I have baked a custom integration to control Eufy Security Cameras and access RTSP and P2P stream if possible.


I have baked a custom integration to control Eufy Security Cameras and access RTSP (real time streaming protocol) and P2P (peer to peer) stream if possible. Integration supports doorbells, cameras, home bases, motion and contact sensors and it is far from complete.

Under the hood, it is using eufy-security-ws (https://github.com/bropat/eufy-security-ws) web socket application which uses eufy-security-client (https://github.com/bropat/eufy-security-client) to communicate with eufy servers and devices over cloud and peer to peer connection. So, I am following versioning of eufy-security-ws directly as add-on version.

Big thanks to @bropat who made this possible. Please consider buying a coffee for him over here: https://ko-fi.com/bropat

1. Services

1.1 Camera Services

  • start_rtsp_livestream / stop_rtsp_livestream (RTSP): if your camera can stream over RTSP, please enable it over eufy app, this is more more reliable and less power consuming and you can use these services to start and stop stream.. This service starts a new stream using RTSP. Currently, it is limited to one stream per home assistant. https://github.com/bropat/eufy-security-client/issues/63
  • start_livesteam / start_p2p_livestream / stop_livestream / stop_p2p_livestream (P2P): if there is no support for RTSP, you can use P2P streaming, this should work for all camera types but much more power consuming for your HA instance.
  • turn_on / turn_off: it first checks if there is rtsp attribute in camera and if yes; it will use RTSP services, if not, it will use P2P services.
  • enable_rtsp / disable_rtsp: to enable RTSP option in cameras, you can use this services, but I rather prefer you to enable it using the mobile app because enabling rtsp configuration also triggers a new stream to start which causes issues for integration.
  • enable / disable: enable and disable respective device

1.2 Station Services


  • alarm_arm_home / alarm_arm_away / alarm_disarm / alarm_guard_schedule (requires configuration on eufy app) / alarm_guard_geo (requires configuration on eufy app)
  • alarm_arm_custom1 / alarm_arm_custom2 / alarm_arm_custom3 - you need to create custom configurations for these to work
  • alarm_trigger / alarm_trigger_with_duration - trigger alarm on home station
  • reset_alarm - stop the alarm state

1.3 Other Devices

Locks (not the Wifi), motion and contact sensors are supported and native services can be used.

1.4 Integration Services

  • force_sync - get latest changes from cloud as some changes are not generating notifications to be captured automatically

2. Known Bugs / Issues / Supported Devices

Check here: https://github.com/fuatakgun/eufy_security/issues Supported devices: https://github.com/bropat/eufy-security-client#known-working-devices

3. Troubleshooting

1- Create a separate account for HA integration as that account will be logged out automatically from mobile app when HA integration logged in. Do not forget to share your cameras with your new account (preferably with adming rights), enable motion notifications with full picture and enable push notifications. This integration depends on push notifications to catch any updates.

2- RTSP - As of now, live stream is limited to 3 minutes and this is a hard limitation by Eufy, so we do not have a solution in place. So, if you keep live stream running more than 3 minutes, it will be turned off by hardware but home assistant will not be notified on this. So, next time you want to start live stream, you notice that nothing will be happening as we assume that it is already running. As a workaround, please call stop and start in order. https://github.com/fuatakgun/eufy_security/issues/10#issuecomment-886251442

3- P2P - To have P2P streaming work out, we have an additional add-on to mirror incoming video bytes and stream as it is an RTSP stream. But to do so, integration first needs to analyze X seconds from incmoing bytes to understand video codec information (dimensions, fps, codec etc) and then initializes the stream on add-on. So, depending on your hardware and video quality (please always set Streaming Quality to Low) this could change between 1 to 5 seconds. I am able to stream more than 15 minutes for my 2C cameras using P2P. If your P2P stream fails to start, please play with this configuration in integration options page. Check below image;


