PowerShell module to import/export Excel spreadsheets, without Excel


PowerShell + Excel = Better Together

Automate Excel via PowerShell without having Excel installed. Runs on Windows, Linux and MAC. Creating Tables, Pivot Tables, Charts and much more has just become a lot easier.

Open ImportExcel as a remote repo in VS Code, without cloning it.

Open in Visual Studio Code

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Install from the PowerShell Gallery.

Install-Module -Name ImportExcel


If this project helped you reduce the time to get your job done, let me know, send a coffee.


How to Videos

Installation -

PowerShell V5 and Later

You can install the ImportExcel module directly from the PowerShell Gallery

  • [Recommended] Install to your personal PowerShell Modules folder

    Install-Module ImportExcel -scope CurrentUser
  • [Requires Elevation] Install for Everyone (computer PowerShell Modules folder)

    Install-Module ImportExcel

Continuous Integration Updates

Big thanks to Illy for taking the Azure DevOps CI to the next level. Improved badges, improved matrix for cross platform OS testing and more.

Plus, wiring the PowerShell ScriptAnalyzer Excel report we built into each run as an artifact.

What's new 7.1.3

What's new 7.1.2

  • Get-ExcelFileSummary - Gets summary information on an Excel file like number of rows, columns, and more
dir . -r *.xlsx | Get-ExcelFileSummary | ft

ExcelFile          WorksheetName Rows Columns Address Path
---------          ------------- ---- ------- ------- ----
Grades.xlsx        Sheet1          21       3 A1:C21  D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\Grades
GradesAverage.xlsx Sheet1          21       5 A1:E21  D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\Grades
AllShifts.xlsx     Sheet1          21       2 A1:B21  D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\SeparateData
Shift_1.xlsx       Sheet1          10       2 A1:B10  D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\SeparateData
Shift_2.xlsx       Sheet1           8       2 A1:B8   D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\SeparateData
Shift_3.xlsx       Sheet1           5       2 A1:B5   D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\SeparateData
Shifts.xlsx        Shift_1         10       2 A1:B10  D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\SeparateData
Shifts.xlsx        Shift_2          8       2 A1:B8   D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\SeparateData

What's new 7.1.1

  • Merged Nate Ferrell's Linux fix. Thanks!
  • Moved Export-MultipleExcelSheets from psm1 to Examples/Experimental
  • Deleted the CI build in Appveyor
  • Thank you Mikey Bronowski for
    • Multiple sweeps
    • Standardising casing of parameter names, and variables
    • Plus updating > 50 of the examples and making them consistent.

What's new 7.1.0

Fixes, Updates and new Examples



  • Add -AsDate support to Import-Excel and ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet

New Examples

PS1 Description Link
Pester-To-XLSx Runs Pester, collects the results, enriches it, and exports it to Excel Pester-To-XLSx.ps1
DSUM Sums up the numbers in a field (column) of records in a list or database that match conditions that you specify. DSUM.ps1
VLookup Setups up a sheet, you enter the name of an item and the amount is looked up VLOOKUP.ps1

What's new 7.0.1

More infrastructure improvements.

  • Refine pipeline script analysis
  • Improve artifacts published
  • Add manifest (psd1) checks

What's new 7.0.0


  • Remove all functions from the psm1
  • Move functions into public subdirectory
  • Align TDD and continuous integration workflow for this refactor
  • Move help from functions to mdHelp and use PlatyPS to generate external help file

Thanks to James O'Neill for the refactor and Illy on the continuous integration.

What's new 6.5.3

Thanks again to the community for making this module even better.

  • Fix import excel headers
  • Numerous improvements for DataTables and exporting it to Excel James O'Neill
    • Names, styles, proper appending
  • Handles marking the empty row on an empty table as dummy row
  • Re-work code based on linting recommendations
  • Update existing tests and add more
  • Support PipelineVariable thanks to Luc Dekens for reporting and Ili for the PR
  • Fix quoting in ConvertFromExcelToSQLInsert beckerben

What's new 6.5.2

Thank you uSlackrill

  • Fixes Column order issue (plus tests) for Get-ExcelColumnName

Thank you jhoneill

  • Added -Force to Send-SQLDataToExcel so it sends something even if no rows are returned. (see #703)
  • Added -asText to import-Excel see (#164)[https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/issues/164] and multiple others
  • Linux. Now set an environment variable if the support needed for Autosize is present, and use that Environment variable to decide to skip autosize operations.
  • Fixed tests which needed autosize to work so they skip of the environment variable is set.
  • Fixed another break where on azure the module never loaded.
  • Add a comment to ci.ps1 re better .NET version detection and left some commented out code.


What's new 6.5.0

This is now using the latest version of EPPlus. Unit tests are updated and passing, if you hit problems, please open an issue. You can rollback to an older version from the PowerShell Gallery if you are blocked.

  • Unit tests were updated and fixed
  • "Set-WorksheetProtection" is now switched on
  • Made a change to make Set-Excel range more friendly when Auto Sizing on non-windows platforms
  • Fixed - Windows only tests don't attempt to run on non-windows systems
  • Tests based on Get-Process don't attempt to run if <20 processes are returned
  • If $env:TEMP is not set (as will be the case on Linux)
  • Join-Path if used so paths are built with / or with as suits the OS where the test is running.
  • Excel Sparklines now supported, check out the examples SalesByQuarter and Sparklines.

What's new 6.2.4

Sensible parameter defaults, make your life easier and gets things done faster.

  • Thank you to DomRRuggeri for the initial Out-Excel PR and kicking off the conversation on the improvements.
  • Thank you to ili101 for refactoring and improving the defaults, and adding the tests for parameters.
  • Creates a table, with filtering
  • Chooses a TableStyle
  • Displays the Excel spreadsheet automatically
Get-Process | select Company, Name, Handles | Export-Excel


What's new 6.2.3

Thank you jhoneill.

  • Refactored copy sheet and added pipe support
  • Add ClearAll to Set-ExcelRange
  • Fix broken test & regression for passwords
    • Note: Passwords do not work on pwsh. The EPPlus library does not support these dotnet core APIs at this time.

What's new 6.2.2

  • Fixed Import-Excel and relative path issue, added unit tests.

What's new 6.2.0

Thank you to James O'Neill

  • Fixed, Import-Excel can read xlsx files even if already open in Excel
  • Added New-ExcelStyle, plus -Style to Export-Excel and -Merge to Set-ExcelRange
  • Added Style Examples

What's new 6.1.0

Thank you to James O'Neill

  • Instead of specifying a path provides an Excel Package object (from Open-ExcelPackage), using this avoids re-reading the whole file when importing multiple parts of it. To allow multiple read operations Import-Excel does NOT close the package, and you should use Close-ExcelPackage -noSave to close it.

What's new 6.0.0

Thank you to James O'Neill for the optimizations, and refactoring leading to a ~10x speed increase. Thanks to ili101 for earlier PRs that provided the ground work for this.

  • Performance improvement to Export-Excel see #506 and #555. This has meant taking code in Add-CellValue back into process block of Export-Excel, as the overhead of calling the function was a lot greater than time executing the code inside it. Blog post to follow. Some tests are showing a ~10x speed increase. #572 was about a broken #region tag in this part of the code and that has been cleaned up in the process.
  • Export-Excel now has an -InputObject parameter (this was previously -TargetData , which is now an alias for InputObject). If the inputobject is an array, each item will be inserted, so you can run export-excel -inputobject $x rather than $x | Export-Excel, and if it is a system.data.datatable object it will be inserted directly rather than cell-by-cell. Send-SQLDataToExcel takes advantage of this new functionality. There are simple tests for these new items
  • Export-Excel previously assumed -Now if there were no other parameters, it will now assume -Now if there is no -Path or -ExcelPackage. The .PSD1 file now itemizes the items exported by the module #557

What's new 5.4.5

Thank you to James O'Neill for the great additions.

  • Modified Send-SQLDataToExcel so it creates tables and ranges itself; previously it relied on export-excel to do this which cause problems when adding data to an existing sheet (#555)
  • Added new command Add-ExcelDataValidation which will apply different data-validation rules to ranges of cells
  • Changed the export behavior so that (1) attempts to convert to a number only apply if the the value was a string; (2) Nulls are no longer converted to an empty string (3) there is a specific check for URIs and not just text which is a valid URI. Using UNC names in hyperlinks remains problematic.
  • Changed the behavior of AutoSize in export excel so it only applies to the exported columns. Previously if something was exported next to pre-existing data, AutoSize would resize the whole sheet, potentially undoing things which had been set on the earlier data. If anyone relied on this behavior they will need to explicitly tell the sheet to auto size with $sheet.cells.autofitColumns. (where $sheet points to the sheet, it might be $ExcelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets['Name'])
  • In Compare-Worksheet,the Key for comparing the sheets can now be written as a hash table with an expression - it is used with a Group-Object command so if it is valid in Group-Object it should be accepted; this allows the creation of composite keys when data being compared doesn't have a column which uniquely identifies rows.
  • In Set-ExcelRange , added a 'Locked' option equivalent to the checkbox on the Protection Tab of the format cells dialog box in Excel.
  • Created a Set-WorksheetProtection function. This gives the same options the protection dialog in Excel but is 0.9 release at the moment.

