Django email backends and webhooks for Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mailjet, Postmark, SendGrid, Sendinblue, SparkPost and more


Anymail: Django email integration for transactional ESPs

Anymail integrates several transactional email service providers (ESPs) into Django, with a consistent API that lets you use ESP-added features without locking your code to a particular ESP.

It currently fully supports Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mailjet, Postmark, SendinBlue, SendGrid, and SparkPost, and has limited support for Mandrill.

Anymail normalizes ESP functionality so it "just works" with Django's built-in django.core.mail package. It includes:

  • Support for HTML, attachments, extra headers, and other features of Django's built-in email
  • Extensions that make it easy to use extra ESP functionality, like tags, metadata, and tracking, with code that's portable between ESPs
  • Simplified inline images for HTML email
  • Normalized sent-message status and tracking notification, by connecting your ESP's webhooks to Django signals
  • "Batch transactional" sends using your ESP's merge and template features
  • Inbound message support, to receive email through your ESP's webhooks, with simplified, portable access to attachments and other inbound content

Anymail maintains compatibility with all Django versions that are in mainstream or extended support, plus (usually) a few older Django versions, and is extensively tested on all Python versions supported by Django. (Even-older Django versions may still be covered by an Anymail extended support release; consult the changelog for details.)

Anymail releases follow semantic versioning. The package is released under the BSD license.

build status in GitHub Actions documentation on ReadTheDocs


Anymail 1-2-3

Here's how to send a message. This example uses Mailgun, but you can substitute Mailjet or Postmark or SendGrid or SparkPost or any other supported ESP where you see "mailgun":

  1. Install Anymail from PyPI:

    $ pip install "django-anymail[mailgun]"

    (The [mailgun] part installs any additional packages needed for that ESP. Mailgun doesn't have any, but some other ESPs do.)

  2. Edit your project's

    ", "MAILGUN_SENDER_DOMAIN": '', # your Mailgun domain, if needed } EMAIL_BACKEND = "anymail.backends.mailgun.EmailBackend" # or sendgrid.EmailBackend, or... DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "[email protected]" # if you don't already have this in settings SERVER_EMAIL = "[email protected]" # ditto (default from-email for Django errors) ">
        # ...
        # ...
    ANYMAIL = {
        # (exact settings here depend on your ESP...)
        "MAILGUN_API_KEY": "
        "MAILGUN_SENDER_DOMAIN": '',  # your Mailgun domain, if needed
    EMAIL_BACKEND = "anymail.backends.mailgun.EmailBackend"  # or sendgrid.EmailBackend, or...
    DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "[email protected]"  # if you don't already have this in settings
    SERVER_EMAIL = "[email protected]"  # ditto (default from-email for Django errors)
  3. Now the regular Django email functions will send through your chosen ESP:

    ", ["[email protected]"]) ">
    from django.core.mail import send_mail
    send_mail("It works!", "This will get sent through Mailgun",
              "Anymail Sender 
         , ["[email protected]"])

    You could send an HTML message, complete with an inline image, custom tags and metadata:

    ", "[email protected]"], reply_to=["Helpdesk "]) # Include an inline image in the html: logo_cid = attach_inline_image_file(msg, "/path/to/logo.jpg") html = """ Logo

    Please activate your account

    """.format(logo_cid=logo_cid) msg.attach_alternative(html, "text/html") # Optional Anymail extensions: msg.metadata = {"user_id": "8675309", "experiment_variation": 1} msg.tags = ["activation", "onboarding"] msg.track_clicks = True # Send it: msg.send() ">
    from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
    from anymail.message import attach_inline_image_file
    msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(
        subject="Please activate your account",
        body="Click to activate your account:",
        to=["New User 
          , "[email protected]"],
    # Include an inline image in the html:
    logo_cid = attach_inline_image_file(msg, "/path/to/logo.jpg")
    html = """Logo

    Please activate your account

    .format(logo_cid=logo_cid) msg.attach_alternative(html, "text/html") # Optional Anymail extensions: msg.metadata = {"user_id": "8675309", "experiment_variation": 1} msg.tags = ["activation", "onboarding"] msg.track_clicks = True # Send it: msg.send()

See the full documentation for more features and options, including receiving messages and tracking sent message status.

  • Add Postal support

    Add Postal support

    This is a very bare-bone implementation for the self-hosted Postal platform.

    About Postal:

    Postal is a complete and fully featured mail server for use by websites & web servers. Think Sendgrid, Mailgun or Postmark but open source and ready for you to run on your own servers.

