A simple Python app that generates semi-random chord progressions.



A simple Python app that generates semi-random chord progressions.

DEMO: https://youtu.be/Pj6JNkYeW0Y

To start the program, run ChordsGeneratorGUI.py

DISCLAIMER: The code is a damn mess becuase I banged it out in a day and I didn't think I would be sharing it with anyone until I decided to post it on reddit. I'm convinced that the same program could be written with far less code given more time (or a more skilled dev wink wink).

The input parameters are: Root chord: Whether the tonic should be major or minor (this could possibly have options for other scales in future versions). Amount: The number of chords to generate. Jazziness: The probability of a 7th chord being generated. Setting Amount to 0 will be a 0% chance of 7th chords, and 100 will be 100% 7th chords. Include dim: If this is unchecked, diminished chords will be omitted.

Essentially, the program logic is taken care of in the MusicScript.py file. It consists of a single function that takes in a few parameters and generates a semi-random chord progression (taking those parameters into account).

The ChordsGeneratorGUI.py file contains the UI. This is the file to run to start the application. The UI was made with the Tkinter interface.

// Cicada Flight

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