4- Please do not enable Preload Stream functionality in Camera View if your camera is battery powered (not streaming all the time) for two reasons; it is not adding functionality in our use case and it sends a signal to enable live stream to your cameras which might end up excessive battery consumption. image

5- One user reported that there is an issue regarding to 2k Battery Doorbell in terms of receiving motion and person detection sensor. If you are having a similar issue, please apply this solution: https://github.com/fuatakgun/eufy_security/issues/22#issuecomment-908157691

6- I am more than happy to debug individual issues as long as you follow setup instructions. I need you to share your problematic cameras with me so that I can use my own machine to debug the issue. For each debugging request, please create a github issue so we can track from there. Do not forget to remove the sharing settings after we are done :)

6- If you have any other issue, please create it an issue on github repository, give information about your home assistant hardware, camera model, streaming type (rtsp or p2p), steps required to generate the issue. Enable excessive logging and share your logs from integration and related add ons.

    custom_components.eufy_security: debug

6. Installation

Warning, there is an existing integration (https://github.com/nonsleepr/ha-eufy-security) and I have used the same internal name with this integration, unintentinally. You can not keep both integrations and trying to install might cause issues. You can backup old one if you want to test this, just rename custom_components/eufy_security into something else (eg eufy_security_nonsleepr)

Please follow screenshots below. In summary;

  • You will first install HASS Add On assuming you are running on Hassos or Supervised. If not, please execute this command to run docker instance manually docker run -it -e [email protected] -e PASSWORD=password_goes_here -p 3000:3000 bropat/eufy-security-ws:X.Y.Z. To find out correct values for X.Y.Z, please chek here https://github.com/fuatakgun/eufy_security_addon/blob/main/config.json#L3
  • Later on, you should install RTSP Server Add On to have faster/more reliable p2p streaming. I will deprecate/not support file based streaming soon, so, please migrate in timely manner. If you are not using Hassos or Supervised installation please execute this command to run docker instance manually docker run --rm -it -e RTSP_PROTOCOLS=tcp -d -p 8554:8554 -p 1935:1935 aler9/rtsp-simple-server
  • When you are done with HASS Add On, you will install integration via adding integration address to HACS, downloading files over UI, restarting home assistant and setting up integration.
  • Double check if your configuration.yaml includes ffmpeg integration. If not, please do like this; https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/ffmpeg/#configuration . This integration relies on ffmpeg to be setup to live stream via P2P and capture images from live RTSP/P2P streams.

6.1 Installing Eufy Security Add On - Required

1- Go to Add-On Store page and select Repositories


2- Add custom repository URL https://github.com/fuatakgun/eufy_security_addon


3- Confirm that you can see Eufy Security WS Addon


4- Click on Eufy Security WS Addon, install add-on and switch to Configuration page, fill username, password and country code (2 letter), save the configs and start the add-on. I advise you to create a new account and share your cameras from main account to new account. Use that new account for home assistant purposes only.


5-Validate that you are connected checking logs page.


6.2 Installing RTSP Simple Server Add On (for faster P2P streaming) - Required

1- Go to Add-On Store page and select Repositories 1-add-on-store

2- Add custom repository URL https://github.com/fuatakgun/rtsp_simple_server

3- Confirm that you can see RTSP Simple Server Addon - probably at the end of the page image

4- Click on RTSP Simple Server Addon, install add-on, please do not change any configuration and start the add-on. image

5- Start the Add-On and validate if it is running well checking the logs. image

6.3 Installing Integration

1- Go to HACS and click on Custom repositories


2- Add custom integration repository URL https://github.com/fuatakgun/eufy_security/


3- Install the Eufy Secucirty repository


4- You need to restart your HA instance to pick up new repository.


5- After restart, go to Configuration - Integrations page and click on Add Integration


6- Search for Eufy Security and click on it


7- In next page, use localhost if you have used Add-on installation, otherwise put your Docker instance ip address and keep 3000 as port


8- You will be shown devices connected to your account. Or you can be alerted with captcha notification.


