This repository has automation content to test Arista devices.


GitHub test workflow

Network tests automation

About this repository

This repository has automation content to test Arista devices.

To run tests programatically on your EOS devices, once you are done with the requirements described below, you simply need to indicate your devices name in a text file and to indicate the tests you would like to run in a YAML file.

This repository has also content to collect commands output on devices, to clear counters on devices, and to test the devices reachability.

This repository uses Python scripts and eAPI (EOS API). You can find examples of EOS automation with eAPI in this repository.


Requirements on your laptop

Python 3 (at least 3.3) and some packages that are not part of the standard Python library.

lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
Release:        18.04
Codename:       bionic
python -V
Python 3.9.6

The required packages are in the requirements.txt file. Clone the repository and install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt


pip list | grep 'jsonrpclib-pelix\|PyYAML\|colorama\|prettytable'
colorama                   0.3.7
jsonrpclib-pelix           0.4.2
prettytable                2.5.0
PyYAML                     5.4.1

Requirements on the switches

  • Enable eAPI:
switch1(config)#management api http-commands
switch1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#protocol https port 443
switch1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#no shutdown
switch1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#vrf MGMT
switch1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds-vrf-MGMT)#no shutdown
switch1#sh run int ma1
interface Management1
   description oob_management
   vrf MGMT
   ip address

Now the swicth accepts HTTPS requests on port 443 in the MGMT VRF containing a list of CLI commands.

  • Verify:
switch1(config)#sh management http-server
SSL Profile:        none
FIPS Mode:          No
QoS DSCP:           0
Log Level:          none
CSP Frame Ancestor: None
TLS Protocols:      1.0 1.1 1.2
   VRF        Server Status      Enabled Services
---------- --------------------- ----------------
   MGMT       HTTPS: port 443    http-commands

switch1>show management api http-commands
Enabled:            Yes
HTTPS server:       running, set to use port 443
HTTP server:        shutdown, set to use port 80
Local HTTP server:  shutdown, no authentication, set to use port 8080
Unix Socket server: shutdown, no authentication
VRFs:               MGMT
Hits:               83
Last hit:           2631 seconds ago
Bytes in:           11348
Bytes out:          335951
Requests:           53
Commands:           64
Duration:           9.242 seconds
SSL Profile:        none
FIPS Mode:          No
QoS DSCP:           0
Log Level:          none
CSP Frame Ancestor: None
TLS Protocols:      1.0 1.1 1.2
   User          Requests       Bytes in       Bytes out    Last hit
------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- ------------------
   arista        2              305            1235         639908 seconds ago
   ansible       51             11043          334716       2631 seconds ago

Management1 :


Quick test

Run this python script to validate the requirements and the device reachability. Use your device credentials and IP address.

from jsonrpclib import Server
import ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
username = "arista"
password = "arista"
ip = ""
url = "https://" + username + ":" + password + "@" + ip + "/command-api"
switch = Server(url)
result=switch.runCmds(1,['show version'], 'text')

List of available tests

The tests are defined in the python module in the python package tests_eos. Each function returns True or False (or None when it can not run properly).

The documentation directory has the tests documentation:

We indicate the tests we would like to run in a YAML file. Some tests require an input. In that case we provide it using the same YAML file. Here's an example tests.yaml.

Repository usage

  • Clone this repository.
  • Install the requirements (see above)

To test devices reachability

vi devices.txt
./ --help
./ -i devices.txt -u username

To run tests on devices

  • Update the devices inventory devices.txt with the devices IP address or hostnames.
  • Update the file tests.yaml to indicate the tests you would like to run. Some tests require an input. In that case, provide it using the same YAML file.
  • Run the python script
  • Check the result in the output file.
vi devices.txt
vi tests.yaml
./ --help
./ -i devices.txt -t tests.yaml -o output.txt -u username
cat output.txt

To collect commands output from EOS devices

  • Update the devices inventory devices.txt with your devices IP address or hostnames.
  • Update the EOS commands list eos-commands.yaml you would like to collect from the devices in text or JSON format.
  • Run the python script
  • Check the output in the output directory.
vi devices-list.text
vi eos-commands.yaml
./ --help
./ -i devices.txt -c eos-commands.yaml -o outdir -u username
ls outdir

