An example which streams RGB-D images over spout.


Spout RGB-D Example

An example which streams RGB-D images over spout with visiongraph. Due to the spout dependency this currently only works on Windows.


It is recommended to use Python 3.8 or higher and should run on any OS. First create a new virtualenv and activate it. After that install all dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Simply run the with the following command to run a capturing pipeline (RealSense based). After that you can open a spout receiver and check the result there.



usage: [-h] [--input video-capture,realsense]
               [--input-size width height] [--input-fps INPUT_FPS]
               [--input-rotate 90,-90,180] [--input-flip h,v] [--raw-input]
               [--channel CHANNEL] [--input-skip INPUT_SKIP] [-ir]
               [--exposure EXPOSURE] [--gain GAIN] [--rs-serial RS_SERIAL]
               [--disable-emitter] [--depth]
               [--rs-filter decimation,spatial,temporal,hole-filling [decimation,spatial,temporal,hole-filling ...]]
               [--color-scheme Jet,Classic,WhiteToBlack,BlackToWhite,Bio,Cold,Warm,Quantized,Pattern]

Spout demo for visiongraph

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

input provider:
  --input video-capture,realsense
                        Image input provider, default: video-capture.
  --input-size width height
                        Requested input media size.
  --input-fps INPUT_FPS
                        Requested input media framerate.
  --input-rotate 90,-90,180
                        Rotate input media.
  --input-flip h,v      Flip input media.
  --raw-input           Skip automatic input conversion to 3-channel image.
  --channel CHANNEL     Input device channel (camera id, video path, image
  --input-skip INPUT_SKIP
                        If set the input will be skipped to the value in
  -ir, --infrared       Use infrared as input stream (RealSense).
  --exposure EXPOSURE   Exposure value (usec) for realsense input (disables
  --gain GAIN           Gain value for realsense input (disables auto-
  --rs-serial RS_SERIAL
                        RealSense serial number to choose specific device.
  --disable-emitter     Disable RealSense IR emitter.
  --depth               Enable RealSense depth stream.
  --rs-filter decimation,spatial,temporal,hole-filling [decimation,spatial,temporal,hole-filling ...]
                        RealSense depth filter.
  --depth-as-input      Use colored depth stream as input stream.
  --color-scheme Jet,Classic,WhiteToBlack,BlackToWhite,Bio,Cold,Warm,Quantized,Pattern
                        Color scheme for depth map, default: WhiteToBlack.


Copyright (c) 2021 Florian Bruggisser

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