New Example

What's new 5.4.4

  • Fix issue when only a single property is piped into Export-Excel
  • Fix issue in Copy-ExcelWorksheet, close the $Stream

What's new 5.4.3

  • Added Remove-Worksheet: Removes one or more worksheets from one or more workbooks

What's new 5.4.2

  • Added parameters -GroupDateRow and -GroupDatePart & -GroupNumericRow, -GroupNumericMin, -GroupNumericMax and -GroupNumericInterval

    to Add-PivotTable and New-PivotTableDefinition. The date ones gather dates of the same year and/or quarter and/or month and/or day etc.

    the number ones group numbers into bands, starting at Min, and going up steps specified by Interval. Added tests and help for these.

  • Set-ExcelRow and Set-ExcelColumn now check that the worksheet name they passed exists in the workbook.

What's new 5.4.0

  • Thank you to Conrad Agramont, Twitter: @AGramont for the AddMultiWorkSheet.ps1 example. Much appreciated!
  • Fixed several more bugs where parameters were ignored if passed a zero value
  • Fixed bug where chart series headers could not come form a cell reference (=Sheet1!Z10 now works as a header reference)
  • Add-Chart will now allow a single X range, or as many X ranges as there are Y ranges.
  • Merge-MultipleSheets is more robust.
  • Set-ExcelRow and Set-ExcelColumn trap attempts to process a sheet with no rows/columns.
  • Help has been proof-read (thanks to Mrs. @Jhoneill !).

What's new 5.3.4

What's new 5.3.3

  • Thank you to (lazywinadmin)[https://github.com/lazywinadmin] - Expand aliases in examples and elsewhere
  • In Export-Excel fixed a bug where -AutoNameRange on pre-existing data included the header in the range.
  • In Export-Excel fixed a bug which caused a zero, null, or empty string in a list of simple objects to be skipped.
  • In Export-Excel improved the behaviour when a new worksheet is created without data, and Tables etc are added to it.
  • In Join-Worksheet: added argument completer to -TitleBackgroundColor and set default for -TitleBackgroundStyle to 'Solid'.
  • In Add-Excel chart, New-ExcelChart, tests and Examples fixed mis-spelling of "Position"
  • In Send-SqlDataToExcel: improved robustness of check for no data returned.
  • In Set-ExcelColumn: -column can come from the pipeline (supporting an array introduces complications for supporting script blocks); -AutoNameRange no longer requires heading to specified (so you can do 1..10 | Set-ExcelColumn -AutoNameRange ); In Set-ExcelRow: -Row can come from the pipeline
  • Improved test coverage (back over 80%).
  • Help and example improvements. In "Index - music.ps1" the module for querying the index can be downloaded from PowerShell gallery #requires set to demand it. In SQL+FillColumns+Pivot\example2.ps1 the GetSQL module can be downloaded and #Requires has been set. The F1 results spreadsheet is available from one drive and a link is provided.
  • Added Azure DevOps continuous integration and badges

What's new in Release 5.3

  • Help improvements and tidying up of examples and extra examples
  • Open-Excel Package and Add-Worksheet now add worksheets as script properties so $Excel = Open-ExcelPackage -path test.xlsx ; $excel.sheet1 will return the sheet named "sheet1" $Excel.SheetName is a script property which is defined as $this.workbook.worksheets["Sheetname"]
  • Renamed Set-Column to Set-ExcelColumn, Set-Row to Set-ExcelRow, and Set-Format, to Set-ExcelRange. Added aliases so the old names still work.
  • Set-ExcelRange (or set-Format) used "Address" and "Range" incorrectly. There is now a single parameter -Range, with an alias of "Address". If the worksheet parameter is present, the function accepts a string specifying cells ("A1:Z10") or a the name of range. Without the worksheet it accepts an object representing a named range or a Table; or a tables's address, or part of the worksheet.cells collection.
  • Add-ConditionalFormatting: Used "address" correctly, and it will accept ranges in the address parameter (range is now an alias for address). It now wraps conditional value strings in quotes when needed (for = <= >= operations string needs to be in double quotes see issue #424). Parameter intellisense has been improved. There are new parameters: -StopIfTrue and -Priority and support for using the -Reverse parameter with Color-scale rules (issue #430). Booleans in the sheet are now supported as the value for a condition. Also brought the two different kinds of condition together inside Export-Excel, and fixed a bug where named-ranges didn't work in some places. In New-ConditionalText, more types of conditional format are supported, and the argument completer for -ConditionalTextColor was missing and has been added.
  • Improved handling of hyperlinks in Export-Excel (see issue #426)s
  • Export-Excel has better checking of Table and PivotTable names (for uniqueness) and a new test in quick charts that there is suitable data for charting. It also accepts hash tables for chart, pivot table and conditional formatting parameters which are splatted into the functions which add these.
  • Moved logic for adding a named-range out of Export-Excel and into a new function named Add-ExcelName, and logic for adding a table into a function named Add-ExcelTable; this is to make it easier to do these things independently of Export-Excel, but minimize duplication. The Add-ExcelTable command has extra parameters to toggle the options from table tools toolbar (show totals etc.) and set options in the totals row.
  • Moved PivotTable Functions out of Export-Excel.PS1 into their own file and moved Add-ExcelChart out of Export-Excel.ps1 into New-ExcelChart.ps1
  • Fixed bug in Merge-MultipleSheets where background pattern was set to None, making background color invisible.
  • Fixed issues where formatting could be reset when using Export-Excel to manipulate an existing sheet without appending data; this applied to number-formats and tables.
  • Add-PivotTable has some new parameters -PassThru returns the pivot table (e.g. to allow names /sort orders of data series to be tweaked ) -Address allows Pivot to be placed on an existing sheet; -PivotTableStyle allows a change from "Medium6", -PivotNumberFormat formats data cells. It is more flexible about how the source data is specified - copying the range options in Set-ExcelRange. Add-ExcelChart is now used for creating PivotCharts, and -PivotChartDefinition allows a definition created with New-ExcelChartDefinition to be used when setting up a PivotTable. This opens up all the things that Add-ExcelChart can do without duplicating the parameters on Add-Pivot table and Export-Excel. Definition, TableStyle, Numberformat and ChartDefiniton can be used in New-PivotTableDefinition .
  • Add-ExcelChart now supports -PassThru to return the chart for tweaking after creation; there is now a -PivotTable parameter to allow Add-PivotTable to call the code in Add-ExcelChart. And in New-ExcelChartDefinition Legend parameters (for size, bold & position ) are now supported
  • ChartDefinition and conditional formatting parameters can now be hashtables - anything that splats Add-ExcelChart or Add-ConditionalFormatting, it should be acceptable as a definition.

What's new in Release 5.2

  • Value does not need to be mandatory in Set-Row or Set-Column, also tidied their parameters a little.
  • Added support for array formulas in Set-Format (it really should be set range now that it sets values, formulas and hyperlinks - that can go on the to-do list )
  • Fixed a bug with -Append in Export-Excel which caused it to overwrite the last row if the new data was a simple type.
  • NumberFormat in Export-Excel now sets the default for on a new / blank sheet; but [still] sets individual cells when adding to a sheet
  • Added support for timespans in Export excel ; set as elapsed hours, mins, secs [h]:mm:sss
  • In Export-Excel improved the catch-all handler for insuring values to cope better with nested objects (#419) and reduce the number of parse operations
  • Added -Calculate switch to Export-Excel and Close-Excel Package; EPPlus needs formulas to OMIT the leading = sign so where formula is set it now strips a leading = sign
  • Added -PivotTotals parameter where there was already -NoTotalsInPivot new one allows None, Both, Rows, Columns. (#415)
  • When appending Export-Excel only extended tables and ranges if they were explicitly specified. It now does it automatically.
  • Compare and Merge worksheet originally had a problem with > 26 columns, I fixed merge turns out I hadn't fixed compare ... I have now
  • Fixed bug where Export-Excel would not recognize it had to set $TitleFillPattern - made the default 'Solid'
  • ExcludeProperty in Export-Excel now supports wildcards.
  • Added DateTime to the list of types which can be exported as single column.
  • Added Password support to Open- and Close-ExcelPackage (password was not doing anything in Export-Excel)
  • Gave Expand-NumberFormat a better grasp of currency layouts - it follows .NET which is not always the same as Excel would set:-(

What's new in Release 5.1.1

  • Set-Row and Set-Column will now create hyperlinks and insert dates correctly
  • Import-Excel now has an argument completer for Worksheet name - this can be slow on large files
  • The NumberFormat parameter (in Export-Excel, Set-Row, Set-Column, Set-Format and Add-ConditionalFormat) and X&YAxisNumberFormat parameters (in New-ExcelChartDefinition and Add-ExcelChart) now have an argument completer and the names Currency, Number, Percentage, Scientific, Fraction, Short Date ,Short time,Long time, Date-Time and Text will be converted to the correct Excel formatting strings.
  • Added new function Select-Worksheet to make a named sheet active: Added -Activate switch to Add-Worksheet, to make current sheet active, Export-Excel and Add-PivotTable support -Activate and pass it to Add-Worksheet, and New-PivotTableDefinition allows it to be part of the Pivot TableDefinition.
  • Fixed a bug in Set-Format which caused -Hidden not to work
  • Made the same changes to Add-Conditional format as set format so -switch:$false is processed, and 0 enums and values are processed correctly
  • In Export-Excel, wrapped calls to Add-CellValue in a try catch so a value which causes an issue doesn't crash the whole export but generates a warning instead (#410) .
  • Additional tests.