To clear counters on EOS devices

vi devices-list.text
./ --help
./ -i devices.txt -u username


$ ./ -u ansible -i devices.txt -o output.txt -t tests.yaml
Device password:
Enable password (if any):
Can not connect to device
Running tests on device ...
Running tests on device ...
Running tests on device ...
Test results are saved on output.txt
$ cat output.txt
Fri Jan 28 09:48:54 2022
devices inventory file was devices.txt
devices username was ansible
list of unreachable devices is
tests file was tests.yaml

***** Results *****

|    devices    |  01.01  |  01.02  |  01.03  |  01.04  |  02.01  |  02.02  |  02.03  |  02.04  |  02.05  |  02.06  |  02.07  |  02.08  |  03.01  |
|  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |
|  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |
|  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |
|    devices    |  03.02  |  03.03  |  03.04  |  03.05  |  04.01  |  04.02  |  05.01  |  05.02  |  06.01  |  07.01  |  08.01  |  08.02  |  08.03  |
|  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |
|  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |
|  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |
|    devices    |  08.04  |  08.05  |  09.01  |  09.02  |  09.03  |  09.04  |  10.01  |  11.01  |  11.02  |  12.01  |  13.01  |  14.01  |  14.02  |
|  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Fail  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |
|  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Skip  |   Fail  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |
|  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Fail  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Pass  |
|    devices    |  15.01  |  16.01  |  16.02  |  16.03  |  16.04  |  16.05  |  16.06  |  16.07  |  17.01  |  18.01  |  18.02  |
|  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Fail  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |
|  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Fail  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Pass  |
|  |   Pass  |   Fail  |   Pass  |   Pass  |   Skip  |   Pass  |   Skip  |   Fail  |   Fail  |   Skip  |   Fail  |

***** Tests *****
01.01    {"name": "verify_eos_version", "versions": ["4.25.4M", "4.26.1F"]}
01.02    {"name": "verify_terminattr_version", "versions": ["v1.13.6", "v1.8.0"]}
01.03    "verify_eos_extensions"
01.04    "verify_field_notice_44_resolution"
02.01    {"name": "verify_uptime", "min": 86400}
02.02    "verify_reload_cause"
02.03    "verify_coredump"
02.04    "verify_agent_logs"
02.05    "verify_syslog"
02.06    "verify_cpu_utilization"
02.07    "verify_memory_utilization"
02.08    "verify_filesystem_utilization"
03.01    {"name": "verify_transceivers_manufacturers", "manufacturers": ["Not Present", "Arista Networks", "Arastra, Inc."]}
03.02    "verify_system_temperature"
03.03    "verify_transceiver_temperature"
03.04    "verify_environment_cooling"
03.05    "verify_environment_power"
04.01    "verify_zerotouch"
04.02    "verify_running_config_diffs"
05.01    {"name": "verify_unified_forwarding_table_mode", "mode": 3}
05.02    {"name": "verify_tcam_profile", "profile": "vxlan-routing"}
06.01    "verify_adverse_drops"
07.01    "verify_ntp"
08.01    "verify_interface_utilization"
08.02    "verify_interface_errors"
08.03    "verify_interface_discards"
08.04    "verify_interface_errdisabled"
08.05    {"name": "verify_interfaces_status", "minimum": 4}
09.01    "verify_portchannels"
09.02    "verify_illegal_lacp"
09.03    "verify_mlag_status"
09.04    "verify_mlag_interfaces"
10.01    {"name": "verify_loopback_count", "number": 3}
11.01    "verify_vxlan"
11.02    "verify_vxlan_config_sanity"
12.01    "verify_svi"
13.01    "verify_spanning_tree_blocked_ports"
14.01    {"name": "verify_routing_protocol_model", "model": "multi-agent"}
14.02    {"name": "verify_routing_table_size", "min": 2, "max": 20}
15.01    "verify_bfd"
16.01    "verify_bgp_ipv4_unicast_state"
16.02    "verify_bgp_ipv6_unicast_state"
16.03    "verify_bgp_evpn_state"
16.04    "verify_bgp_rtc_state"
16.05    {"name": "verify_bgp_evpn_count", "number": 2}
16.06    {"name": "verify_bgp_rtc_count", "number": 2}
16.07    {"name": "verify_bgp_ipv4_unicast_count", "number": 2}
17.01    {"name": "verify_ospf", "number": 3}
18.01    {"name": "verify_igmp_snooping_vlans", "configuration": "disabled", "vlans": [10, 12]}
18.02    {"name": "verify_igmp_snooping_global", "configuration": "enabled"}

Repository structure

devices.txt file

The file devices.txt is the devices inventory.