9- Follow screenshots below for captcha a. Get notified about captcha request image

b. Go to Integrations Page and click RECONFIGURE image

c. Enter the correct code and click Submit (I will put wrong intentionally) image

d. If you put the wrong code, after couple of seconds, you will get a similar error in Integrations page, but this time, RECONFIGURE button will be missing. Please Disable and Enable back the integration to get the respective option again. (Working on a better solution) image

e. After entering correct captcha code, your devices will be ready to use.

10- If your camera does not support RTSP based live streaming, you can use Start Live Stream and Stop Live Stream services rather than turn_on and turn_off because they tend to be using RTSP functions. They require camera entities as input, you can use UI for this. More importantly, please set your Streaming Quality settings to Low per each camera using Eufy Security app, otherwise WebRTC will fail to stream the video. Underlying issue is realted mid or high quality codecs are not supported by WebRTC.


11- If you want faster P2P live streaming, go to Integration Configuration section and enable it. image

6.3 WebRTC - Required

You can use WebRTC for light speed streaming inside Home Assistant.

1- Install WebRTC following these steps: https://github.com/AlexxIT/WebRTC#installation

2- Disable Auto Start on Click to be sure that cameras are not starting to stream autoamtically.


3- Setup two conditional cards for each camera as below, do not forget to put correct camera entity names (replace entrance with your camera name)

  • So, when camera is not streaming, you will get latest captured image and when you click on image, it will start streaming (camera.turn_on service call).
  • When camera is streaming, you will get WebRTC card which has 1-2 seconds latency while streaming.
- type: conditional
    - entity: binary_sensor.entrance_streaming_sensor
      state: 'False'
    type: picture-entity
    entity: camera.entrance_camera
      action: call-service
      service: camera.turn_on
      service_data: {}
        entity_id: camera.entrance_camera
- type: conditional
    - entity: binary_sensor.entrance_streaming_sensor
      state: 'True'
    type: custom:webrtc-camera
    entity: camera.entrance_camera

RTSP Experience with WebRTC: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qIYUx82C0CnpsTycP9dTS0NX6IEqeqHD/view?usp=drivesdk

P2P Experience with WebRTC: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qCW9XX32vInQgFF7hPqoxp-ssno2Sye9/view?usp=drivesdk

Thanks @conorlap for this. - https://github.com/fuatakgun/eufy_security/issues/43

Raise your issues in Github.

  • Supporting Eufy Floodlight Camera (T8422)

    Supporting Eufy Floodlight Camera (T8422)

    Have set up the EUFY Floodlight camera on using the eufy security integration, however not able to see live video on the Lovelace card. I only seem to get still images that refresh every now and then

    opened by nephung 81
  • RTSP error with doorbell

    RTSP error with doorbell

    I'm getting errors with trying to watch doorbell camera view, model doorbell: model: T8210 Last HA version

    Error from rtsp addon server: 2021/08/03 16:47:40 I [0/0] rtsp-simple-server v0.16.4 2021/08/03 16:47:40 I [0/0] [RTSP] TCP listener opened on :8554 2021/08/03 16:47:40 I [0/0] [RTMP] listener opened on :1935 2021/08/03 16:47:40 I [0/0] [HLS] listener opened on :8888 2021/08/03 17:22:54 I [0/0] [RTSP] [conn x.x.x.x:42994] opened 2021/08/03 17:22:54 I [0/0] [RTSP] [conn x.x.x.x:42994] ERR: no one is publishing to path 'eufy_security-T8210P00202830FE' 2021/08/03 17:22:54 I [0/0] [RTSP] [conn x.x.x.x:42994] closed 2021/08/03 17:22:54 I [0/0] [RTSP] [conn x.x.x.x:43000] opened 2021/08/03 17:22:54 I [0/0] [RTSP] [conn x.x.x.x:43000] ERR: no one is publishing to path 'eufy_security-T8210P00202830FE' 2021/08/03 17:22:54 I [0/0] [RTSP] [conn x.x.x.x:43000] closed