What's new to July 18

  • Changed parameter evaluation in Set-Format to support -bold:$false (and other switches so that if false is specified the attribute will be removed ), and to bug were enums with a value of zero, and other zero parameters were not set.
  • Moved chart creation into its own function (Add-Excel chart) within Export-Excel.ps1. Renamed New-Excelchart to New-ExcelChartDefinition to make it clearer that it is not making anything in the workbook (but for compatibility put an alias of New-ExcelChart in so existing code does not break). Found that -Header does nothing, so it isn't Add-Excel chart and there is a message that does nothing in New-ExcelChartDefinition .
  • Added -BarChart -ColumnChart -LineChart -PieChart parameters to Export-Excel for quick charts without giving a full chart definition.
  • Added parameters for managing chart Axes and legend
  • Added some chart tests to Export-Excel.tests.ps1. (but tests & examples for quick charts , axes or legends still on the to do list )
  • Fixed some bad code which had been checked-in in-error and caused adding charts to break. (This was not seen outside GitHub #377)
  • Added "Reverse" parameter to Add-ConditionalFormatting ; and added -PassThru to make it easier to modify details of conditional formatting rules after creation (#396)
  • Refactored ConditionalFormatting code in Export excel to use Add-ConditionalFormatting.
  • Rewrote Copy-ExcelWorksheet to use copy functionality rather than import | export (395)
  • Found sorts could be inconsistent in Merge-MultipleWorksheet, so now sort on more columns.
  • Fixed a bug introduced into Compare-Worksheet by the change described in the June changes below, this meant the font color was only being set in one sheet, when a row was changed. Also found that the PowerShell ISE and shell return Compare-Object results in different sequences which broke some tests. Applied a sort to ensure things are in a predictable order. (#375)
  • Removed (2) calls to Get-ExcelColumnName (Removed and then restored function itself)
  • Fixed an issue in Export-Excel where formulas were inserted as strings if "NoNumberConversion" is applied (#374), and made sure formatting is applied to formula cells
  • Fixed an issue with parameter sets in Export-Excel not being determined correctly in some cases (I think this had been resolved before and might have regressed)
  • Reverted the [double]::tryParse in export excel to the previous (longer) way, as the shorter way was not behaving correctly with with the number formats in certain regions. (also #374)
  • Changed Table, Range and AutoRangeNames to apply to whole data area if no data has been inserted OR to inserted data only if it has.(#376) This means that if there are multiple inserts only inserted data is touched, rather than going as far down and/or right as the furthest used cell. Added a test for this.
  • Added more of the Parameters from Export-Excel to Join-worksheet, join just calls export-excel with these parameters so there is no code behind them (#383)
  • Added more of the Parameters from Export-Excel to Send-SQLDataToExcel, send just calls export-excel with these parameters...
  • Added support for passing a System.Data.DataTable directly to Send-SQLDataToExcel
  • Fixed a bug in Merge-MultipleSheets where if the key was "name", columns like "displayName" would not be processed correctly, nor would names like "something_ROW". Added tests for Compare, Merge and Join Worksheet
  • Add-Worksheet , fixed a regression with move-after (#392), changed way default worksheet name is decided, so if none is specified, and an existing worksheet is copied (see June additions) and the name doesn't already exist, the original sheet name will be kept. (#393) If no name is given an a blank sheet is created, then it will be named sheetX where X is the number of the sheet (so if you have sheets FOO and BAR the new sheet will be Sheet3).

New in June 18

  • New commands - Diff , Merge and Join
    • Compare-Worksheet (introduced in 5.0) uses the built in Compare-object command, to output a command-line DIFF and/or color the worksheet to show differences. For example, if my sheets are Windows services the extra rows or rows where the startup status has changed get highlighted

    • Merge-Worksheet (also introduced in 5.0) joins two lumps, side by highlighting the differences. So now I can have server A's services and Server Bs Services on the same page. I figured out a way to do multiple sheets. So I can have Server A,B,C,D on one page :-) that is Merge-MultpleSheets

      For this release I've fixed heaven only knows how many typos and proof reading errors in the help for these two, the only code change is to fix a bug if two worksheets have different names, are in different files and the Comparison sends the delta in the second back before the one in first, then highlighting changed properties could throw an error. Correcting the spelling of Merge-MultipleSheets is potentially a breaking change (and it is still plural!)

      also fixed a bug in compare worksheet where color might not be applied correctly when the worksheets came from different files and had different name.

    • Join-Worksheet is new for this release. At it's simplest it copies all the data in Worksheet A to the end of Worksheet B

  • Add-Worksheet
    • I have moved this from ImportExcel.psm1 to ExportExcel.ps1 and it now can move a new worksheet to the right place, and can copy an existing worksheet (from the same or a different workbook) to a new one, and I set the Set return-type to aid intellisense
  • New-PivotTableDefinition
    • Now Supports -PivotFilter and -PivotDataToColumn, -ChartHeight/width -ChartRow/Column, -ChartRow/ColumnPixelOffset parameters
  • Set-Format
    • Fixed a bug where the -address parameter had to be named, although the examples in export-excel help showed it working by position (which works now. )
  • Export-Excel
    • I've done some re-factoring
      1. I "flattened out" small "called-once" functions , add-title, convert-toNumber and Stop-ExcelProcess.
      2. It now uses Add-Worksheet, Open-ExcelPackage and Add-ConditionalFormat instead of duplicating their functionality.
      3. I've moved the PivotTable functionality (which was doubled up) out to a new function "Add-PivotTable" which supports some extra parameters PivotFilter and PivotDataToColumn, ChartHeight/width ChartRow/Column, ChartRow/ColumnPixelOffsets.
      4. I've made the try{} catch{} blocks cover smaller blocks of code to give a better idea where a failure happened, some of these now Warn instead of throwing - I'd rather save the data with warnings than throw it away because we can't add a chart. Along with this I've added some extra write-verbose messages
    • Bad column-names specified for Pivots now generate warnings instead of throwing.
    • Fixed issues when pivot tables / charts already exist and an export tries to create them again.
    • Fixed issue where AutoNamedRange, NamedRange, and TableName do not work when appending to a sheet which already contains the range(s) / table
    • Fixed issue where AutoNamedRange may try to create ranges with an illegal name.
    • Added check for illegal characters in RangeName or Table Name (replace them with "_"), changed tablename validation to allow spaces and applied same validation to RangeName
    • Fixed a bug where BoldTopRow is always bolds row 1 even if the export is told to start at a lower row.
    • Fixed a bug where titles throw pivot table creation out of alignment.
    • Fixed a bug where Append can overwrite the last rows of data if the initial export had blank rows at the top of the sheet.
    • Removed the need to specify a fill type when specifying a title background color
    • Added MoveToStart, MoveToEnd, MoveBefore and MoveAfter Parameters - these go straight through to Add worksheet
    • Added "NoScriptOrAliasProperties" "DisplayPropertySet" switches (names subject to change) - combined with ExcludeProperty these are a quick way to reduce the data exported (and speed things up)
    • Added PivotTableName Switch (in line with 5.0.1 release)
    • Add-CellValue now understands URI item properties. If a property is of type URI it is created as a hyperlink to speed up Add-CellValue
      • Commented out the write verbose statements even if verbose is silenced they cause a significant performance impact and if it's on they will cause a flood of messages.
      • Re-ordered the choices in the switch and added an option to say "If it is numeric already post it as is"
      • Added an option to only set the number format if doesn't match the default for the sheet.
  • Export-Excel Pester Tests
    • I have converted examples 1-9, 11 and 13 from Export-Excel help into tests and have added some additional tests, and extra parameters to the example command to get better test coverage. The test so far has 184 "should" conditions grouped as 58 "IT" statements; but is still a work in progress.
  • Compare-Worksheet pester tests
  • James O'Neill added Compare-Worksheet
    • Compares two worksheets with the same name in different files.


