

This is the official CSM (Crowd source medical) database

Python CI Node.js CI

The What Now?

We created this in light of the COVID-19 pandemic to allow volunteers to work together in tackling the shortage of ventilator equipments.

We're just getting started so the documentation may still be lacking. Feel free to point out any issues in our Discord channel.



Discord: https://discord.gg/8dGbA5G


Frontend: https://trello.com/b/4EqWn2Pt/csm-frontend

Backend: https://trello.com/b/plYXa1AI/csm-backend

UI/UX: https://trello.com/b/ZmElMiHV/cms-ui-ux-mockups

DevOps: https://trello.com/b/ggGTsmr8/csm-devops

Onboarding and Team Assignments: https://trello.com/b/lcE3lFLO/csm-onboarding-and-team-assignment

The Tech Stack

Backend: FastAPI, PostgreSQL

Frontend: React, Material UI, Cypress (for E2E-testing)

Environment: Docker, Docker Compose

Project Setup

Installing Docker

Run the following commands

curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh

Find instructions to install docker-compose here: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/

Running the Project

Run the following commands

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d # The flag -d leaves the process in the background. Feel free to omit it.

The frontend is now be accessible at localhost:3001. The backend is now accessible at localhost:8000.

The backend might crash the first time, this is because a bug in the db image. Simply run docker-compose up (-d) again and it should work.

Populating the database

Once the database is setup we will be providing a database dump with some users etc in it. To update the database simply run

./restore-database base.pgdump

Incase you want to make a snapshot of your db to share run the following


How to Contribute


  • Branch names are encouraged to use the following format: <username>/<feature>
  • PRs are recommended to be reviewed by at least one person
  • If you find an issue without a Trello card, feel free to add it. It is encouraged to write an informative description about the issue so that basically anyone could start working on it.

Contributing to the Frontend Development

Frontend tasks can be found here: https://trello.com/b/4EqWn2Pt/csm-frontend.

  1. Pull Frontend/Staging
  2. git checkout -b <username>/<feature>
  3. Write a new Trello card or take an existing one, assign yourself into it, and move it to the "In Development" column
  4. Code like never before, pour your heart into it, communicate with people, have fun
  5. git push -u origin <username>/<feature>
  6. Open a PR against Frontend/Staging and request at least one reviewer.
    • PR description should mention relevant information about dependencies, blockers, etc...
  7. Add a link to the PR in the Trello card, and move it to the "Ready for Review" column
  8. Enjoy

If you don't have a permission to push, you can either request it from the Discord channel, or fork the project and open a PR with your changes in it.

Contributing to the Backend Development


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