Brownant is a web data extracting framework.


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Brownant is a lightweight web data extracting framework.

Who uses it?

At the moment, (a.k.a. Douban Dongxi) uses Brownant in production environment.


$ pip install brownant



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You can send a pull reueqst on GitHub.

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  • Provide some example code?

    Provide some example code?

    Right now in order to know the purpose framework('data extracting framework' is accurate enough but is a vague term without examples) we have to click though 'Documents' and then go to this page. The usage and purpose of this framework should be explicitly displayed on and the demo scripts should be put in repository. My two cents.

    opened by CNBorn 3
  • change the lib desc: crawling -> extracting.

    change the lib desc: crawling -> extracting.

    With the suggest of @CNBorn, this branch changed the library description by using "extracting" instead of "crawling".

    @CNBorn @VeryCB Please review my changeset. Thank you.

    opened by tonyseek 3
  • fix using lxml and requests gets unicode error.

    fix using lxml and requests gets unicode error.

    when I use The Declarative Demo,I receive this error - Unicode strings with encoding declaration are not supported. Please use bytes input or XML fragments without declaration.

    use content instead of text, it can work:-)

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  • Known Bugs

    Known Bugs

    • [x] The UnicodeDecodeError will be raised while path_info including non-ascii characters. Convert it into ascii string with urllib.quote.
    • [x] The url.hostname may be None for invalid URLs. Prevent those invalid input.
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