A small Python library which gives you the IEEE-754 representation of a floating point number.



ieee754 is small Python library which gives you the IEEE-754 representation of a floating point number. You can specify a precision given in the list below or you can even use your own custom precision.

  • Half Precision (16 bit: 1 bit for sign + 5 bits for exponent + 10 bits for mantissa)
  • Single Precision (32 bit: 1 bit for sign + 8 bits for exponent + 23 bits for mantissa)
  • Double Precision (64 bit: 1 bit for sign + 11 bits for exponent + 52 bits for mantissa)
  • Quadrupole Precision (128 bit: 1 bit for sign + 15 bits for exponent + 112 bits for mantissa)
  • Octuple Precision (256 bit: 1 bit for sign + 19 bits for exponent + 236 bits for mantissa)
  • Prerequisites

    ieee754 uses numpy, so you should install numpy first.

    $ pip install numpy


    To download ieee754, either fork this github repo or simply use Pypi via pip.

    $ pip install ieee754


    After installation, you can import ieee754 and use it in your projects.

    Default Options

    Default precision is Double Precision and you can get the output by just calling the instance as a string.

    from ieee754 import IEEE754
    x = 13.375
    a = IEEE754(x)
    # you should call the instance as a string
    # you can get the hexadecimal presentation like this

    Select a Precision

    You can use Half (p=0), Single (p=1), Double (p=2), Quadrupole (p=3) or Octuple precision (p=4).

    from ieee754 import IEEE754
    for p in range(5):
        a = IEEE754(x, p)
        print("x = %f | b = %s | h = %s" % (13.375, a, a.str2hex()))

    Using a Custom Precision

    You can force total length, exponent, and mantissa size, and also the bias.

    a = IEEE754(x, force_length=19, force_exponent=6, force_mantissa=12, force_bias=31)


    MIT License

    Copyright (c) 2021 Bora Canbula

    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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  • Inaccurate results for 0.5 and 0.75 for half-precision.

    Inaccurate results for 0.5 and 0.75 for half-precision.

    For 0.5 by using this tool, you can find the accurate IEEE754 Half Precision representation for 0.5 as follows: image But in this repo, we have: image This is inaccurate by 2 bits.

    opened by akincan-kilic 0
  • Precision issues

    Precision issues

    If you choose Quadruple precision, the mantissa portion of the number gets approximated after a certain number of bits.

    As an example, the results for Quadruple precision from this converter (https://babbage.cs.qc.cuny.edu/IEEE-754/) are different from the one using the IEEE754 class.

    Digging a bit in the methods, the approximation is related to the fact that building the mantissa multiplying by 2 makes the error due to the initial approximation of the floating point number larger and larger, until it affects the result of the mantissa computation.

    I read that python and numpy do not handle particularly well high precision real numbers.

    I had to employ gmpy2 for my needs, maybe it's worth having a look at it for future modifications to the class.

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    something is wrong with small numbers lile -0.5687.

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Bora Canbula
Assoc. Prof. Dr. @ MCBU CENG. Studying theoretical nuclear physics and high performance computing.
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