The devices inventory is a text file with the devices IP address or hostnames (if resolvable with DNS or your hosts file). This file has one device per ligne.

eos-commands.yaml file

The file eos-commands.yaml is a YAML file used to indicated the list of commands output we would like to collect from EOS devices in text or json format.

tests.yaml file

The file tests.yaml is a YAML file used to indicated the tests we would like to run. It is also used to indicated the parameters used by the tests. Each test has an identifier which is then used in the tests report. The tests are defined in the directory tests_eos.

tests_eos directory

The directory tests_eos is a python package.

The python functions to test EOS devices are defined the python module in the python package tests_eos. file

The script is used to generate the functions documentation in markdown format. It requires the installation of the package lazydocs that is indicated in the file requirements-dev.txt

The functions to test EOS devices are coded in the python module in the python package tests_eos. These functions have docstrings. The docstrings are used by the script to generate the functions documentation in markdown format in the directory documentation.

documentation directory

The documentation directory has the tests documentation in markdown format: file

The python script is used to test devices reachability with eAPI.

The python script takes as input a text file with the devices IP address or hostnames (when resolvable), and tests devices reachability with eAPI and prints the unreachable devices on the console. file

The python script is used to clear counters on EOS devices.

It takes as input a text file with the devices IP address or hostnames (when resolvable) and clears counters on these devices. file

The python script is used to collect commands output from EOS devices.

The python script

  • Takes as input:
    • A text file with the devices IP address or hostnames (when resolvable).
    • A YAML file with the list of EOS commands we would like to collect in text or JSON format.
  • Collects the EOS commands from the devices, and saves the result in files. file

The python script is used to run tests on devices.

The python script

  • Imports the python functions defined in the directory tests_eos.
    • These functions defined the tests.
  • Takes as input:
    • A text file with the devices IP address or hostnames (when resolvable).
    • A YAML file with the list of the tests we would like to use and their parameters.
  • Runs the tests, and prints the result on the console and saves the result in a file. file

The python script is used to test the functions defined in the directory test_eos without using actual EOS devices. It requires the installation of the package pytest that is indicated in the file requirements-dev.txt

mock_data directory

The mock_data directory has data used by the python script to test the functions defined in the directory test_eos without using actual EOS devices.

Contribution guide

Contributions are welcome. The contribution guide is


Thank you to Paul Lavelle, Colin MacGiollaEain, Matthieu Tache, Angélique Phillipps, Thomas Grimonet, Onur Gashi and Khelil Sator for their contributions and guidances.

  • feat(anta.inventory): Add support for DNS names, eAPI port and device alias names

    feat(anta.inventory): Add support for DNS names, eAPI port and device alias names

    When using a containerlab topology on macOS, we need to use port forwarding to localhost to access eAPI endpoints. The current inventory only supports IP addresses. The PR is to support hostnames (DNS names instead of IP), ports and alias names in the inventory.

    The following inventory works with this PR:

      - name: spine1
        host: localhost
        port: 44301
      - name: spine2
        host: localhost
        port: 44302
      - name: leaf1
        host: localhost
        port: 44311
      - name: leaf1
        host: localhost
        port: 44312
      - name: leaf3
        host: localhost
        port: 44313
      - name: leaf4
        host: localhost
        port: 44314
    opened by mtache 3
  • fix(check-devices): Update --timeout management + add logging management

    fix(check-devices): Update --timeout management + add logging management

    • Fix an issue where timeout was not correctly set.
    • Fix timeout defined as an str where a float was expected
    • Add -log or --logging to set log level for inventory and result_manager

    Default mode -i .personal/avd-lab.yml -c .personal/ceos-catalog.yml --tags arista --username admin --password admin123 --table --timeout 1
    ╭──────────────────────── Settings ─────────────────────────╮
    │ Running check-devices with:                               │
    │               - Inventory: .personal/avd-lab.yml          │
    │               - Tests catalog: .personal/ceos-catalog.yml │
                     All tests results                  
    ┃ Device IP ┃ Test Name ┃ Test Status ┃ Message(s) ┃

