ChristmasGame (DEVELOPING)
Celebrating Christmas with the development of this game
You can also use this engine to create your game too, just empty the arrays in self.objs which is in the file
Year: 2021
"December 9 21:39": Inventory system part 1 -> "Frontend"
"December 9 21:39": Inventory system part 2 -> "Click and Grab System part 1"
"December 10 19:35": Inventory system part 3 -> "Click and Grab System 95% complete"
"December 12 23:02": Inventory system part 4 -> "ItemMenu 75% completed (button system added in it)"
"December 13 18:35": Training pixel art...
"December 15 20:02": Making a spritesheet...
TODO File: open
by Β© @erikfritas