    We use this draft implementation since a few days to handle emails for our web app. Before we used SparkPost via anymail. I had good experiences with anymail so far, that's why I'm keen on using it. I'll improve this implementation during the next weeks as I find time. I'm happy about early feedback!

    To do:

    • [x] figure out how to do webhook authentication with Postal
    • [ ] support track_clicks and track_opens
    • [x] add backend tests
    • [x] add webhook tests
    • [x] add docs
    • [x] integration tests?
    new ESP esp:Postal 
    opened by tiltec 20
  • Support for SparkPost

    Support for SparkPost

    I just seemlessly migrated from djrill to django-anymail. Thanks for making it so easy!

    Now I'm looking to change ESP from Mandrill, and have found SparkPost to offer a very generous number of free emails, and a very similar user interface to Mandrill. Not only that, but they have a tool to migrate templates.

    It would be great if it were supported by django-anymail.


    feature/enhancement esp:SparkPost 
    opened by ojwoodford 17
  • MultiValueDictKeyError in inbound email because of mismatch in count and actual files

    MultiValueDictKeyError in inbound email because of mismatch in count and actual files

    We are using Anymail 8.5, Django 3.2.12, Python 3.9.1 and have for a while been getting MultiValueDictKeyError ( in request.FILES[att_id] ) on some inbound Mailgun emails here

    attachments = [
            request.FILES[att_id], content_id=att_cids.get(att_id, None))
        for att_id in att_ids

    It seems request.POST[”attachment-count”] doesn’t match number of files in request.FILES and attachment-count doesn’t match number of attachment-%d. I don’t know if this is Mailgun removing some files or why, but maybe we could make Anymail handle it. We are seeing quite a few inbound mails not coming through at all because of this mismatch in counts. After all it would be better to have them come through with missing attachments rather than not coming at all, perhaps with an added flag of missing attachement so each implementation can handle potentially missing attachments.

    Below is an example of the relevant section of the request.POST content. Attachment-count (5), content-id-map (3) and actual attachment keys (2) don’t match.

        'attachment-1': ['”BINARY_CONTENT”], 
        'attachment-2': [”BINARY_CONTENT”], 
        'attachment-count': ['5'], 
        'content-id-map': ['{"":"attachment-1","":"attachment-2","":"attachment-3"}'], 
    bug esp:Mailgun esp:SendGrid 
    opened by erikdrums 16
  • Sendgrid: charset of text attachment is always iso-8859-1

    Sendgrid: charset of text attachment is always iso-8859-1

    • Anymail version Latest, 6.0.1

    • ESP (Mailgun, SendGrid, etc.) Sendgrid

    • Your ANYMAIL settings (change secrets to "redacted") Default

    • Versions of Django, requests, python django==1.11.20 requests==2.20.0 python==3.6.8

    • Exact error message and/or stack trace I'm sending an icalendar (ICS) file as attachment. The file's content is text (I don't think the exact content is relevant here, just note that there are some non-ascii chars around, like ü, and ä):

    SUMMARY:Viewing at Schreinerstrasse 64\, 8004 Zürich
    UID:[email protected]
    DESCRIPTION:Address: Schreinerstrasse 64\, 8004 Zürich\nContact person: B
     ernhard Mäder\nWhen: Sun\, 05/26/2019\, 5 p.m.\nAttendees: Max Muster - 2
    LOCATION:Schreinerstrasse 64\, 8004 Zürich
    DESCRIPTION:Viewing at Schreinerstrasse 64\, 8004 Zürich

    The resulting payload (as received by the email client, after the sendgrid roundtrip) is as follows:

    Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="termin.ics" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Type: text/calendar; name=termin.ics; charset=iso-8859-1

    The problem with this:

    • The payload is encoded with UTF-8, then converted to base64
    • The charset states iso-8859-1
    • Some mail client ( in particular) will now use the charset to decode the payload, which renders some characters wrongly. This is per spec, where the ICS's encoding may be deduced from the container's.

    So, I'd like the charset to be set to utf-8.

    Also interesting, but not really important: gmail, thunderbird and a few other clients will (incorrectly) use UTF-8, as this is the default encoding for icalendar files.

    • Any other relevant code and settings (e.g., for problems sending, your code that sends the message) None
    esp:SendGrid docs blocked 
    opened by nuschk 15
  • Missing or invalid basic auth in Anymail Mailgun webhook

    Missing or invalid basic auth in Anymail Mailgun webhook

    Thank you for maintaining Anymail, it is really great so far.

    I am trying to receive a webhook from Mailgun but I get an error.

    "Missing or invalid basic auth in Anymail Mailgun webhook"

    Anymail is configured correctly, and I have been sending email through Mailgun for about a week.