Thanks to the community yet again

  • ili101 for fixes and features
    • Removed [PSPlot] as OutputType. Fixes it throwing an error
  • Nasir Zubair added ConvertEmptyStringsToNull to the function ConvertFrom-ExcelToSQLInsert
    • If specified, cells without any data are replaced with NULL, instead of an empty string. This is to address behaviors in certain DBMS where an empty string is insert as 0 for INT column, instead of a NULL value.


-New parameter -ReZip. It ReZips the xlsx so it can be imported to PowerBI

Thanks to Justin Grote for finding and fixing the error that Excel files created do not import to PowerBI online. Plus, thank you to CrashM for confirming the fix.

Super helpful!


  • Updated Set-Format
    • Added parameters to set borders for cells, including top, bottom, left and right
    • Added parameters to set value and formula
$data = @"
Atlanta,New York,3602000,.0809,955000,.09,245,65
New York,Washington,4674000,.105,336000,.03,222,16
Chicago,New York,4674000,.0804,1536000,.14,550,43
New York,Philadelphia,12180000,.1427,-716000,-.07,321,-25
New York,San Francisco,3221000,.0629,1088000,.04,436,21
New York,Phoneix,2782000,.0723,467000,.10,674,33

  • Added -PivotFilter parameter, allows you to set up a filter so you can drill down into a subset of the overall dataset.
$data =@"


  • Thank you to James O'Neill, fixed bugs with ChangeDatabase parameter which would prevent it working

  • Added -Force to New-Alias

  • Add example to set the background color of a column

  • Supports excluding Row Grand Totals for PivotTables

  • Allow xlsm files to be read

  • Fix Set-Column.ps1, Set-Row.ps1, SetFormat.ps1, formatting.ps1 $false and $BorderRound


  • Added switch [Switch]$NoTotalsInPivot. Allows hiding of the row totals in the pivot table.

    Thanks you to jameseholt for the request.

    get-process | where Company | select Company, Handles, WorkingSet |
        export-excel C:\temp\testColumnGrand.xlsx `
            -Show -ClearSheet  -KillExcel `
            -IncludePivotTable -PivotRows Company -PivotData @{"Handles"="average"} -NoTotalsInPivot
  • Fixed when using certain a ChartType for the Pivot Table Chart, would throw an error
  • Fixed - when you specify a file, and the directory does not exit, it now creates it


More great additions and thanks to James O'Neill

  • Added Convert-XlRangeToImage Gets the specified part of an Excel file and exports it as an image
  • Fixed a typo in the message at line 373.
  • Now catch an attempt to both clear the sheet and append to it.
  • Fixed some issues when appending to sheets where the header isn't in row 1 or the data doesn't start in column 1.
  • Added support for more settings when creating a pivot chart.
  • Corrected a typo PivotTableName was PivtoTableName in definition of New-PivotTableDefinition
  • Add-ConditionalFormat and Set-Format added to the parameters so each has the choice of working more like the other.
  • Added Set-Row and Set-Column - fill a formula down or across.
  • Added Send-SQLDataToExcel. Insert a rowset and then call Export-Excel for ranges, charts, pivots etc.


Huge thanks to James O'Neill. PowerShell aficionado. He always brings a flare when working with PowerShell. This is no exception.

(Check out the examples help Export-Excel -Examples)

  • New parameter Package allows an ExcelPackage object returned by -passThru to be passed in
  • New parameter ExcludeProperty to remove unwanted properties without needing to go through select-object
  • New parameter Append code to read the existing headers and move the insertion point below the current data
  • New parameter ClearSheet which removes the worksheet and any past data
  • Remove any existing Pivot table before trying to [re]create it
  • Check for inserting a pivot table so if -InsertPivotChart is specified it implies -InsertPivotTable

(Check out the examples help Export-Excel -Examples)

  • New function Export-Charts (requires Excel to be installed) - Export Excel charts out as JPG files
  • New function Add-ConditionalFormatting Adds conditional formatting to worksheet
  • New function Set-Format Applies Number, font, alignment and color formatting to a range of Excel Cells
  • ColorCompletion an argument completer for Colors for params across functions

I also worked out the parameters so you can do this, which is the same as passing -Now. It creates an Excel file name for you, does an auto fit and sets up filters.

ps | select Company, Handles | Export-Excel


Added New-PivotTableDefinition. You can create and wire up a PivotTable to a WorkSheet. You can also create as many PivotTable Worksheets to point a one Worksheet. Or, you create many Worksheets and many corresponding PivotTable Worksheets.

Here you can create a WorkSheet with the data from Get-Service. Then create four PivotTables, pointing to the data each pivoting on a different dimension and showing a different chart

$base = @{
    SourceWorkSheet   = 'gsv'
    PivotData         = @{'Status' = 'count'}
    IncludePivotChart = $true

$ptd = [ordered]@{}

$ptd += New-PivotTableDefinition @base servicetype -PivotRows servicetype -ChartType Area3D
$ptd += New-PivotTableDefinition @base status -PivotRows status -ChartType PieExploded3D
$ptd += New-PivotTableDefinition @base starttype -PivotRows starttype -ChartType BarClustered3D
$ptd += New-PivotTableDefinition @base canstop -PivotRows canstop -ChartType ConeColStacked

Get-Service | Export-Excel -path $file -WorkSheetname gsv -Show -PivotTableDefinition $ptd


Thanks to https://github.com/ili101 :

  • Fix Bug, Unable to find type [PSPlot]
  • Fix Bug, AutoFilter with TableName create corrupted Excel file.


Thanks to Jeremy Brun Fixed issues related to use of -Title parameter combined with column formatting parameters.

9/28/2017 (Version 4.0.1)

  • Added a new parameter called Password to import password protected files

  • Added even more Pester tests for a more robust and bug free module

  • Renamed parameter 'TopRow' to 'StartRow'

    This allows us to be more concise when new parameters ('StartColumn', ..) will be added in the future Your code will not break after the update, because we added an alias for backward compatibility

Special thanks to robinmalik for providing us with the code to implement this new feature. A high five to DarkLite1 for the implementation.

9/12/2017 (Version 4.0.0)

Super thanks and hat tip to DarkLite1. There is now a new and improved Import-Excel, not only in functionality, but also improved readability, examples and more. Not only that, he's been running it in production in his company for a number of weeks!

Added Update-FirstObjectProperties Updates the first object to contain all the properties of the object with the most properties in the array. Check out the help.

Breaking Changes: Due to a big portion of the code that is rewritten some slightly different behavior can be expected from the Import-Excel function. This is especially true for importing empty Excel files with or without using the TopRow parameter. To make sure that your code is still valid, please check the examples in the help or the accompanying Pester test file.

Moving forward, we are planning to include automatic testing with the help of Pester, Appveyor and Travis. From now on any changes in the module will have to be accompanied by the corresponding Pester tests to avoid breakages of code and functionality. This is in preparation for new features coming down the road.


Thanks to Mikkel Nordberg. He contributed a ConvertTo-ExcelXlsx. To use it, Excel needs to be installed. The function converts the older Excel file format ending in .xls to the new format ending in .xlsx.


Huge thank you to DarkLite1! Refactoring of code, adding help, adding features, fixing bugs. Specifically this long outstanding one:

Export-Excel: Numeric values not correct

It is fantastic to work with people like DarkLite1 in the community, to help make the module so much better. A hat to you.

Another shout out to Damian Reeves! His questions turn into great features. He asked if it was possible to import an Excel worksheet and transform the data into SQL INSERT statements. We can now answer that question with a big YES!

ConvertFrom-ExcelToSQLInsert People .\testSQLGen.xlsx
INSERT INTO People ('First', 'Last', 'The Zip') Values('John', 'Doe', '12345');
INSERT INTO People ('First', 'Last', 'The Zip') Values('Jim', 'Doe', '12345');
INSERT INTO People ('First', 'Last', 'The Zip') Values('Tom', 'Doe', '12345');
INSERT INTO People ('First', 'Last', 'The Zip') Values('Harry', 'Doe', '12345');
INSERT INTO People ('First', 'Last', 'The Zip') Values('Jane', 'Doe', '12345');

Bonus Points

Use the underlying ConvertFrom-ExcelData function and you can use a scriptblock to format the data however you want.