    Log from security addon 2021-08-06 18:40:10.154 INFO Client disconnected with ip: ::ffff:x.x.x.x port: 34078 code: 1006 reason:
    2021-08-07 02:39:17.014 INFO Push notification connection successfully established 2021-08-07 07:30:46.169 INFO Client disconnected with ip: ::ffff:x.x.x.x port: 43208 code: 1006 reason:
    2021-08-07 08:33:54.513 INFO Client disconnected with ip: ::ffff:x.x.x.x port: 51788 code: 1006 reason:
    2021-08-07 08:42:46.031 ERROR Message error LivestreamAlreadyRunningError Livestream for device T8210P00202830FE is already running details: { name: 'LivestreamAlreadyRunningError' } error stack: • message_handler.ts:116 handle src/lib/device/message_handler.ts:116:31 • server.ts:46 device src/lib/server.ts:46:34 • server.ts:98 receiveMessage src/lib/server.ts:98:58 • server.ts:57 src/lib/server.ts:57:53 • events.js:375 emit events.js:375:28 • websocket.js:970 receiverOnMessage node_modules/ws/lib/websocket.js:970:20 • events.js:375 emit events.js:375:28 • receiver.js:517 dataMessage node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:517:14 • receiver.js:435 getData node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:435:17 • receiver.js:143 startLoop node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:143:22 2021-08-07 08:43:02.752 ERROR Message error LivestreamAlreadyRunningError Livestream for device T8210P00202830FE is already running details: { name: 'LivestreamAlreadyRunningError' } error stack: • message_handler.ts:116 handle src/lib/device/message_handler.ts:116:31 • server.ts:46 device src/lib/server.ts:46:34 • server.ts:98 receiveMessage src/lib/server.ts:98:58 • server.ts:57 src/lib/server.ts:57:53 • events.js:375 emit events.js:375:28 • websocket.js:970 receiverOnMessage node_modules/ws/lib/websocket.js:970:20 • events.js:375 emit events.js:375:28 • receiver.js:517 dataMessage node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:517:14 • receiver.js:435 getData node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:435:17 • receiver.js:143 startLoop node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:143:22

    And a timeout in HA log: Logger: homeassistant.components.camera Source: components/camera/init.py:617 Integration: Camera (documentation, issues) First occurred: 10:42:25 (3 occurrences) Last logged: 10:43:12

    Timeout getting stream source

    opened by skank01 80
  • Camera feed not detected after setup.

    Camera feed not detected after setup.

    I am working with a wired doorbell, T8200. After the installation, three new entities were added, person detector sensor, battery & wifi ssid power. The battery entity was unavailable, as it makes sens with the wired doorbell, there is no battery. wifi ssid sensor was unavailable too. And I had no luck getting the stream from the doorbell camera.


    Some log lines:

    2021-07-18 12:16:49 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.eufy_security] eufy_security - Exception in websocket - process_messages : 'battery' - traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/config/custom_components/eufy_security/websocket.py", line 55, in process_messages await self.on_message(msg) File "/config/custom_components/eufy_security/websocket.py", line 66, in on_message await self.message_callback(message) File "/config/custom_components/eufy_security/coordinator.py", line 165, in on_message self.async_set_updated_data(self.data) File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/update_coordinator.py", line 287, in async_set_updated_data update_callback() File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/update_coordinator.py", line 325, in _handle_coordinator_update self.async_write_ha_state() File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity.py", line 419, in async_write_ha_state self._async_write_ha_state() File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity.py", line 453, in _async_write_ha_state state = self._stringify_state() File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity.py", line 425, in _stringify_state state = self.state File "/config/custom_components/eufy_security/sensor.py", line 86, in state return self.entity[self.key] KeyError: 'battery'