    ANYMAIL = {
        "MAILGUN_API_KEY": Env.value("MAILGUN_API_KEY"),

    Today I added the "WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION" setting. Currently I am testing this feature on our dev environment. Therefore, the Mailgun sender domain is my Mailgun sandbox domain.

    I set the Mailgun "Unsubscribes" web hook to the url defined in the Anymail documentation.

    https://secret1:[email protected]/anymail/mailgun/tracking/

    And in my


    When I receive an email and click the unsubscribe link, a POST is made to my server, but I get the error listed above.

    For what it's worth, I am hosting my site on Webfaction using Apache.

    I found a nearly identical issue on Stackoverflow, but no answer provided.

    opened by pymarco 15
  • mandrill webhook: incorrect signature with auth

    mandrill webhook: incorrect signature with auth

    dear, Im getting Mandrill webhook called with incorrect signature error with a Bad Request response towards mandrill.

    Sentry logs say about the err location:


    I triple checked my webhook and api key. my total settings look like this:

            ANYMAIL =  {
                'MANDRILL_API_KEY': get_config_or_none(
                    config,'Email', 'mandrill_api_key', 'SOMEKEY-A'),
                'MANDRILL_WEBHOOK_KEY': get_config_or_none(
                    config, 'Email', 'mandrill_webhook_key', 'SOMEKEY'),

    what else should I check to investigate the failure?

    bug esp:Mandrill 
    opened by patroqueeet 15
  • Inbound mail

    Inbound mail

    I'm currently evaluating django-anymail (with mailgun) which I will be using inbound mail with and see on your roadmap that you intend to add inbound mail support. Did you have a structure/plan in mind for doing this, before I do a quick specific implementation similar to the mailgun docs, which probably won't be suitable for django-anymail?

    opened by yunti 14
  • Mailgun Template Support

    Mailgun Template Support

    The docs claim that

    Mailgun does not offer ESP stored templates, so Anymail’s template_id message attribute is not supported with the Mailgun backend.

    but that does not appear to be true:

    Am I mistaking either Anymail's or Mailgun's docs?

    feature/enhancement esp:Mailgun 
    opened by anstosa 12
  • SendGrid smtp-id not always matching anymail_status

    SendGrid smtp-id not always matching anymail_status

    ESP: SendGrid django-anymail: 2.2 Python: 2.7 Django: 1.11.10

    Just after we make the msg = AnymailMessage(**kwargs) call we store the data from msg.anymail_status in our database for tracking. The issue we're seeing is that the SendGrid webhook will often times return POST data with a message_id and esp_event['smtp-id] that do not match the values Anymail generated for us.

    As an example: We send a message and receive an smtp-id of <[email protected]> in the msg.anymail_status. When the webhook communicates updates to us we find that the message_id for the same message is <[email protected]> which means that we are unable to identify which message this belongs to.

    Here's the code that calls AnymailMessage:

    text_message = render_to_string(templates['text'], context)
    html_message = render_to_string(templates['html'], context)
    msg = AnymailMessage(
    msg.attach_alternative(html_message, "text/html")
    # store the anymail status data to our database for tracking via the webhook
    Email().create_from_anymail(msg.anymail_status, Email.INVITATION)

    The Email() model holds the create_from_anymail(anymail_status, event) method where event is an optional custom tracker for the event triggering the email send (unrelated to anymail):

    def create_from_anymail(cls, anymail_status, event=None):
        for recipient in anymail_status.recipients:
            kwargs = {
                'to_email': recipient,
                'status': anymail_status.recipients[recipient].status,
                'message_id': anymail_status.recipients[recipient].message_id,
                'response': anymail_status.esp_response
            if event:
                kwargs['event'] = event
            email = Email(**kwargs)

    From what I can gather from the SendGrid webhook documentation the smtp-id should be returned for every webhook POST and is a unique ID attached to the message by the originating system.

    I've also contacted SendGrid support but wanted to present the issue here in case anyone has seen something similar and may have ideas on how to get a consistent identifier from our system into SendGrid.

    opened by joshkersey 11
  • from_email surrounded by quotation marks when it contains special characters with Mailgun

    from_email surrounded by quotation marks when it contains special characters with Mailgun

    HI! We have recently changed our ESP from Sparkpost to Mailgun. Using this librairy has saved us a lot of time. We thank you for that!

    Everything works well except for one annoying detail: The from email gets surrounded by quotes when containing a special character like 'é' or 'è'. This was not an issue when using Sparkpost.