ConvertFrom-ExcelData .\testSQLGen.xlsx {
    param($propertyNames, $record)

    $reportRecord = @()
    foreach ($pn in $propertyNames) {
        $reportRecord += "{0}: {1}" -f $pn, $record.$pn
    $reportRecord +=""
    $reportRecord -join "`r`n"


First: John
Last: Doe
The Zip: 12345

First: Jim
Last: Doe
The Zip: 12345

First: Tom
Last: Doe
The Zip: 12345

First: Harry
Last: Doe
The Zip: 12345

First: Jane
Last: Doe
The Zip: 12345


Thank you to DarkLite1 for more updates

  • TableName with parameter validation, throws an error when the TableName:
    • Starts with something else then a letter
    • Is NULL or empty
    • Contains spaces
  • Numeric parsing now uses CurrentInfo to use the system settings


Big thanks to DarkLite1 for some great updates

  • -DataOnly switch added to Import-Excel. When used it will only generate objects for rows that contain text values, not for empty rows or columns.

  • Get-ExcelWorkBookInfo - retrieves information of an Excel workbook.

          Get-ExcelWorkbookInfo .\Test.xlsx
          CorePropertiesXml     : #document
          Title                 :
          Subject               :
          Author                : Konica Minolta User
          Comments              :
          Keywords              :
          LastModifiedBy        : Bond, James (London) GBR
          LastPrinted           : 2017-01-21T12:36:11Z
          Created               : 17/01/2017 13:51:32
          Category              :
          Status                :
          ExtendedPropertiesXml : #document
          Application           : Microsoft Excel
          HyperlinkBase         :
          AppVersion            : 14.0300
          Company               : Secret Service
          Manager               :
          Modified              : 10/02/2017 12:45:37
          CustomPropertiesXml   : #document


  • Added -Now switch. This short cuts the process, automatically creating a temp file and enables the -Show, -AutoFilter, -AutoSize switches.
Get-Process | Select Company, Handles | Export-Excel -Now
  • Added ScriptBlocks for coloring cells. Check out Examples
Get-Process |
    Select-Object Company,Handles,PM, NPM|
    Export-Excel $xlfile -Show  -AutoSize -CellStyleSB {

        Set-CellStyle $workSheet 1 $LastColumn Solid Cyan

        foreach($row in (2..$totalRows | Where-Object {$_ % 2 -eq 0})) {
            Set-CellStyle $workSheet $row $LastColumn Solid Gray

        foreach($row in (2..$totalRows | Where-Object {$_ % 2 -eq 1})) {
            Set-CellStyle $workSheet $row $LastColumn Solid LightGray


Fixed PowerShell 3.0 compatibility. Thanks to headsphere. He used $obj.PSObject.Methods[$target] syntax to make it backward compatible. PS v4.0 and later allow $obj.$target.

Thank you to xelsirko for fixing - Import-module importexcel gives version warning if started inside background job


Fixed reading the headers from cells, moved from using Text property to Value property.


  • Added Copy-ExcelWorksheet. Let's you copy a work sheet from one Excel workbook to another.


  • Fixes Import-Excel #68


Attila Mihalicz fixed two issues

  • Removing extra spaces after the backtick
  • Uninitialized variable $idx leaks into the pipeline when -TableName parameter is used

Thanks Attila.


  • Pushed 2.2.7 fixed resolve path in Get-ExcelSheetInfo
  • Fixed Casting Error in Export-Excel
  • For Import-Excel change Resolve-Path to return ProviderPath for use with UNC


  • Added -UseDefaultCredentials to both Import-Html and Get-HtmlTable
  • New functions, Import-UPS and Import-USPS. Pass in a valid tracking # and it scrapes the page for the delivery details


Huge thank you to Willie Möller

  • He added a version check so the PowerShell Classes don't cause issues for down-level version of PowerShell
  • He also contributed the first Pester tests for the module. Super! Check them out, they'll be the way tests will be implemented going forward


Thanks to Paul Williams for this feature. Now data can be transposed to columns for better charting.

$file = "C:\Temp\ps.xlsx"
rm $file -ErrorAction Ignore

ps |
    where company |
    select Company,PagedMemorySize,PeakPagedMemorySize |
    Export-Excel $file -Show -AutoSize `
        -IncludePivotTable `
        -IncludePivotChart `
        -ChartType ColumnClustered `
        -PivotRows Company `
        -PivotData @{PagedMemorySize='sum';PeakPagedMemorySize='sum'}

Add -PivotDataToColumn

$file = "C:\Temp\ps.xlsx"
rm $file -ErrorAction Ignore

ps |
    where company |
    select Company,PagedMemorySize,PeakPagedMemorySize |
    Export-Excel $file -Show -AutoSize `
        -IncludePivotTable `
        -IncludePivotChart `
        -ChartType ColumnClustered `
        -PivotRows Company `
        -PivotData @{PagedMemorySize='sum';PeakPagedMemorySize='sum'} `

And here is the new chart view


Made more methods fluent

$t=Get-Range 0 5 .2


    Plot($t,$t, $t,$t2, $t,$t3).
    Title("Hello World").


  • Thanks to redoz Multi Series Charts are now working

Also check out how you can create a table and then with Excel notation, index into the data for charting "Impressions[A]"

$data = @"
"@ | ConvertFrom-Csv

$c = New-ExcelChart -Title Impressions `
    -ChartType Line -Header "Something" `
    -XRange "Impressions[Date]" `
    -YRange @("Impressions[B]","Impressions[A]")

$data |
    Export-Excel temp.xlsx -AutoSize -TableName Impressions -Show -ExcelChartDefinition $c


  • Added NumberFormat parameter
$data |
    Export-Excel -Path $file -Show -NumberFormat '[Blue]$#,##0.00;[Red]-$#,##0.00'


  • Added Get-Range, New-Plot and Plot Cos example
  • Updated EPPlus DLL. Allows markers to be changed and colored
  • Handles and warns if auto name range names are also valid Excel ranges


  • Added Header and FirstDataRow for Import-Html


  • Added GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThan, LessThanOrEqual to New-ConditionalText
echo 489 668 299 777 860 151 119 497 234 788 |
    Export-Excel c:\temp\test.xlsx -Show `
    -ConditionalText (New-ConditionalText -ConditionalType GreaterThan 525)



  • Added Conditional Text types of Equal and NotEqual
  • Phone #'s like '+33 011 234 34' will be now be handled correctly

Try PassThru

$file = "C:\Temp\passthru.xlsx"
rm $file -ErrorAction Ignore

$xlPkg = $(
    New-PSItem north 10
    New-PSItem east  20
    New-PSItem west  30
    New-PSItem south 40
) | Export-Excel $file -PassThru


$ws.Cells["A3"].Value = "Hello World"
$ws.Cells["B3"].Value = "Updating cells"
$ws.Cells["D1:D5"].Value = "Data"



Invoke-Item $file




  • Added Get-ExcelSheetInfo - Great contribution from Johan Åkerström check him out on GitHub and Twitter


  • Added NoLegend, Show-Category, ShowPercent for all charts including Pivot Charts
  • Updated PieChart, BarChart, ColumnChart and Line chart to work with the pipeline and added NoLegend, Show-Category, ShowPercent


These new features open the door for really sophisticated work sheet creation.

Stay tuned for a blog post and examples.

Quick List

  • StartRow, StartColumn for placing data anywhere in a sheet
  • New-ExcelChart - Add charts to a sheet, multiple series for a chart, locate the chart anywhere on the sheet
  • AutoNameRange, Use functions and/or calculations in a cell
  • Quick charting using PieChart, BarChart, ColumnChart and more


Big bug fix for version 3.0 PowerShell folks!

This technique fails in 3.0 and works in 4.0 and later.


Adding .invoke works in 3.0 and later.


A big thank you to DarkLite1 for adding the help to Export-Excel.

Added -HeaderRow parameter. Sometimes the heading does not start in Row 1.


Fixes Export-Excel generates corrupt Excel file


Import-Excel has a new parameter NoHeader. If data in the sheet does not have headers and you don't want to supply your own, Import-Excel will generate the property name.

Import-Excel now returns .Value rather than .Text


Merged ValidateSet for Encoding and Extension. Thank you Irwin Strachan.


Export-Excel can now handle data that is not an object

echo a b c 1 $true 2.1 1/1/2015 | Export-Excel c:\temp\test.xlsx -Show


dir -Name | Export-Excel c:\temp\test.xlsx -Show


Hide worksheets Got a great request from forensicsguy20012004 to hide worksheets. You create a few pivotables, generate charts and then pivot table worksheets don't need to be visible.

Export-Excel now has a -HideSheet parameter that takes and array of worksheet names and hides them.


Here, you create four worksheets named PM,Handles,Services and Files.

The last line creates the Files sheet and then hides the Handles,Services sheets.

$p = Get-Process

$p|select company, pm | Export-Excel $xlFile -WorkSheetname PM
$p|select company, handles| Export-Excel $xlFile -WorkSheetname Handles
Get-Service| Export-Excel $xlFile -WorkSheetname Services

dir -File | Export-Excel $xlFile -WorkSheetname Files -Show -HideSheet Handles, Services

Note There is a bug in EPPlus that does not let you hide the first worksheet created. Hopefully it'll resolved soon.