    2021-07-18 12:12:43 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.camera] Error while setting up eufy_security platform for camera Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 250, in _async_setup_platform await asyncio.shield(task) File "/config/custom_components/eufy_security/camera.py", line 34, in async_setup_entry _LOGGER.debug(f"{DOMAIN} - camera setup entries - {entities}") File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity.py", line 803, in __repr__ return f"<Entity {self.name}: {self.state}>" File "/config/custom_components/eufy_security/camera.py", line 74, in state self.is_streaming = self.entity["rtspStream"] KeyError: 'rtspStream'

    opened by apokha1 80
  • wireless doorbell camera feed

    wireless doorbell camera feed

    I am trying to get the live feed working for the camera on the wireless 2k doorbell. I was able to add the custom integration and shows all the entities, but when I click on my button card for live feed, the server side shows its not supported. Running Home Assistant Container core-2021.6.2. Installed on Raspberry Pi debian.

    `[email protected]:~/eufy-security-ws# npx ts-node src/bin/server.ts 2021-07-03 04:05:57.705 INFO Eufy Security server listening on port 3000 2021-07-03 04:06:00.213 INFO Connected to station T8010PXXXXXXXX on host and port 21313 2021-07-03 04:06:01.240 INFO Push notification connection successfully established 2021-07-03 04:07:07.631 ERROR Message error NotSupportedFeatureError This functionality is not implemented or supported by T8210XXXXXXXXX details: { name: 'NotSupportedFeatureError' } error stack: • station.ts:815 setRTSPStream node_modules/eufy-security-client/src/http/station.ts:815:19

    • message_handler.ts:35 handle src/lib/device/message_handler.ts:35:31

    • server.ts:46 device src/lib/server.ts:46:34

    • server.ts:98 receiveMessage src/lib/server.ts:98:58

    • server.ts:57 src/lib/server.ts:57:53

    • events.js:375 emit events.js:375:28

    • domain.js:470 emit domain.js:470:12

    • websocket.js:834 receiverOnMessage node_modules/ws/lib/websocket.js:834:20

    • events.js:375 emit events.js:375:28

    • domain.js:470 emit domain.js:470:12`

    opened by dpomnean 66
  • Eufy Motion Sensor - Binary sensor states

    Eufy Motion Sensor - Binary sensor states

    One thing I noticed while trying to set up an automation using the binary switch motion detector entity, checking the logs, it goes from "false" (no motion detected) to "unavailable". I don't see any records of "true" or any motion detected, even though it shows up in the Eufy app.

    Originally posted by @boctok in https://github.com/fuatakgun/eufy_security/issues/15#issuecomment-885754190

    opened by boctok 58
  • Integration is not working (locked, mqtt, no devices etc)

    Integration is not working (locked, mqtt, no devices etc)

    Everything was working perfectly for about 3 weeks, then for no reason I could see I get:

    2022-02-06 14:45:11.802 INFO Eufy Security server listening on host, port 3000 2022-02-06 14:45:15.638 ERROR MQTT Error Error Connection refused: Not authorized details: { code: 5 } error stack: • client.js:1386 MqttClient._handleConnack node_modules/mqtt/lib/client.js:1386:17 • client.js:547 MqttClient._handlePacket node_modules/mqtt/lib/client.js:547:12 • client.js:436 work node_modules/mqtt/lib/client.js:436:12 • client.js:450 writable._write node_modules/mqtt/lib/client.js:450:5 • _stream_writable.js:409 doWrite node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:409:139 • _stream_writable.js:398 writeOrBuffer node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:398:5 • _stream_writable.js:307 Writable.write node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:307:11 • readable:754 ondata node:internal/streams/readable:754:22 • node:events:390 emit node:events:390:28 • readable:315 addChunk node:internal/streams/readable:315:12 2022-02-06 14:45:15.693 INFO MQTT connection closed 2022-02-06 14:45:16.816 INFO No stations found. 2022-02-06 14:45:17.576 INFO No devices found. 2022-02-06 14:45:17.903 INFO Push notification connection successfully established 2022-02-06 14:45:30.584 INFO No stations found. 2022-02-06 14:45:31.321 INFO No devices found.