    Here's an example of what I mean:

    def send_welcome_email(from_email, recipients):
        html_content = get_template("welcome.html")
        message = EmailMultiAlternatives(
            subject="Welcome to MyApp",
        message.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")

    Now if we use this method like this:

    send_welcome_email("Felix (via MyApp) <[email protected]>", ["[email protected]"]) 

    I get the expected result (In Gmail, when I click "Show original" I can see the following)

    From: "Felix (via MyApp)" <[email protected]>

    But, if I use the method like this:

    send_welcome_email("Félix (via MyApp) <[email protected]>", ["[email protected]"])  # Notice the 'é' instead of the 'e'

    I get this result:

    From: "\"Félix (via MyApp)\"" <[email protected]>

    When we were using Sparkpost, this was not a problem (we got the expected result with the 'é'). It looks quite ugly and unprofessional in the recipients' mailboxes, and since our application is aimed at french users and many french names have special characters like 'é' or 'è' in them, this is a big problem for us.

    Hope someone can help :) Thank you!

    • Anymail version: 8.4.0
    • ESP: Mailgun (previously Sparkpost)
    • Django 3.2, python 3.9.6
    esp:Mailgun not our bug 
    opened by Flexonze 10
  • AnymailRequestsAPIError with Mailgun API response 200

    AnymailRequestsAPIError with Mailgun API response 200 "Mailgun Magnificent API"

    Reporting an error? It's helpful to know:

    • Anymail version: 5.0
    • ESP : Mailgun
    • Versions of Django 2.1.7
    • Exact error message and/or stack trace

    AnymailRequestsAPIError at /emails/ Invalid JSON in Mailgun API response Sending a message to [email protected] from dev.te[email protected] Mailgun API response 200: OK Mailgun Magnificent API

    Exception Value: Invalid JSON in Mailgun API response Sending a message to [email protected] from dev.te[email protected] Mailgun API response 200: OK Mailgun Magnificent API

    Anymail is throwing an exception, but mailgun is sending 200

    bug esp:Mailgun 
    opened by chiragchamoli 10
  • Mailersend ESP support

    Mailersend ESP support


    We really appreciate guys if you could integrate mailersend ESP (, and Sendpulse ESP (

    it's a reaaaaly serious player in the ESP space, with 12,000 to 15,000 emails/month Send for free

    Thank you

    opened by anugrahsoft 0


    Just a suggestion: would it be possible to add a "reduced" DEBUG_API_REQUESTS implementation to log only basic information about the requests and responses (eg. status code, possibly errors in the response; a subset of fields in the request) to allow use outside dev environments? I'm asking because we had an impossible to track intermittent problem with some notifications (ESP is Postmark) - all our logs confirmed that the email was sent, but nothing was apparently received by Postmark, and Anymail showed no error.

    future design 
    opened by pgcd 2
  • Utilize pre-commit, black, isort and doc8

    Utilize pre-commit, black, isort and doc8

    It will be easier to contribute if the style preferences of the project were enforced automatically. pre-commit is a tool that supports this. I've set it up to apply black, isort and doc8 to standardize the coding style.

    Obviously, this is a large change and I don't have a ton of involvement with the project historically. However, these tools have made my life easier on other projects, especially those that I am reviewing pull requests for.

    Edit: If this is too much to take on, that's understandable and I won't be offended.

    opened by tim-schilling 7
  • [Feature Request] Add SMTP Backend with signal support

    [Feature Request] Add SMTP Backend with signal support

    It was recommended in the docs to use the default Django EmailBackend for SMTP. However, by doing this, we are losing the advantages of the pre- and post-send signals.

    The use-case that we have right now is we are using a mail catcher on the local setup (which is SMTP) and then switches our backend to Mailjet on production.

    The issue is that we had to write our own SMTP backend to get the same behavior as one of the Anymail-supported backends' pre- and post-send.

    Anymail has the test and console backends but is missing the SMTP backend.

    opened by roniemartinez 3
  • Amazon SES v2

    Amazon SES v2

    Hi, this is just a heads-up. I've noticed that AWS released SESV2 API which is a bit different from V1 implemented in anymail.