Added Conditional formatting. See TryConditional.ps1 as an example.

Or, check out the short "How To" video.




  • For -PivotRows you can pass a hashtable with the name of the property and the type of calculation. Sum, Average, Max, Min, Product, StdDev, StdDevp, Var, Varp
Get-Service |
    Export-Excel "c:\temp\test.xlsx" `
        -Show `
        -IncludePivotTable `
        -PivotRows status `
        -PivotData @{status='count'}

6/16/2015 (Thanks Justin)

  • Improvements to PivotTable overwriting
  • Added two parameters to Export-Excel
    • RangeName - Turns the data piped to Export-Excel into a named range.
    • TableName - Turns the data piped to Export-Excel into an excel table.


Get-Process|Export-Excel foo.xlsx -Verbose -IncludePivotTable -TableName "Processes" -Show
Get-Process|Export-Excel foo.xlsx -Verbose -IncludePivotTable -RangeName "Processes" -Show


  • Fixed null header problem


  • Added three parameters:
    • FreezeTopRow - Freezes the first row of the data
    • AutoFilter - Enables filtering for the data in the sheet
    • BoldTopRow - Bolds the top row of data, the column headers


Get-CimInstance win32_service |
    select state, accept*, start*, caption |
    Export-Excel test.xlsx -Show -BoldTopRow -AutoFilter -FreezeTopRow -AutoSize



  • Published to PowerShell Gallery. In PowerShell v5 use Find-Module importexcel then Find-Module importexcel | Install-Module


  • datetime properties were displaying as ints, now are formatted


  • Now you can create multiple Pivot tables in one pass
    • Thanks to pscookiemonster, he submitted a repro case to the EPPlus CodePlex project and got it fixed


$ps = ps

$ps |
    Export-Excel .\testExport.xlsx  -WorkSheetname memory `
        -IncludePivotTable -PivotRows Company -PivotData PM `
        -IncludePivotChart -ChartType PieExploded3D
$ps |
    Export-Excel .\testExport.xlsx  -WorkSheetname handles `
        -IncludePivotTable -PivotRows Company -PivotData Handles `
        -IncludePivotChart -ChartType PieExploded3D -Show



  • Included and embellished Claus Nielsen function to take all sheets in an Excel file workbook and create a text file for each ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet
  • Renamed Export-MultipleExcelSheets to ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet


  • You can add a title to the Excel "Report" Title, TitleFillPattern, TitleBold, TitleSize, TitleBackgroundColor
    • Thanks to Irwin Strachan for this and other great suggestions, testing and more


  • Renamed AutoFitColumns to AutoSize
  • Implemented Export-MultipleExcelSheets
  • Implemented -Password for a worksheet
  • Replaced -Force switch with -NoClobber switch
  • Added examples for Get-Help
  • If Pivot table is requested, that sheet becomes the tab selected


  • Implemented exporting data to named sheets via the -WorkSheetname parameter.

Examples - gsv | Export-Excel .\test.xlsx -WorkSheetname Services

dir -file | Export-Excel .\test.xlsx -WorkSheetname Files

ps | Export-Excel .\test.xlsx -WorkSheetname Processes -IncludePivotTable -Show -PivotRows Company -PivotData PM

Convert (All or Some) Excel Sheets to Text files

Reads each sheet in TestSheets.xlsx and outputs it to the data directory as the sheet name with the extension .txt

ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet .\TestSheets.xlsx .\data

Reads and outputs sheets like Sheet10 and Sheet20 form TestSheets.xlsx and outputs it to the data directory as the sheet name with the extension .txt

ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet .\TestSheets.xlsx .\data sheet?0

Example Adding a Title

You can set the pattern, size and of if the title is bold.

    Title = "Process Report as of $(Get-Date)"
    TitleFillPattern = "LightTrellis"
    TitleSize = 18
    TitleBold = $true

    Path  = "$pwd\testExport.xlsx"
    Show = $true
    AutoSize = $true

Get-Process |
    Where Company | Select Company, PM |
    Export-Excel @p


Example Export-MultipleExcelSheets


$p = Get-Process

$DataToGather = @{
    PM        = {$p|select company, pm}
    Handles   = {$p|select company, handles}
    Services  = {gsv}
    Files     = {dir -File}
    Albums    = {(Invoke-RestMethod http://www.dougfinke.com/PowerShellfordevelopers/albums.js)}

Export-MultipleExcelSheets -Show -AutoSize .\testExport.xlsx $DataToGather

NOTE If the sheet exists when using -WorkSheetname parameter, it will be deleted and then added with the new data.

Get-Process Exported to Excel

Total Physical Memory Grouped By Company


Importing data from an Excel spreadsheet


You can also find EPPLus on Nuget.

Known Issues

  • Using -IncludePivotTable, if that pivot table name exists, you'll get an error.
    • Investigating a solution
    • Workaround delete the Excel file first, then do the export
  • Export-Excel extremely slow on large spreadsheets

    Export-Excel extremely slow on large spreadsheets


    I've been trying to merge two excel spreadsheets together, the source xlsx files are just over 3MB, but when I call Export-Excel -Verbose it seems that is flies through the headers and then stalls. These spreadsheets have about 1700 columns and 300 rows, i.e. their union has slightly more. But these numbers are not unheard-of. Is this expected to scale poorly or am I doing something wrong? It stalls saving only one already:

    $sheet = Import-Excel -Path \\path\to\my\xlsx
    $sheet | Export-Excel \\path\to\my\output -Verbose -Debug

    I can see that it is trying to do something in the task manager, but it's not progressing after

    VERBOSE: Cell '1:1737' add header [...] 

    Cheers, Manuel

    opened by worc4021 41
  • Error using Export-Excel since updating to latest release of module

    Error using Export-Excel since updating to latest release of module

    I've been using your module since May and it's been working fine. I noticed that there had been a lot of recent updates so I downloaded and installed the latest version of the module and now Export-Excel is not working at all. Whenever I try to use the module I get the following error. For example:

    PS F:\PowerShellScripts> Get-Service | Export-Excel services.xlsx
    invoke member w/ expression name
    At line:1 char:1
    + Get-Service | Export-Excel services.xlsx
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (:) [], NotImplementedExceptio
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.NotImplementedException

    I cannot figure this out and don't understand what is happening. The previous version (from 27th May '15) worked fine. It seems to be an issue with the Export-Excel.ps1 file, which didn't even exist in the previous version. I also noticed that parameter completion is no longer working for the Export-Excel cmdlet.

    I am using PowerShell 3.0 on Windows 2008 R2. I also tested on Windows 7 with PowerShell 3 - same issue. Reverting back to the previous version works fine.

    Hope you can help!

    opened by stukey 36
  • Add ability to query with Oledb

    Add ability to query with Oledb

    Added basic function based on read-clipboard ps1 structure. Added some pester tests.

    To run tests I switched into public and ran invoke-pester .\Read-OleDbData.Tests.ps1

    Seems to be failing the build tests, but I didn't want to add it into the main project files before review.

    opened by royashbrook 35
  • Request for Enhancements

    Request for Enhancements

    As requested, ideas for potential enhancements:

    1. Auto-collapse pivot tables/data...would require C# re-code
    2. Placement of multiple pivot graphs/images on a single tab/worksheet
    3. Idea you mentioned to me...just so we have it down..."loading the the Excel sheet all in memory and then go at it like that" 4.Include "slicers" so an end user can select from a base set...example..list all customers in a combo-drop-down-box and which ever customer is selected will be reflected in the pivots tables and pivot graphics/images
    4. Also have the ability to place multiple pivot tables, not the graphs/images, on a single tab/worksheet 6.Give the ability to hang/include VBA code...have a parameter off the main Export-Excel that would allow for dev to pass in VBA and specify which tab/worksheet(s) that VBA applies....really start to leverage some serious functionality
    5. Give the overall feel of an fully interactive "dashboard" to the end-user. As it stands the module itself is brilliant, as well as its development....but getting feedback from my users and they still "feel" they are in Excel and not a "dashboard," something that would be built via Tableau for instance
    opened by forensicsguy20012004 27
  • Formula Exports prepends

    Formula Exports prepends "@" to Add In Function

    Hi Thank you for the amazing module! I have become unstuck on my final challenge:

    If I set Cell Value to a formula that uses an Add-In similar to:


    when I open the workbook in Excel it is output as:

    [email protected](param,param)

    Excel just gives me a #NAME error a this point. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?

    I had a read of #1109 and #1105 but wasn't able to find a solution from those.

