Python code to remove empty folders from Windows/Android.


Empty Folder Cleaner

Table Of Contents


Empty Folder Cleaner is a program that deletes empty folders from your computer or device and removes clutter to improve performance. It supports only windows and android for now.

Libraries Used

Setup Instructions

There are no prerequisites; simply run the script. If you don't already have Python installed, you can get it here.

  • Clone the repository
git clone
  • Go to the folder directory
cd Empty-Folder-Cleaner
  • Run the script

To run it on Android, you can use either Pydroid3 or Termux.

How it works

The program removes any empty folder(s) fom your device by:

  • Checking the empty folders in curent path.
  • Checking the empty folder in given path provided by user.

Note: If you get any code like 03m[ on your terminal choose OPTION 3 before providing the path to be checked.

It is used to change the text color but it doesn't work on some devices or computer.

After providing the path to be checked, you'll be required to enter (Y/N) to confirm the deletion of the folders. Upon deletion, the following would be displayed:

  • The number of folders deleted.
  • The number of folders scanned.
  • The number of files and folders present in the provided path.
  • The scanned dir path.

Enter exit at any input to stop the program.


UI may differ due to terminal difference

Starting ScreenstartScreen.jpg
Option 1Option1.jpg Option 2Option2.jpg
Found Empty FoldersfoundEmpty.jpg Not Found Empty FoldersnoEmpty.jpg
End ScreenendScreen.jpg


Feel free to add more features to this repo by either creating an issue or making a Pull Request. See our contribution guidelines to get started.

Meet our contributors


This project is under an MIT LICENSE.

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