968c2e92486dda40725c9ef99f450557003f2b
    • Allow ObjectType to set connection name a2178dc22098a36e56d4cec021f984f4cae3649c
    • Fixed to_camel_case utility function be1f7d72a46f29eb491d3a6110fd955d0b72dea4
    • Add py36 to tox envlist 113cf8da38dcac755599d4b26432e3eaccadc72a
    • Enable extra options in mutation fields a7a4ba62af4cb8b00ffa6a9f8cf79bd87dfb5e95
    • Improved support / assertion for GraphQL types in Schema 0971a05b33bf65cbc89038eebd85de5fec4e1dcf
    • Fixed required=True in ConnectionField 8c7ca74c6f083007a7c83c843f494357aec69371
    • Exclude examples module in package 79f7cc08e3c173e78ab33abe0d49404242f8d26d
    • Made Date, DateTime and Time scalars to fail with GraphQLError is format is invalid 84fbf5dc23351c26a852271aa6529a60bce13735 9973fd314f6134a96a78617fee1caf21d592b6af
    • Fixed Meta included in Enum members 2594cdb61409f8ecedf0958ee959f8f8ded3efbc
    • Fixed deprecations url in deprecation message a96ed550bd0c67b7a9ec0b9f636f71c530441e5f
    • Fixed str on abstract types, improved repr 562cafc14f66bbad7f76e7600fa0acd71d00194e
    • Use aniso8601 instead of iso8601 b4255e55fd28ca5b31f86876fe3f95f38f0f0838
    • Expose Date, DateTime and Time from main package


    • Updated docs layout d6df14923dd47df69f7bec7909cb70809f31eea0
    • Relay documentation reflect latest 2.0 API ec32c252e7fdb7354e42ac931a7a7ee412d4d56c
    • Use pythonic terminology in middleware 834d52f9d3ca49e2a39fdf89da945f296b160c60
    • Added Date scalar to documentation 98366c6add10fa1532301145e9768bffcbb09dc5
    • Document functional middleware 92f6a496c5b0bb08ea976e5a675cc3310b85e585
    • Improved Scalar documentation 5036d164b74038ad4ef82add05beb73def11c317
    • Fixed typos in relay Node examples 7afeaa052bf90f9fabb5ded21f63cc724f1d1180
    • Fixed Relay links 8123c4ad8f945ec2154ce6368e3ec78e4c76700a
    • Updated middleware example to support introspection 035ff7ef885e9e158093359e93e5723298ab177e
    • Fix broken Github link tags 4fa0df401af289c43ff7e3ec73492455446c275e
    • Added documentation in NonNull lists e26c0a3717c4ff3f90ed8bd710436f8cb6ff4713
    • Fixed relay Node example d3b708533d05ef13a6b15e7a3f29eac23f812a09
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.1(Nov 15, 2017)


    • Prevent breaking changes for future releases 71177fe9776d8cf958ac3054885f891f49c1ef4d
    • Support for Enum description lambda f79eb57c063f1e2d1594fc19d1c1863feb5fc862
    • Added Date type in datetime 045d5fffbec0d32550b19421fa01a088f5cd0d8c
    • Improved ObjectType Container initialization 3ee94131ae511d2d83116730dcc4a50258ced5af (Fix for #585)
    • Non provided fields in InputObjectType value should be None (rather than the Field) b5abccb1dc733522df19d56e0906890531a700d3
    • Improved tests for nested InputObjectType f6697188ee9cbbe22df5e6971ef9686b589f4daf


    • Fix minor gramatical error ef507c7932db6f4c90c34589f8d8af2167975f7b
    • Fix example of file upload 98c2af3fcc563fbdad75f15a04e69c38b9e61045
    • Fixed args example in docs middleware 1555c988e05049e49f119d7684fc0172e469c283
    • Fix Union docs 3412dba31fdd5e57dd545eebeb6a116f40f1cf37
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.0(Oct 25, 2017)

    v2.0.0 🎉

    Please read the upgrade guide to learn how to upgrade:

    • Simpler Graphene types implementation (thanks to __init_subclass__, and a polyfill implementation for Python 2).
    • Simplified resolver API
    • Type Options from class arguments (only available in Python 3)

    And... Subscriptions!!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.1(Jun 28, 2017)


    • Added type consistency for Arguments #467
    • Include LICENSE in manifest for source bundles d7dff53f46967601a9b289a075a8bf7190431282
    • Improved test framework to support thenables returned when executing queries 645bfddfe955e5a51b13a7d2e58714cdbb7166ab
    • Improved ClientIDMutation tests 6c2b940a03ee708bb8788836bb7a298d5aed9c57
    • Fixed Argument output name 985252920ce2e2701388e2e20f3cc74419ff3b85 (important, please check #490)


    • Update Relay doc link 5052536787503290fee145ada575ec8810fdf308
    • Fixed typo in docs execution bad6f5a18873c5ef6488910b8f58728b8ff1ac1e
    • Improved Upgrade guide to 1.0 b5d15b635eabcf6004e222e77c6eb9ad0963cb32
    • Fixed typo in DataLoader docs 0a9dbb608a0ee71dd556c0bd206a0b39bd5a337d
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.0(Apr 20, 2017)