    Thanks again!

    opened by ianalderman 24
  • Import-Excel


    I have an excel sheet that looks something like this:

    FirstName, LastName, NickName, PhoneNumber, MobileNumber (Headers) Bob, Doe, bdoe (Uses formula to trim & concat FirstName & LastName), empty, empty Jane, Doe, jdoe, empty, empty empty,empty,(contains formula but because FirstName & LastName is empty; this is blank), empty, empty

    I would like to import this excel sheet, but I only want to import rows 1 and 2 in its entirety even though the phone number, and mobile phone number is empty/null and ignore row 3 as it has no data.

    Is this something I can currently do and if so, how would I go about doing this?

    opened by quong 22
  • Incorrect table when supplying DataTable with zero rows

    Incorrect table when supplying DataTable with zero rows

    Sending a DataTable with columns, but no rows, should result in an empty table with just the header row, but what I'm seeing is a table with no header row, and one data row that contains the column names.

    Expecting to see: image

    Seeing: image

    My code:

                $exportParams = @{
                    Path = $outputPath
                    InputObject = $dataSet.DataTable
                    WorksheetName = $dataSet.ExcelExport.WorksheetName
                    TableName = $dataSet.ExcelExport.TableName
                    HideSheet = $dataSet.ExcelExport.WorksheetName
                    ClearSheet = $true
                    ExcludeProperty = @('RowError', 'RowState', 'Table', 'ItemArray', 'HasErrors')
                $xlPkg = Export-Excel @exportParams -PassThru

    Having looked at the Export-Excel code I'd guess this is an EPPlus issue, but thought I'd post in case there is a simple workaround.

    Great module btw; thanks for making my life easier!

    opened by techabilla 21
  • Tests for behaviour like Format-Table -A

    Tests for behaviour like Format-Table -A

    During development of PSWinDocumentation I noticed that my PSWriteWord is delivering "unexpected" results. While the tables delivered by my Add-WordTable were kind of "nice" it was not what was expected in this scenario:

    $Value | Format-Table -Autosize 

    So I wrote some tests for all those scenarios and now my Add-WordTable is delivering expected results. But then I wanted to export same data to Excel and noticed Export-Excel fails on that as well. So I've ported exact same tests to ImportExcel. Following is how "newest version" behaves.


    While I am not sure if you expect it the same way that $variable should always display the same result for user in console as in Excel but certainly I do.

    Also keep in mind that tests are failing on my computer:


    While the Tests don't need additional 3 files

    • PSArray.ps1
    • PSObjects.ps1
    • PSTables.ps1

    But the solution I prepared for this (that will come in next pull request) requires it. I add this in this pull request since it's none breaking change, and the tests are using PSObjects.ps1 function. I've not added those 3 files to ImportExcel.psm1 (I guess you have a reason why you need the files explicitly defined in there).

    On a side note the next pull request with a fix is failing on some tests (of yours) and since I don't know if it will be accepted or not don't want to spend more time on this.

    On another side not, I don't know what performance impact "support" functions have but maybe it's worth the effort to split some things out of Export-Excel outside so it's easier to read and find out what is really happening. It may be just me but it took me a while to understand what you're doing :-)

    opened by PrzemyslawKlys 21
  • import-module syntax error in 3 examples

    import-module syntax error in 3 examples

    After I did Install-Module ImportExcel as administrator the code in sample: https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/blob/master/Examples/PivotTable/PivotTableWithName.ps1 gives error:

    Import-Module ..\..\ImportExcel.psd1 -Force
    Import-Module : The specified module '..\..\ImportExcel.psd1' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.
    At line:1 char:1
    + Import-Module ..\..\ImportExcel.psd1 -Force
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : ResourceUnavailable: (..\..\ImportExcel.psd1:String) [Import-Module], FileNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Modules_ModuleNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand

    changing it to

    Import-Module ImportExcel.psd1

    works as expected :)

    opened by mi-hol 21
  • Export-Excel - macro-enabled spreadsheet .xlsm

    Export-Excel - macro-enabled spreadsheet .xlsm

    hi, I've been using the export-excel for reporting and it's been great! there's a new requirement where I need to pull data from another source.

    is it possible to add the ability to export to a macro-enabled spreadsheet? .xlsm!

    opened by isdataninja 21
  • Export Excel fixes for issues #92, #52, #41, #33.

    Export Excel fixes for issues #92, #52, #41, #33.

    These changes fix issues #92, #52, #41, #33.

    Export-Excel.Impl.ps1: Implementation details for the new Export-Excel contributions. Export-Excel.Impl.Tests.ps1: Tests for the implementation details. Export-Excel.ps1: Export-Excel is now a Cmdlet (supports -Verbose parameter). Added -DateTimeFormat and -ColumnOptions parameters. Extracted value and format code into New-CellData function. Export-Excel.Tests.ps1: Updated module import. Issues.Tests.ps1: Contains a test for every issue fixed.

    opened by W1M0R 21
  • Old command now failing

    Old command now failing


    I use the following command to remove processed data from a worksheet:

    $data | Export-Excel -Path "[Path]\New User.xlsm" -WorkSheetname "NewVFUser" -ClearSheet

    It recently started presenting an error: Exception: C:\Users\hillt\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\ImportExcel\7.8.0\Public\Export-Excel.ps1:135:17 Line | 135 | catch { throw "Could not get worksheet $WorksheetName" } | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Could not get worksheet NewVFUser

    The worksheet name is the same used to gather and process the data, which all still works.

    Please let me know if you need more information.

    opened by PSRookietjh2021 2
  • Functions\variables to get range or translate range between string format or object format

    Functions\variables to get range or translate range between string format or object format

    I do not find functions or variables related to ranges. For example: INPUT: $a=1;$b=2 OUTPUT: "A2"

    If there exist function Set-Range then it mus exist function Get Range.

    I saw functions: Get-Range or Get-XYRange but there are used as examples to other functions.

    opened by oliwex 0
  • Add-ConditionalFormatting


    #Open Excel File $excelHandler=Open-ExcelPackage -Path C:\path\to\excel\file\created\before.xlsx

    #Fill range "A1:O20" by excel function RAND() (it returns value from 0 to 1. It is volatile function) Set-ExcelRange -Range $excelHandler.Workbook.Worksheets["Arkusz1"].Cells["A1:O20"] -Formula "=RAND()"

    #Create conditional formatting to format cells "A1:O20". It format cells that is above average of range cells. The format of cell is Dark Up(Pattern provided by excel SDK). As I use -ShowIconOnly the Add-ConditionalFormatting -Address $excelHandler.Workbook.Worksheets["Arkusz1"].Cells["A1:O20"] -RuleType AboveAverage -BackgroundPattern DarkUp -ShowIconOnly -Reverse

    #Close excel file and show on desktop Close-ExcelPackage -ExcelPackage $excelHandler -Show


    The property 'ShowValue' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set. At C:\Users\Minio\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ImportExcel\7.8.4\Public\Add-ConditionalFormatting.ps1:89 char:9

    •     $rule.ShowValue = $false
    •     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      • CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
      • FullyQualifiedErrorId : PropertyAssignmentException

    WARNING: -Reverse was ignored because AboveAverage does not support it.

    RESULT: Excel file as i use: Add-ConditionalFormatting -Address $excelHandler.Workbook.Worksheets["Arkusz1"].Cells["A1:O20"] -RuleType AboveAverage -BackgroundPattern DarkUp

    Could you repair that to not return error :) ?

    opened by oliwex 0
  • Export-Excel not correctly evaluating formulas containing table references

    Export-Excel not correctly evaluating formulas containing table references

    When exporting data that contains formulas with table references with Export-Excel, the cells containing formulas with table references don't evaluate correctly.

    For example,

    $xlFile = "C:\Test\Excel Test.xlsx"
    $xlSheet = "TestSheet"
    $Data = [PSCustomObject]@{
        "Col1" = 10
        "Col2" = 100
        "Col3" = '=[@Col2]*2'
        "Col4" = '=B11*2'
    $Data | Export-Excel $xlFile -WorksheetName $xlSheet -Append

    Output with the above code

    Col 1   Col 2   Col 3   Col 4
    -----   -----   -----   -----
    10      100     #REF!   200

    The example code saves the data to the end of the existing Table but the value in Column C shows #REF! (the formula for the cell is =#REF!*2) The value in Column C should be 200.

    opened by zuntua 9
  • How to export with some columns with System.Collections.ArrayList to Excel?

    How to export with some columns with System.Collections.ArrayList to Excel?