    All entities offline.

    Have tried reinstalling addon, repo and integration. No luck.

    opened by bearkiter 52
  • Slow start-up of the Home Assistant VM with eufy security integration

    Slow start-up of the Home Assistant VM with eufy security integration

    Hi @fuatakgun I noticed that the Home Assistant Virtual Machine, since I installed eufy security, when the Host starts it takes about 10 minutes to start, remaining still on the initialization of your integration:

    Schermata 2021-10-10 alle 14 05 33
    2021-10-10 14:05:27 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: eufy_security
    2021-10-10 14:06:27 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: eufy_security
    2021-10-10 14:07:27 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: eufy_security
    2021-10-10 14:08:27 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: eufy_security
    2021-10-10 14:09:25 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Setup timed out for stage 2 - moving forward
    2021-10-10 14:14:25 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Setup timed out for bootstrap - moving forward

    The restart of the Home Assistant Core only (NO entire VM) takes a few seconds.

    Is it possible to make the VM startup times return to normal?


    opened by SmartM-ui 42
  • The integration suddenly stopped working

    The integration suddenly stopped working


    My Eify Security integration stopped working a few days ago or so. I just found some time to investigate and nothing comes to my mind as an obvious reason. I haven't changed anything about it except installing the new HA updates. I removed the integration and tried to re-add it without success. I'm running HA Home Assistant 2022.12.7. The Eufu add-on is version 1.1.0. This is the message:


    And the log file: 2022-12-19 11:26:17.055 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.eufy_security] eufy_security - no devices available yet 2022-12-19 11:26:17.061 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry '' for eufy_security integration not ready yet: Start Listening was not completed in timely manner; Retrying in background 2022-12-19 11:26:36.749 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.eufy_security] eufy_security - no devices available yet 2022-12-19 11:27:00.038 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.eufy_security] eufy_security - no devices available yet 2022-12-19 11:27:32.854 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.eufy_security] eufy_security - no devices available yet 2022-12-19 11:28:25.676 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.eufy_security] eufy_security - no devices available yet 2022-12-19 11:29:58.504 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.eufy_security] eufy_security - no devices available yet

    I noticed the port has been changed automatically and I didn't notice that but it was working okay. Now, after I re-added it, it changed the port again. I tried with the port that was there and then I changed it to 3000 but it didn't work with either of them.



    P.S. I just noticed, after typing the add-on version, that it's way outdated but I don't see an option to update it. I tried with Auto-update with no success.

    opened by daniushko 41
  • status in alarmpanel lovelace card not updated anymore since update

    status in alarmpanel lovelace card not updated anymore since update

    Connections all work fine now.

    However in the alarmpanel in my dashboard the status of the alarm is not showing the right status anymore since i updated.

    When I arm my alarm from the dashboard the chip doesnt show its armed, while in the eufy app it shows that it is. when i roll back the backup from 2 days agom its working fine.

    Any solution for this problem ?

    entity: alarm panel type: Bug next step: waiting for response next step: retest with alpha 
    opened by booz1974 38
  • This is the error in seeing my logs for the add on

    This is the error in seeing my logs for the add on

        This is the error in seeing my logs for the add on


    Originally posted by @halfcab1981 in https://github.com/fuatakgun/eufy_security/issues/579#issuecomment-1360213771

    opened by GuenterAnton57 36
  • Eufy Security Add-on Disconnected from station

    Eufy Security Add-on Disconnected from station

    Yesterday Eufy updated my HomeBase and since then my security add-on shows the following issue. I'm on the latest Home Assistant release. Please help in fixing this.