    With logging enabled

    ❯ -i .personal/avd-lab.yml -c .personal/ceos-catalog.yml --tags arista --username admin --password admin123 --table --timeout 1 --loglevel info
    ╭──────────────────────── Settings ─────────────────────────╮
    │ Running check-devices with:                               │
    │               - Inventory: .personal/avd-lab.yml          │
    │               - Tests catalog: .personal/ceos-catalog.yml │
    [14:08:41] WARNING  Service not running on device with:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
               WARNING  connection return: f('admin:[email protected]/command-api', 302, 'Found', <http.client.HTTPMessage object at 0x1062952b0>)                                                                                                                                                                                            
               WARNING  Service not running on device                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
    [14:08:42] WARNING  Service not running on device with:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
               WARNING  connection return: ftimed out                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
    [14:08:43] WARNING  Service not running on device                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
               INFO     Inventory .personal/avd-lab.yml loaded                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
               INFO     starting running test on inventory ...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
               INFO     testing done !                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
               INFO     retrieve list of result using output_format list                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
                     All tests results                  
    ┃ Device IP ┃ Test Name ┃ Test Status ┃ Message(s) ┃
    opened by titom73 3
  • feat(reporter): Implement initial reporter using rich

    feat(reporter): Implement initial reporter using rich


    Provides easy reporting module

    • Get all tests results:
    ┃ Device IP    ┃ Test Name           ┃ Test Status ┃ Message(s)                                                                                   ┃
    │ │ verify_eos_version  │ failure     │ device is running version 4.27.3F-26379303.4273F (engineering build) not in expected version │
    │ │ verify_eos_version  │ failure     │ device is running version 4.27.3F-26379303.4273F (engineering build) not in expected version │
    │ │ verify_eos_version  │ failure     │ device is running version 4.27.3F-26379303.4273F (engineering build) not in expected version │
    │ │ verify_eos_version  │ failure     │ device is running version 4.27.3F-26379303.4273F (engineering build) not in expected version │
    │ │ verify_eos_version  │ failure     │ device is running version 4.27.3F-26379303.4273F (engineering build) not in expected version │
    │ │ verify_eos_version  │ failure     │ device is running version 4.27.3F-26379303.4273F (engineering build) not in expected version │
    │ │ verify_uptime       │ success     │                                                                                              │
    │ │ verify_reload_cause │ error       │ 'response'                                                                                   │
    │ │ verify_coredump     │ success     │                                                                                              │
    │ │ verify_agent_logs   │ success     │                                                                                              │
    • Get tests summarized
    ┃ Test Case          ┃ # of success ┃ # of failure ┃ # of errors ┃ List of failed or error nodes                                                                    ┃
    │ verify_eos_version │ 0            │ 6            │ 0           │ ['', '', '', '', '', ''] │
    • Get hosts summarized
    ┃ Host IP      ┃ # of success ┃ # of failure ┃ # of errors ┃ List of failed ortest case                    ┃
    │ │ 3            │ 1            │ 1           │ ['verify_eos_version', 'verify_reload_cause'] │


    python .github/scripts/ -h
    [17:03:13] INFO     ANTA program is loaded                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
    usage: [-h] [--inventory INVENTORY] [--catalog CATALOG] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--search_ip SEARCH_IP] [--search_test SEARCH_TEST] [--verbose] [--list] [--full] [--devices] [--testcases] [--table] [--save] [--save_file SAVE_FILE]
    ANTA test & demo script
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --inventory INVENTORY, -i INVENTORY
                            ANTA Inventory file
      --catalog CATALOG, -c CATALOG
                            ANTA Tests cagtalog
      --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
                            EOS Username
      --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                            EOS Password
      --search_ip SEARCH_IP
                            search result for host
      --search_test SEARCH_TEST
                            search result for test
      --verbose, -v         Set script to verbose mode
      --list, -l            Display internal data
      --full                Display all test cases results
      --devices             Provides summary of test results per device
      --testcases           Provides summary of test results per test case
      --table               Result represented in tables
      --save                Save result to file
      --save_file SAVE_FILE
                            Generated report file
    opened by titom73 2
  • collect sheduled show tech

