Sprint planner considering JIRA issues and google calendar meetings schedule.


Sprint planner

Sprint planner is a Python script for planning your Jira tasks based on your calendar availability.


Use the package manager pip to install requirements.

python3 -m venv .venv
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

For Google Calendar integration:

  1. Create Google Cloud Platform project with the Google Calendar API enabled. To create a project and enable an API, refer to Create a project and enable the API
  2. Create authorization credentials for a desktop application. To learn how to create credentials for a desktop application, refer to Create credentials.
  3. Save file with credentials as credentials.json in main project folder.

For Jira integration:

Set JIRA_TOKEN, JIRA_SERVER , JIRA_USER with proper values. See Environment variables section for more details.


Plan sprint work based on JIRA tickets and available calendar time

It generates sprint plan based on your calendar and JIRA tickets.

python3 plan_sprint.py $env_file

$env_file is optional parameter to be used if there is another path to env file than default .env

Optimise focus time based on your calendar

It generates optimised list of workload you can do, without being distracted by any meeting during an issue work.

python3 optimise_focus_time.py $env_file

$env_file is optional parameter to be used if there is another path to env file than default .env

Known issues

  • problems with GCal events which lasts more than one day
  • problems might occurs if Google Calendar events starts before work hours or end after work hours

Environment variables


  • JIRA_TOKEN - User authorization token, can be generated here.
  • JIRA_SERVER - Your Jira server name i.e. https://organization.atlassian.net/.
  • JIRA_USER - Your user email.
  • JIRA_PROJECT - Project ID to fill default JQL query and to get start/end dates from current sprint.
  • JIRA_ESTIMATE_FIELD - Name of the field with estimation points, default value: timeoriginalestimate.
  • JIRA_ISSUES_JQL - Custom JQL query for fetching issues from Jira.
  • JIRA_PRIORITY_ORDER - Set to DESC if your most important tasks has greater priority id than less important ones.


  • GOOGLE_CALENDAR_ID - ID of Google Calendar you want to use, default set to primary
  • GOOGLE_ATTENDEE_EMAIL - Email address of user to check if event is accepted for them. Default value None which means that all events will be loaded.

Calendar parameters

  • WORKING_HOURS_FROM - Your start work hour, default value 9.
  • WORKING_HOURS_TO - Your end work hour, default value 17.
  • WORKING_DAYS_START_WEEKDAY - First day of working week, default value 0 which means Monday.
  • WORKING_DAYS_END_WEEKDAY - Last day of working week, default value 5 which means Friday.
  • WITH_BREAK - Include break timeslot each day. Default value True
  • BREAK_TIME - Length of break in minutes. Default value 30
  • BREAK_AFTER - Minimum hour in day for the break. Default value 13

Algorithm parameters

  • TIME_PER_ESTIMATION_POINT - How long it should take to do one estimation point. Default value None which means that value will be counted proportionally to free time.
  • MIN_CONSIDERABLE_SLOT_TIME - Dont plan work for slots less than MIN_CONSIDERABLE_SLOT_TIME minutes. Defaults to 0

Focus optimisation parameters

  • FOCUS_TIME_CALENDAR_START - Start date for focus optimisation in %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ format (i.e. 2021-12-10T00:00:00.000Z)
  • FOCUS_TIME_CALENDAR_END - End date for focus optimisation in %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ format (i.e. 2021-12-10T00:00:00.000Z)
  • FOCUS_TIME_STORY_POINTS_CAPACITY - Total Story Points to use in range

Future improvements

  • Introduce more complex algorithms to plan the sprint
  • Support for planning multiple developers (whole team) at once
  • Consider time cost for regaining focus after each meeting



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