    2022-12-12 15:08:24.065 INFO Disconnected from station T8010P232028289A 2022-12-12 15:08:29.091 INFO Connected to station T8010P232028289A on host and port 18996 2022-12-12 15:09:32.689 INFO Disconnected from station T8010P232028289A 2022-12-12 15:09:37.718 INFO Connected to station T8010P232028289A on host and port 22512 2022-12-12 15:10:41.290 INFO Disconnected from station T8010P232028289A 2022-12-12 15:10:46.315 INFO Connected to station T8010P232028289A on host and port 27629 2022-12-12 15:11:49.886 INFO Disconnected from station T8010P232028289A

    opened by jeroenschwankhuizen 34
  • Doorbell T8210 camera snapshot service

    Doorbell T8210 camera snapshot service

    Happy new year Fuatakgun!

    Thank you for the work you put into this!

    I installed a doorbell T8210 just before the eufy crisis, a couple of weeks back.. At that time I had the camera snapshot service thru HA working out of the box but could never get the live stream to work at all. When the Eufy crisis happened, i lost the snapshot service as well. Since your last update, i finally got the streaming working but never got the snapshot service working again.

    Is the snapshot service still working?

    Thank you for taking the time..


    opened by mikelaberge99 0
  • Lock/Unlock no longer pushes notification to HA showing who's fingerprints unlocked the door

    Lock/Unlock no longer pushes notification to HA showing who's fingerprints unlocked the door

    Thank you Fuatakgun, Happy New Years!

    Device info T8510

    Logbook shows door lock and unlock status, but no longer who unlocked it. Screenshot 2023-01-01 at 11 25 34 AM

    Thank you for your time!!!!!

    opened by jkameldo 10
  • Add Programmed mode

    Add Programmed mode


    My normal (presence) mode is programmed mode, because it helps me in case i forget to arm cameras at night.

    The integration is not compatible with Programmed mode, yet this could be a useful feature.


    opened by MonsieurPoutounours 1
  • Trouble getting a working stream

    Trouble getting a working stream

    Please check Services, Known Bug / Issues and Troubleshooting over here first: https://github.com/fuatakgun/eufy_security/blob/master/README.md

    Describe the bug Cannot get a working stream did everything how discribed in the readme

    Expected behavior working stream

    Screenshots see additional info

    **Hardware Information about Home Assistant Server with HASS OS

    **Hardware Information about Cameras

    • Camera Model: image

    • Live Streaming Protocol: RTSP or P2p: tested both

    Additional context image image

    entity: p2p video entity: rtsp video next step: waiting for response 
    opened by cryd-s 2
  • Automation based on Streaming not triggering

    Automation based on Streaming not triggering

    Please check Services, Known Bug / Issues and Troubleshooting over here first: https://github.com/fuatakgun/eufy_security/blob/master/README.md

    Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

    I have an automation that fired with previous versions of the automation (pre 5.0) but no longer does so with the alpha releases. I have tried binary_sensor.doorbell_motion_detected but it did not trigger; neither did binary_sensor.doorbell_person_detected . I believe this was previously called by binary_sensor.doorbell_global_motion_detected or something like that.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to '...'
    2. Click on '....'
    3. Scroll down to '....'
    4. See error


    Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

    The automation to fire and let me know someone has approached my front door.

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


    **Hardware Information about Home Assistant Odroid-N2

    **Hardware Information about Cameras

    • Camera Model T8200
    • Live Streaming Protocol: RTSP or P2p P2p

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    Here's the current version of the automation:

    alias: Person Alert
    description: ""
      - platform: state
          - binary_sensor.doorbell_person_detected
        to: "on"
          hours: 0
          minutes: 0
          seconds: 1
      - condition: time
        before: "22:00:00"
        after: "06:00:00"
          - mon
          - tue
          - wed
          - thu
          - fri
          - sat
          - sun
      - service: script.turn_on
          entity_id: script.google_home_resume
              - service: tts.google_cloud_say
                  entity_id: media_player.speakers
                  message: <speak> <break time="2s"/>There's someone at the door.</speak>
                cache: true
    mode: single
    type: Bug next step: waiting for response entity: binary sensor and sensor 
    opened by chicknlil 4
Fuat Akgün
Fuat Akgün
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