    • Improved Enums comparison and getters afed25a18015643749439288a9536235232dd493
    • First version of Graphene test Client (graphene.test.Client) dfcd7f256340301d7551e2af383e4e84454db097
    • Added possible_types option in ObjectType.Meta that mimics is_type_of -> isinstance(root, possible_types) a7511d3a2c2eb59ad8342d3db85f18ea477ae379
    • Allow node inner types to be lazy e92b03bed5e1a12c558d5b1c8a03b92eecff3218
    • Updated promise package requirement to 2.0
    • Updated graphql-core package requirement to 1.1


    • Added dataloader (N+1) docs
    • Update basic schema with arguments in tutorial doc 06757f10c6cbfb3885531b02a2c93e94491380a5
    • Added testing docs (with snapshot testing) 60e29028a8c7e025d5bbfe1d9f730c937829c98c 038f81e8e1931e1f5fb55cad80773bf6c2d2d09c
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.0(Apr 7, 2017)


    • Fix docstring whitespace 62e58bd95325604186563f54c898736db9d39585
    • Added optional default_resolver in ObjectType 98825fa4bc0f2fd6f88d11796b1093e0d63a51ee
    • Fix ObjectType inheritance with custom Meta ad251e9a8dd46d212e39da67945df4fc3e02b361 48efec307ce245bfe692f75b5dc07c14d8bce15b
    • Fixed circular Union/Interfaces d4d8a76a0936b8b8b90e6b316003c31c21e30500
    • Improved lazy_import to accept also dotted attributes d594a0eca86102ce2ebf9633018437eef8997f42
    • Use Promise.resolve instead of promisify (so we adapt to Promise 2.0) bd0d418986cf69b51801f8e4d361c0c9a5dbc17c
    • Improved lazy types support in Field, InputField, List and NonNull accepting also now string attributes (will be treated as imports, like: Field("graphene.String") 4b714659225a93ea44e95ccdd9ad1b5ea9e36c05


    • Added Sphinx to requirements in docs e405a20e3dad7862ae315077150f23b63293a8ea
    • Fix indent in mutation docs 3a198d052acc01a8469dc03d0c0d798612830be2
    • Spelling/Grammar fix in docs 313a0041414c729fba8c2270359628b1251ce960
    • Fixed typo in link to d86bbd8a8647bbcf9d668968977cc35c64f67f12
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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Strawberry Wagtail 🐦 A plug and play GraphQL API for Wagtail, powered by Strawberry 🍓 ⚠️ Strawberry wagtail is currently experimental, please report

Patrick Arminio 27 Nov 27, 2022
A real time webchat made in graphql

Graphql Chat. This is a real time webchat made in graphql. Description Welcome to my webchat api, here i put my knowledge in graphql to work. Requirem

Nathan André 1 Jan 03, 2022
Gerenciar a velocidade da internet banda larga

Monitoramento da Velocidade da internet 📶 Status do Projeto: ✔️ (pronto) Tópicos ✍️ Descrição do projeto Funcionalidades Deploy da Aplicação Pré-requ

Bárbara Guerbas de Figueiredo 147 Nov 02, 2022
MGE-GraphQL is a Python library for building GraphQL mutations fast and easily

MGE-GraphQL Introduction MGE-GraphQL is a Python library for building GraphQL mutations fast and easily. Data Validations: A similar data validation w

MGE Software 4 Apr 23, 2022
Simple GraphQL client for Python 2.7+

python-graphql-client Simple GraphQL client for Python 2.7+ Install pip install graphqlclient Usage from graphqlclient import GraphQLClient client =

Prisma Labs 150 Nov 29, 2022
tartiflette-aiohttp is a wrapper of aiohttp which includes the Tartiflette GraphQL Engine, do not hesitate to take a look of the Tartiflette project.

tartiflette-aiohttp is a wrapper of aiohttp which includes the Tartiflette GraphQL Engine. You can take a look at the Tartiflette API documentation. U

tartiflette 60 Nov 08, 2022
Django GraphQL To Do List Application

Django GraphQL Simple ToDo HOW TO RUN just run the following instructions: python -m venv venv pip install -r requirements.txt source venv/bin/activat

pedram shahsafi 1 Nov 13, 2021
A Python dependency resolver

python-resolver A Python dependency resolver. Issues Only supports wheels (no sdists!) Usage Python library import packaging.requirements import resol

Filipe Laíns 19 Jun 29, 2022
Generate daily updated visualizations of user and repository statistics from the GitHub API using GitHub Actions

Generate daily updated visualizations of user and repository statistics from the GitHub API using GitHub Actions for any combination of private and public repositories - dark mode supported

Adam Ross 15 Dec 31, 2022
🔪 Facebook Messenger to email bridge based on reverse engineered auth and GraphQL APIs.

Unzuckify This repository has a small Python application which allows me to receive an email notification when somebody sends me a Facebook message. W

Radon Rosborough 33 Dec 18, 2022
GraphQL security auditing script with a focus on performing batch GraphQL queries and mutations

BatchQL BatchQL is a GraphQL security auditing script with a focus on performing batch GraphQL queries and mutations. This script is not complex, and

Assetnote 267 Dec 24, 2022
Lavrigon - A Python Webservice to check the status of any given local service via a REST call

lavrigon A Python Webservice to check the status of any given local service via

3 Jan 02, 2022