    collect sheduled show tech

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    ## This script collects all the tech-support files stored on Arista switches flash and copies them locally
    import ssl
    import paramiko
    from jsonrpclib import Server
    from scp import SCPClient
    from time import strftime, gmtime
    from argparse import ArgumentParser
    from getpass import getpass
    import os
    from sys import exit
    from socket import setdefaulttimeout
    port = 22
    ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
    date = strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
    def device_directories (device, root_dir):
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        show_tech_directory = cwd + '/' + root_dir
        device_directory = show_tech_directory + '/' + device
        for directory in [show_tech_directory, device_directory]:
            if not os.path.exists(directory):
        result = show_tech_directory, device_directory
        return result
    def createSSHClient (device, port, username, password):
        client = paramiko.SSHClient()
        client.connect(device, port, username, password)
        return client
    def main():
        parser = ArgumentParser(
            description='Collect all the tech-support files'
            help='Text file containing a list of switches',
            help='Devices username',
            help='Output directory',
        args = parser.parse_args()
        args.password = getpass(prompt='Device password: ')
            with open(args.file, 'r') as file:
                devices = file.readlines()
            print('Error opening ' + args.file)
        for i,device in enumerate(devices):
            devices[i] = device.strip()
        # Deletes unreachable devices from devices list
        unreachable = []
        print('Connecting to devices .... please be patient ... ')
        for device in devices:
                url = 'https://%s:%s@%s/command-api' %(args.username, args.password, device)
                switch = Server(url)
                response = switch.runCmds(1, ['enable'])
        for item in unreachable:
            print("Can not connect to device " + item)
        # Collects all the tech-support files stored on Arista switches flash and copies them locally
        for device in devices:
            url = "https://" + args.username + ":" + args.password + "@" + device + "/command-api"
                ## Create one zip file named on the device with the all the show tech-support files in it
                cmds=['enable','bash timeout 30 zip /mnt/flash/schedule/ /mnt/flash/schedule/tech-support/*']
                switch = Server(url)
                switch.runCmds(1,cmds, 'text')
                ## Connect to the device using SSH
                ssh = createSSHClient(device, port, args.username, args.password)
                ## Create directories 
                output_dir = device_directories (device, args.output_directory)
                ## Get the zipped file using SCP and save it locally
                my_path = output_dir[1] + '/' + date + '.zip'
                ssh = createSSHClient(device, port, args.username, args.password)
                scp = SCPClient(ssh.get_transport())
                scp.get("/mnt/flash/schedule/",local_path = my_path)
                ## Delete the created zip file on the device
                cmds=['enable','bash timeout 30 rm /mnt/flash/schedule/']
                switch.runCmds(1,cmds, 'text')
                print('You are unlucky today! ' + device + ' does not like this script')
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    opened by ksator 2
  • Implement

    Implement "AntaTest" and "AntaAsyncTest" as protocols

    Sharing some ideas that could improve the framework... Need a way to enforce the format of the test functions to ensure all functions are written correctly (return boolean, etc) and the user can introduce more functions on runtime. Both normal/sequential and async modes could be supported, running the async tests in parallel on a "AntaAsyncTestRunner" and the other functions in a "AntaTestRunner". A test manager could handle the runners and dispatch the tests to each of them delegating the execution. So having the tests modelled in a flexible way could be the first step towards a more generic execution framework that can be customized/extended by the user on runtime.

    opened by gusmb 1
  • split the module `tests` of the package `anta` into multiples modules

    split the module `tests` of the package `anta` into multiples modules

    The module is too large (>1600 lines). we can split it into diff modules:

    • routing
    • hardware
    • interfaces
    • ... This will require an update of the
    opened by ksator 1
  • Scripts can't run due to 'jsonrpclib' incompatibility

    Scripts can't run due to 'jsonrpclib' incompatibility

    I am having an issue running the scripts, as jsonrpclib doesn't work with Python3:

    testvm:~/network_tests_automation# ./ --help
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./", line 5, in <module>
        from jsonrpclib import Server
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'jsonrpclib'

    I've installed PIP dependencies as instructed, and even added 'pip install jsonrpclib' separately:

    test-vm:~/network_tests_automation# /usr/bin/env python3 -V
    Python 3.6.9
    testvm:~# pip list | grep jsonrpc
    jsonrpclib (0.1.7)
    jsonrpclib-pelix (

    There seems to be a known issue with this library and Python3:

    Any ideas how to get around this?

    opened by ctyrider 1
  • feat(anta.inventory): use aioeapi to handle a device session

    feat(anta.inventory): use aioeapi to handle a device session

    Using asyncio framework will help improving performances when running tests on a large network with a high number of tests. First step is to refactor the anta.inventory module to use an async library, this PR tries an attempt with aio-eapi. This PR must also refactor all the tests as coroutines and modify the scripts to run the asyncio event loop.

    Modifications to anta.inventory

    The session attribute of InventoryDevice is now a aioeapi.Device object. auto_connect is removed from the constructor: this would cause to run an asyncio event loop in an object constructor and prevent fine control from a ANTA user script on the asyncio scheduling.

