📱 An extension for Django admin that makes interface mobile-friendly. Merged into Django 2.0


Django Flat Responsive

django-flat-responsive is included as part of Django from version 2.0! 🎉

Use this app if your project is powered by an older Django version.


django-flat-responsive is an extension for Django admin and django-flat-theme. This app adds CSS file which contains specific media queries for mobile devices, such as phones and tablets.


Install via pip: pip install django-flat-responsive

For Django 1.9+

Put flat_responsive app in your INSTALLED_APPS before django.contrib.admin:


For older Django versions

If you use Django version older than 1.9 this app will work properly only in pair with django-flat-theme. Put flat_responsive app in your INSTALLED_APPS before flat:


Important note

⚠️ If you have your own custom base_site.html file, you need to add the following lines to it to make this app work:

{% load admin_static %}
{% block blockbots %}
  {{ block.super }}
  <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static 'admin/css/responsive.css' %}" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static "admin/css/responsive_rtl.css" %}" />
{% endblock %}


Works in modern mobile browsers which support CSS Flexbox. Older browser may experience varying levels of graceful degradation.


Tested with:


Guaranteed works in:

  • iOS Safari 9+
  • Android Browser 4.4+
  • Chrome for iOS 30+
  • Chrome for Android 30+
  • Firefox for iOS 5.0+
  • Firefox for Android 50+
  • Windows Phone IE Mobile 11+

If you found any issues or want this app to support other browser versions - please report here.


Login page




Calendar widget


  • file upload input broken due to input width 100%

    file upload input broken due to input width 100%

    .aligned .form-row input, 
    .aligned .form-row select, 
    .aligned .form-row textarea {
        width: 100%;
        margin-right: 0;
        flex: 1 1;


    .aligned .form-row .file-upload input {
        width: auto;
    opened by fabiocaccamo 2
  • browser support request. Firefox on android

    browser support request. Firefox on android

    Hi, as a Firefox enthusiast, I recommend and install it everywhere. I test my websites mostly against it (with Firefox developer tools). I think it already works ok with it but it would be cool to have "official" support. (Even more since Mozilla contributed generously to django [for those who forgot, mozilla contributions]).

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    How to reproduce this case: filter horizontal in tabular inline, width > 1024 schermata 2018-02-06 alle 12 53 17

    How to reproduce this case: filter vertical in tabular inline, width > 1024 schermata 2018-02-06 alle 12 53 05

    ...and if you want to do another little fix, as you can see in the img above the move-up/move-down control is not centered horizontally.

    opened by fabiocaccamo 0
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    The green message panel that we see when we save a model is not aligned in responsive mode.

    Before: schermata 2017-02-07 alle 19 05 34


    ul.messagelist li {
        padding-left: 40px;
        background-position-x: 15px;

    After: schermata 2017-02-07 alle 19 07 16

    opened by fabiocaccamo 0
  • plus button not shown on mobile

    plus button not shown on mobile

    Hi there,

    I have a m2m field, but on mobile, the + to add models into, is not shown. I'm talking about this: https://www.evernote.com/l/AOZhSzYnE3pOa5z5D0MpURw-PJ_xtwemtKM

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