A Game of Life implementation in Python


Game of Life in Python (Golipy)

Golipy is a simulator of John H. Conway's Game of Life, developed in Python based on the Pygame library.

This is a toy project developed as an illustrative example of this simulator for the Conf.IT talk I attended as a lecturer in November 2021.


To run it, it is enough to have a Python >=3.7 environment with Pygame installed. Then, executing the main.py file will launch the simulation.

Golipy universe with some cells activated

From now on, the simulation is managed on the basis of the following inputs:

  • Enter and Space: Start the simulation. If it's already running, both keys will pause and resume the simulation
  • Delete: Resets the simulation
  • W, A, S and D: To move around the canvas
  • + and -: Accelerates and slows down the simulation
  • Mouse left and right click: Activates/deactivates the cell where the mouse pointer is currently standing
  • Mouse wheel up and down: Zooms in and out the canvas.
space-1.jpg space-1.jpg
Zooming out the canvas Zooming in the canvas


This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3+.

The FiraCode font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License 1.1.

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