    _is_device_online() uses aioeapi.Device.check_connection() to only tries to open a port on the device. _ refresh_device_fact() updates all the device flags and reduce the number of API calls compared to the previous implementation.

    connect_inventory() is a coroutine that needs to be called in a ANTA user script to establish connection towards the devices.

    async def main():
       await anta_inventory.connect_inventory()

    When using a containerlab topology on macOS, we need to use port forwarding to localhost to access eAPI endpoints. The current inventory only supports IP addresses. This PR supports hostnames (DNS names instead of IP), ports and alias names in the inventory.

    The following inventory works with this PR:

      - name: spine1
        host: localhost
        port: 44301
      - name: spine2
        host: localhost
        port: 44302
      - name: leaf1
        host: localhost
        port: 44311
      - name: leaf1
        host: localhost
        port: 44312
      - name: leaf3
        host: localhost
        port: 44313
      - name: leaf4
        host: localhost
        port: 44314
    opened by mtache 2
  • Add support for custom defined tests

    Add support for custom defined tests


    In order to allow users to build their own test collection, it would be nice to add option to support catalog pointing to custom libraries.

    Today, we only look at anta.tests package but we could extend YAML format to support both anta.tests and a custom package with the following format:

          - <test function>:
               <function options>

    An example would be:
      - verify_eos_version: # Verifies the device is running one of the allowed EOS version.
          versions: # List of allowed EOS versions.
            - 4.25.4M
            - 4.26.1F
      - check_topology:

    Potential impacts:

    • anta.loader.parse_catalog
    opened by titom73 0
  • Add attributes 'label' and 'description' with function decorator

    Add attributes 'label' and 'description' with function decorator


    Currently the only precision about the tests is the name of the function itself. It is therefore necessary to read the code of the function to understand how it works and to have more details.

    An idea would be to add to each test function a python decorator with two attributes: label and description.

    Example with this sample piece of code:

    def decorator(**kwargs):
        def wrapper(function):
            for k, v in kwargs.items():
                setattr(function, k, v)
            return function
        return wrapper
    @decorator(label='EOS version', description='Verifies the device is running one of the allowed EOS version')
    def verify_eos_version():
    print(f'label: {verify_eos_version.label}\ndescription: {verify_eos_version.description}')
    >>> label: EOS version
    >>> description: Verifies the device is running one of the allowed EOS version

    Now, we can access easily this information, without having to add two fields in a .yaml file, for example. Thank you very much.

    opened by noam-zeitoun 2
  • Implement

    Implement "AntaTest" and "AntaAsyncTest" as protocols

    Sharing some ideas that could improve the framework... Need a way to enforce the format of the test functions to ensure all functions are written correctly (return boolean, etc) and the user can introduce more functions on runtime. Both normal/sequential and async modes could be supported, running the async tests in parallel on a "AntaAsyncTestRunner" and the other functions in a "AntaTestRunner". A test manager could handle the runners and dispatch the tests to each of them delegating the execution. So having the tests modelled in a flexible way could be the first step towards a more generic execution framework that can be customized/extended by the user on runtime.

    opened by gusmb 2
  • Map tags to inventory devices and test catalog

    Map tags to inventory devices and test catalog

    Increase flexibility by using tags on inventory devices and the test catalog, so that catalog tests can run on relevant devices only. For instance, in s typical EVPN scenario there.might be some tests that should run only in spines and some other tests only on leaf switches, having also some tests that run on all devices. Using tags or filters on tests and inventory devices could achieve this easily and add flexibility to the way tests execute. For inventory networks/ranges, tags would apply to the whole range/network...

    opened by gusmb 1
  • v0.3.0(Sep 26, 2022)



    • 836f995 [anta.reporter] Add skipped column in aggregated results (#110)
    • 8c3404b [inventory] Add tag support to filter test execution (#112)
    • 40f6977 [result_manager] Support JSON output and save option (#113)

    Bug fixes

    • c010bae [check-devices] Update --timeout management + add logging management (#117)
    • cfd9d59 [fix] Missing docstring for tags (#114)


    Other changes

    • 39f80e4 [make] Build system: Prepare version management (#120)
    • 3262f09 [mkdocs] Build system: Fix incorrect requirement path
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0-alpha(Jul 22, 2022)

    Add the Inventory module in the anta package

    Migrated the following scripts to use the Inventory module :

    This release is not in PyPi

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.0(Jul 2, 2022)

    Includes the following package:

    • anta with 53 functions to test EOS

    Includes the following scripts:


    This release is not in PyPi

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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