A lightweight python module for building event driven distributed systems


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A lightweight python module for building event driven distributed systems.


pip install eventify


Developers need a easy and fast way to implement business logic in a modern asynchronous way. Developers should not have to worry about service communication.






Below is everything you need to get started using the eventify project.

Minimum Viable Service

Create an Event handler function to receive events. To publish events, use session.emit_event() within the Event handler function. To start your service (and begin listening for events), pass the Event handler function as a callback to run a Service.

#!/usr/bin/env python
Minimal viable microservice
import asyncio
import logging
import sys

from eventify.base_handler import BaseHandler
from eventify.event import Event
from eventify.service import Service

class GoogleCollector:
    Google Specific Collector

    async def collect_vm_data(self):
        print('...collecting data from gce api...')
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

class Collector(BaseHandler, GoogleCollector):
    Generic collector

    async def init(self):
        Service initialization
        print('...service initialized...')

def run():
    Run an eventify service

if __name__ == '__main__':

Minimum Configuration - config.json

Each application (service, microservice, etc.) can publish to 0 or 1 topic and subscribe to 0 or more topics. Thus each application requires its own configuration file which defines its publications & subscriptions. Each configuration file also specifies the location of the transport host.

    "_comment": "service configuration",
    "name": "example",
    "image": "example/service",
    "driver": "crossbar",
    "transport_host": "ws://events-server:8080/ws",
    "pub_options": {
        "acknowledge": true,
        "retain": true
    "publish_topic": {
        "topic": "example",
        "timeout": 20,
        "reply_in": 0
    "subscribed_topics": [
    "replay_events": true,
    "replay_type": "event_store"

Event History Support

To add event history support add the @event_tracker decorator to any event handler your define.

Environment variables


Hostname of database server


Username for database server


Password for username


Database driver type - defaults to postgres


Database connection pool size - defaults to 5


For use with replay functionality - host of in memory cache

Supported Drivers

  • Crossbar
  • Kafka


Quickest way to get started with crossbar is to use docker; both redis and postgresql are required for a minimal working service.

Running Crossbar

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -it crossbario/crossbar:latest

Running Kafka

  • TBD

Running Redis

docker run -d -p 6379:6379 -t redis:latest

Running Postgresql

docker run --name postgres-container -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres

Note: This does not have a volume or persistant storage so in a production environment you would want to configure a volume

See More




Read The Docs


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