    There are some columns in my PSObject container a list. How to convert System.Collections.ArrayList column to a Text? Is there any built-in command argument for this?


    opened by doggy8088 5
  • v7.8.4(Dec 11, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add -ShowOnlyIcon to New-ConditionalFormattingIconSet. Base on https:… by @dfinke in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1341

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/compare/v7.8.3...v7.8.4

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.8.3(Nov 20, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Set Validate Range for rows to max rows available by @steve-daedilus in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1273
    • Update add-excelchart.md by @stahler in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1283
    • Add TotalSettings parameter to Export-Excel by @thkn-hofa in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1300
    • #1281 Grammar error update by @steve-daedilus in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1285
    • TotalSettings improvements by @thkn-hofa in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1305

    New Contributors

    • @steve-daedilus made their first contribution in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1273
    • @thkn-hofa made their first contribution in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1300

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/compare/v7.8.2...v7.8.3

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.8.2(Oct 22, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update Add-Worksheet.ps1 - 'worsheet' to 'worksheet' in warnings by @JeremiahTheFirst in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1251
    • Update convertfrom-exceltosqlinsert.md by @stahler in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1253
    • Fixed typo of 'pararameter' to 'parameter' by @WilsonStewart in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1254
    • Update Export-Excel.ps1 by @stahler in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1266

    New Contributors

    • @JeremiahTheFirst made their first contribution in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1251
    • @WilsonStewart made their first contribution in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1254

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/compare/v7.8.1...v7.8.2

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.8.1(Sep 3, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Added Group Column tests by @dfinke in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1220
    • Update Bottom Spelling Error by @g-pearl in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1233
    • Update open-excelpackage.md by @stahler in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1234

    New Contributors

    • @g-pearl made their first contribution in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1233

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/compare/v7.8.0...v7.8.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.8.0(Jul 16, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Kkazala/exportformatting by @kkazala in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1208
    • Fix typo in help by @chadmando in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1216
    • Feat/VBA-PivotTable-Tabular-Repeat-Label-No-Subtotals by @dbrennand in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1214
    • Pivot table updates by @jhoneill in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1219

    New Contributors

    • @chadmando made their first contribution in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1216
    • @dbrennand made their first contribution in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1214

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/compare/v7.7.0...v7.8.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.7.0(Jul 4, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Set up gha ci/cd by @dfinke in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1198
    • Update to Get-HTMLTable by @jhoneill in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1200
    • Compare cells by @kkazala in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1202
    • Fix -UnderLineType parameter is ignored in Set-ExcelColumn #1204 by @dfinke in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1206

    New Contributors

    • @kkazala made their first contribution in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1202

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/compare/v7.6.0...v7.7.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.6.0(Jun 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • [Under investigation] Fix -StartRow and -StartColumn being ignored.
    • James O'Neill:
      • Update Get-HtmlTable to support to use PowerHTML (maintained by Justin Grote).
      • Added example to including a new function Import-ByColumn. Works like Import-Excel but with data in columns instead of the conventional rows.
    • Update Import-HTML with better defaults
    • Fixed example Get-ModuleStats.ps1 which reads the PowerShell Gallery page and extracts the stats table

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/compare/v7.5.3...v7.6.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.5.3(May 30, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Update read me by @dfinke in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1181

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/compare/v7.5.2...v7.5.3

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.5.2(May 4, 2022)

  • v7.5.1(May 3, 2022)

    • Fixed Import-Excel - Reset EndRow and EndColumn in the correct place.

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/compare/v7.5.0...v7.5.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.5.0(Apr 30, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix bug #1172 by @dfinke in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1173
    • Update and improve Import-Excel for reading sheets by @dfinke in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1161
    • Add helper functions by @dfinke in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1171

    Read the changelog


    Full Changelog: https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/compare/v7.4.2...v7.5.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.4.2(Apr 19, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add FreezePane Example by @dfinke in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1118
    • Add Add-ExcelImage example by @joshooaj in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1133
    • Adding VBA examples for worksheets by @caosborn in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1149
    • Allow for escaping of single quote in data. by @jamesmmueller in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1145

    New Contributors

    • @joshooaj made their first contribution in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1133
    • @caosborn made their first contribution in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1149
    • @jamesmmueller made their first contribution in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1145

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/compare/v7.4.1...v7.4.2

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.4.1(Nov 30, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Faq docs by @DavisHenckel in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1110
    • Refactor-rezip by @dfinke in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1112

    New Contributors

    • @DavisHenckel made their first contribution in https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/pull/1110

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/compare/v7.4.0...v7.4.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.4.0(Nov 28, 2021)

  • v7.3.1(Nov 13, 2021)

  • v7.3.0(Sep 14, 2021)

  • v7.2.1(Jul 24, 2021)

  • v7.1.2(May 8, 2021)

    Added Get-ExcelFileSummary - Gets summary information on an Excel file like number of rows, columns, and more

    dir . -r *.xlsx | Get-ExcelFileSummary | ft
    ExcelFile          WorksheetName Rows Columns Address Path
    ---------          ------------- ---- ------- ------- ----
    Grades.xlsx        Sheet1          21       3 A1:C21  D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\Grades
    GradesAverage.xlsx Sheet1          21       5 A1:E21  D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\Grades
    AllShifts.xlsx     Sheet1          21       2 A1:B21  D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\SeparateData
    Shift_1.xlsx       Sheet1          10       2 A1:B10  D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\SeparateData
    Shift_2.xlsx       Sheet1           8       2 A1:B8   D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\SeparateData
    Shift_3.xlsx       Sheet1           5       2 A1:B5   D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\SeparateData
    Shifts.xlsx        Shift_1         10       2 A1:B10  D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\SeparateData
    Shifts.xlsx        Shift_2          8       2 A1:B8   D:\temp\ExcelYouTube\SeparateData
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.1.0(Mar 21, 2020)

    What's new 7.1.0

    Fixes, Updates and new Examples


    • Odd behavior on the return of Import-Excel function https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/issues/792
    • Export-Excel -FreezeTopRow with -Title https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/issues/795
    • Not importing when first row contains a 0 in a column https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/issues/802


    • Add -AsDate support to Import-Excel and ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet

    New Examples

    |PS1|Description|Link| |---|---|---| |Pester-To-XLSx|Runs Pester, collects the results, enriches it, and exports it to Excel|Pester-To-XLSx.ps1 |DSUM|Sums up the numbers in a field (column) of records in a list or database that match conditions that you specify.|DSUM.ps1 |VLookup|Setups up a sheet, you enter the name of an item and the amount is looked up|VLOOKUP.ps1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.0.1(Dec 21, 2019)

  • v7.0.0(Dec 7, 2019)

    • Remove all functions from the psm1
    • Move functions into public subdirectory
    • Align TDD and continuous integration workflow for this refactor
    • Move help from functions to mdHelp and use PlatyPS to generate external help file
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.5.2(Nov 1, 2019)

    Thank you uSlackr

    • Fixes Column order issue (plus tests) for Get-ExcelColumnName

    Thank you jhoneill

    • Linux. Now set an environment variable if the support needed for Autosize is present, and use that Environment variable to decide to skip autosize operations.
    • Fixed tests which needed autosize to work so they skip of the environment variable is set.
    • Fixed another break where on azure the module never loaded.
    • Added -Force to Send-SQLDataToExcel so it sends something even if no rows are returned. (see #703)
    • Added -asText to import-Excel see (#164)[https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/issues/164] and multiple others
    • Add a comment to ci.ps1 re better .NET version detection and left some commented out code.


    • Added the example ReadAllSheets.ps1 based on this thread https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel/issues/678
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.5.3(Nov 23, 2019)

    Thanks again to the community for making this module even better.

    • Fix import excel headers
    • Numerous improvements for DataTables and exporting it to Excel James O'Neill
      • Names, styles, proper appending
    • Handles marking the empty row on an empty table as dummy row
    • Re-work code based on linting recommendations
    • Update existing tests and add more
    • Support PipelineVariable thanks to Luc Dekens for reporting and Ili for the PR
    • Fix quoting in ConvertFromExcelToSQLInsert beckerben
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.5.0(Aug 28, 2019)

    This is now using the latest version of EPPlus. Unit tests are updated and passing, if you hit problems, please open an issue. You can rollback to an older version from the PowerShell Gallery if you are blocked.

    Unit tests were updated and fixed "Set-WorksheetProtection" is now switched on Made a change to make Set-Excel range more friendly when Auto Sizing on non-windows platforms Fixed - Windows only tests don't attempt to run on non-windows systems Tests based on Get-Process don't attempt to run if <20 processes are returned If $env:TEMP is not set (as will be the case on Linux) Join-Path if used so paths are built with / or with \ as suits the OS where the test is running. Excel Sparklines now supported, check out the examples SalesByQuarter and Sparklines.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.2.4(Aug 21, 2019)

  • v6.2.3(Jul 24, 2019)

    • Refactored copy sheet and added pipe support
    • Add ClearAll to Set-ExcelRange
    • Fix broken test & regression for passwords
      • Note: Passwords do not work on pwsh. The EPPlus library does not support these dotnet core APIs at this time.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.2.1(Jun 18, 2019)

Doug Finke
Microsoft MVP since 2009. Creator of the popular PowerShell Excel module. Author "PowerShell for Developers", organizer of the New York City PowerShell Meetup.
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