nppy, mostly contains projects written in Python. Some projects are very simple while some are a bit lenghty and difficult(for beginners)
Requirements and Tested Platforms
- 3.x
Windows (32bit/64bit):
- Windows 10 STILL WIP is a programming language based off brainfuck. It is oriented towards game development, and as such has many commands spec
gwcheck Description gwcheck is a tool to check .gnu.warning.* sections in ELF object files and display their content. For an introduction to .gnu.warn
An unofficial API of 1cak - An Indonesian web that provide lot of fun. Endpoint Lol - 10 Recent stored posts on database Example: https://on
👩✈️ Coqpit Simple, light-weight and no dependency config handling through python data classes with to/from JSON serialization/deserialization. Curre
A code ecosystem that helps to find the equate any formula. The good part here is that the code finds the formula needed and/or operates on a formula (performs algebra) on it to give you an answer.
Simple tool Uma simples ferramenta feita 100% em linguagem Python 💻 Requisitos: Python3 instalado em seu dispositivo Clonagem e acesso 📳 git clone h
ItsDangerous ... so better sign this Various helpers to pass data to untrusted environments and to get it back safe and sound. Data is cryptographical
notion-scholar Reference management solution using Python and Notion. The main idea of this app is to allow to furnish a Notion database using a BibTe
Python-Truth-Table-Ver-1.0 Create a program for generator Truth Table in here you have to install truth-table-generator module for python modules inst
NiceHash Mining Scheduler Use this script to schedule your NiceHash Miner(s). Electricity costs between 4-9pm are high in my area and I want NiceHash
Brainfuck Interpreter in Python An implementation of an interpreter for the Brainfuck esoteric language in Python. 🧠 The Brainfuck Language Created i
R3E Launch Tool A tool for RaceRoom Racing Experience which shows you launch data. Usage Run the tool, change the Stop Speed to whatever you want, and
Procedural Futuristic City This is our final project for CPSC 479. We created a procedural futuristic city complete with Worley noise procedural textu
Botw chest manager is a small gui tool allowing to easily manage chests. Sometimes Ice Spear can be very time consuming when adding a simple chest. The purpose of this light tool is to add a new ches
JD扫码获取Cookie 本地版 请无视手机上的提示升级京东版本的提示! 下载链接 使用Python实现 代码很烂 没有做任何异常捕捉 但是能用 请不要将获取到的Cookie发送给任何陌生人 如果打开闪退 请使
wordCloud_API 词云API版,用于统计群友说过的怪话,基于wordCloud 消息储存在mysql数据库中.数据表结构见table.sql 为啥要做成API:这玩意太吃性能了,如果和Bot放在同一个服务器,可能会影响到bot的正常运行 你服务器性能够用的话就当我在放屁 依赖包 pip i
keebapp-backend An app about keyboards, originating from the design of u/Sonnenschirm Setup Firstly, ensure that the environment for python is install
detab A python script to turn tabs into spaces the right way. detab turns all tabs into spaces, not just leading tabs. Not all tabs have the same leng
OSINTgram-V2 OSINTgram-V2 is made from Osintgram which is made by Datalux originally but i took the script and fixed some errors i found and made the
BridgeWalk is a partially-observed reinforcement learning environment with dynamics of varying stochasticity. The player needs to walk along a bridge to reach a goal location. When the player walks o