HTML Whitespace remover for Django
Introduction :
A powerful tool to optimize Django rendered templates
Why use "django_stip_whitespace" ?
- Adds line break to InlineJS.
- It can automagically minify inline CSS, JS.
- Removes <!--prettier-ignore--> from HTML.
- It speeds up website by reducing the HTML size.
- Drop in replacement for django.gzip.GzipMiddleware.
- It compiles regex at runtime. So it's blazing fast.
- Its mostly based on C ( gzip ) and Rust ( minify-html ) libraries.
- Significantly lower bytes transferred when working with frameworks like AlpineJs ( Almost fully working & Please open a issue in the Issue Tracker if you encounter any bug) & Petite Vue.
- Is very customizable. ( You can configure lower level minify-html rust bindings and also the lower level python bindings from )
Why souldn't you use "django_stip_whitespace" ?
- You don't like having unnecessary ';;' in your HTML. ( If you know any regex to fix this please put a pull request )
- Although I tried my best to use Compiled Language for Optimizations. It can still be sub miliseconds ( > 0.001 ) slower compared to normal Django Rendering. ( If you know any way to improve performance, please put a pull request )
Requirements :
- python-strip-whitespace
- Django > 3 ( Should work with version 2? )
- Python 3 ( Should work with all version? )
- Brotli ( or BrotliPy ) | ( Optional )
- ZSTD ( Optional )
User guide :
Installation :
Install with pip from pypi (No extra dependencies):
$ python -m pip install django_strip_whitespace
Install with pip with Brotli support:
$ python -m pip install django_strip_whitespace[brotli]
Same but with Zstandard support:
$ python -m pip install django_strip_whitespace[zstd]
Install with pip from github ( Development | Not Recommended for Production ):
$ python -m pip install
Then include it in your django project:
MIDDLEWARE = [ ... "strip_whitespace.middlewares.HtmlStripWhiteSpaceMiddleware.html_strip_whitespace", ]
Or if you like:
MIDDLEWARE += "strip_whitespace.middlewares.HtmlStripWhiteSpaceMiddleware.html_strip_whitespace"
Customization :
Change Lower Level Bindings :
Rust :
The module allows rust minifier options to be changed from Django's file. If you would like to change any settings, refer to minify-html's source code.
The bindings are ( by default set to True ):
STRIP_WHITESPACE_RUST_DO_NOT_MINIFY_DOCTYPE, # passes do_not_minify_doctype to minify-html STRIP_WHITESPACE_RUST_ENSURE_SPEC_CONPLIANT_UNQUOTED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES, # passes ensure_spec_compliant_unquoted_attribute_values to minify-html STRIP_WHITESPACE_RUST_KEEP_CLOSING_TAGS, # passes keep_closing_tags to minify-html STRIP_WHITESPACE_RUST_KEEP_COMMENTS, # passes keep_comments to minify-html STRIP_WHITESPACE_RUST_KEEP_HTML_AND_HEAD_OPENING_TAGS, # passes keep_html_and_head_opening_tags to minify-html STRIP_WHITESPACE_RUST_KEEP_SPACES_BETWEEN_ATTRIBUTES, # passes keep_spaces_between_attributes to minify-html STRIP_WHITESPACE_RUST_MINIFY_CSS, # passes minify_css to minify-html STRIP_WHITESPACE_RUST_MINIFY_JS, # passes minify_js to minify-html STRIP_WHITESPACE_RUST_REMOVE_BANGS, # passes remove_bangs to minify-html STRIP_WHITESPACE_RUST_REMOVE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTIONS, # passes remove_processing_instructions to minify-html
If you would like to change any of the above variables, simply put them in ( Please note that every variable here is a python boolean ).
For example:
Python :
The module allows python minifier options to be changed from Django's file. If you would like to change any settings, refer to python-module's source code.
The bindings are ( by default set to a sane value ):
STRIP_WHITESPACE_PYTHON_REMOVE_COMMENTS, # False | removes comments from HTML using python ( not recommended cause rust can do that just fine and fast ) STRIP_WHITESPACE_PYTHON_CONDENSE_STYLE_FROM_HTML, # True | replaces '<style text/css>' -> '<style>' STRIP_WHITESPACE_PYTHON_CONDENSE_SCRIPT_FROM_HTML, # True | replaces '<script text/javascript>' -> '<script>' STRIP_WHITESPACE_PYTHON_CLEAN_UNNEEDED_HTML_TAGS, # True | removes some unnecessary tags STRIP_WHITESPACE_PYTHON_CONDENSE_HTML_WHITESPACE, # True | This is where the magic happens. STRIP_WHITESPACE_PYTHON_UNQUOTE_HTML_ATTRIBUTES, # True | This is also a magic module.
If you would like to change any of the above variables, simply put them in ( Please note that every variable here is a python boolean )
For example:
Change Ignored Paths :
This module allows dynamic ignored path allocation. So for example if your sitemap.xml is at url '/sitemap.xml' and you want to avoid minifying it ( Because this module in lower level is meant to minify HTML not XML ). Then you can add it to ignored path. ( By default it ignores '/sitemap.xml' )
To customize ignored path:
Change NBSP Mangle Character :
This module first replaces the character from html with a character. For example becomes 'অ' ( I picked 'অ' because its a foreign character and not many sites use the character like this 'অ' ). If for some reason this character is causing problem in your HTML. You can change this from .
To change mangle character:
# # Keep the string as short as possible. # If you make it long, # the python str.replace() method will use more CPU and RAM thus slowing your site down. STRIP_WHITESPACE_NBSP_MANGLE_CHARACTER = 'ga' # Note that STRIP_WHITESPACE_NBSP_MANGLE_CHARACTER is a python string
Change Compression Settings :
This module can do the work of django.gzip middleware. ( It can also do brotli, zstd
To change the compression algorithm ( by default using 'gzip' because it's a python stdlib):
# STRIP_WHITESPACE_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM = "gzip" or "br" or "zstd" or "plain"
To use this module with django.gzip middleware ( or django_brotli middleware ):
Contributing :
If you like this project add a star. If you have problems or suggestions please put them in the Issue Tracker. If you like to add features. Fork this repo and submit a Pull Request.
Updates ?? :
This repository is freezed. It will automatically install latest python-strip-whitespace