Among AIs is a (prototype of) PC Game we developed as part of the Smart Applications course @ University of Pisa.


Among AIs

Among AIs is a PC Game we developed as part of the Smart Applications course @ Department of Computer Science of University of Pisa, under the supervision of prof. Gervasi. It's inspired by the well-known "Among Us" game, and its main purpose it's to develop and let play AI agents (then it's been expanded to support also human players). Everything has been built following an agile development, with the entire class taking part (from brainstorming to development of each team's component).

The game is structured in matches (and tournaments) in which two teams of agents (AI / humans) have the goal to catch the opponent's flag and kill the enemies. Agents can also be "impostors", so it take step the "social game" in which the agents have to spot the real impostor and vote to kick him. There's also the Turing Game, which aim is simply to correctly classify the players in "humans" or "AIs". There's also the chat available.

In this repository we present the code about the agent we developed as team 7 (Gabriele Pisciotta, Fabio Murgese, Antonio Di Mauro), accompanied by the server to test the game (credits to prof. Gervasi) and a cross-platform PC client (repository) (credits to Jessica Sartori, Luca Roveroni, and Marco Lepri).

There's also the possibility to use a web app (repository) to join / spectate the game, but it strictly depends from the game server being run at University of Pisa's servers, so don't expect to be properly able to play if the server will be shut down in the future.

Detailed documentations

Take a look at our report, where we describe the architecture and all the algorithms implemented to animate our agent. Please take note that the code is something that's been built quick&dirty! :)

To better understand the dynamics of the game, look at the protocol cheatsheets.

Gabriele Pisciotta
Machine Learning / Semantic Web / Network Science enthusiast
Gabriele Pisciotta
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