    There is a change that "Raw" email method is changed to parameter of SendEmail

    See affected methods:

    V1 SendRawEmail SendBulkTemplatedEmail V2 SendBulkEmail v2 SendEmail v2

    This also results in IAM permissions changes





    PS. Feel free to close this issue if you do not plan to update because it may be unlikely that AWS is going to deprecate standard SES API any time soon.

    feature/enhancement esp:Amazon SES 
    opened by 1oglop1 5
  • v8.0(Sep 11, 2020)

  • v7.1.0(Jun 22, 2020)

  • v4.0(Aug 19, 2018)

  • v3.0(May 30, 2018)


    • Breaking change: Python 3.3 is no longer supported (see #99).
    • Mailjet: Fix tracking webhooks to work correctly when Mailjet "group events" option is disabled (see #106).
    • SendGrid: Fix a problem where Anymail's status tracking webhooks didn't always receive the same event.message_id as the sent message.anymail_status.message_id, due to unpredictable behavior by SendGrid's API. Anymail now generates a UUID for each sent message and attaches it as a SendGrid custom arg named anymail_id. For most users, this change should be transparent. But it could be a breaking change if you are relying on a specific message_id format, or relying on message_id matching the Message-ID mail header or SendGrid's "smtp-id" event field. (More details in the docs; also see #108.) Thanks to @joshkersey for the report and the fix.
    • Support Django 2.1 prerelease.


    • This will be the last Anymail release to support Django 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10 (see #110).
    • This will be the last Anymail release to support the legacy SendGrid v2 EmailBackend (see #111). (SendGrid's newer v3 API has been the default since Anymail v0.8.)
    • Anymail v3.x will receive security updates and fixes for any breaking ESP API changes through at least April, 2019.
    • If these deprecations affect you and you cannot upgrade, set your requirements to django-anymail~=3.0 (a "compatible release" specifier, equivalent to >=3.0,==3.*).
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.2(Apr 16, 2018)

  • v2.1(Apr 11, 2018)

    NOTE: v2.1 accidentally introduced a breaking change: enabling Anymail webhooks with include('anymail.urls') causes an error if boto3 is not installed, even if you aren't using Amazon SES. This is fixed in v2.2.

    New features

    • Amazon SES: Newly-supported ESP (docs).
    • SparkPost: Add SPARKPOST_API_URL setting to support SparkPost EU and SparkPost Enterprise (docs).

    Other changes

    • Inbound: Fix several issues with inbound messages, particularly around non-ASCII headers and body content. Add workarounds for some limitations in older Python email packages.
    • Postmark: Update for Postmark "modular webhooks." This should not impact client code. (Also, older versions of Anymail will still work correctly with Postmark's webhook changes.)
    • Use tox to manage Anymail test environments (see contributor docs).


    This will be the last Anymail release to support Python 3.3. See #99 for more information.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0(Mar 8, 2018)

    Important updates

    • Breaking change: Drop support for deprecated WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION setting. If you are using webhooks and still have this Anymail setting, you must rename it to WEBHOOK_SECRET. See the v1.4 release notes.

    New features

    • SendinBlue: Add new ESP (docs). Thanks to @RignonNoel for the implementation.
    • Add EmailMessage envelope_sender attribute, which can adjust the message's Return-Path if supported by your ESP (docs).
    • Add universal wheel to PyPI releases for faster installation.

    Other changes

    • Handle Reply-To, From, and To in EmailMessage extra_headers the same as Django's SMTP EmailBackend if supported by your ESP, otherwise raise an unsupported feature error. Fixes the SparkPost backend to be consistent with other backends if both headers["Reply-To"] and reply_to are set on the same message. If you are setting a message's headers["From"] or headers["To"] (neither is common), the new behavior is likely a breaking change. See docs and #91.
    • Treat EmailMessage extra_headers keys as case-insensitive in all backends, for consistency with each other (and email specs). If you are specifying duplicate headers whose names differ only in case, this may be a breaking change. See docs.
    • Update metadata, clean up implementation. (Hadn't really been touched since original Djrill version.)
    • Prep for Python 3.7.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4(Feb 8, 2018)

    Security fix

    This fixes a low severity security issue affecting Anymail v0.2–v1.3. (CVE-2018-1000089)

    Django error reporting includes the value of your Anymail WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION setting. In a properly-configured deployment, this should not be cause for concern. But if you have somehow exposed your Django error reports (e.g., by mis-deploying with DEBUG=True or by sending error reports through insecure channels), anyone who gains access to those reports could discover your webhook shared secret. An attacker could use this to post fabricated or malicious Anymail tracking/inbound events to your app, if you are using those Anymail features.

    The fix renames Anymail's webhook shared secret setting so that Django's error reporting mechanism will sanitize it.

    If you are using Anymail's event tracking and/or inbound webhooks, you should upgrade to this release and change "WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION" to "WEBHOOK_SECRET" in the ANYMAIL section of your You may also want to rotate the shared secret value, particularly if you have ever exposed your Django error reports to untrusted individuals.

    If you are only using Anymail's EmailBackends for sending email and have not set up Anymail's webhooks, this issue does not affect you.

    The old WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION setting is still allowed in this release, but will issue a system-check warning when running most Django management commands. It will be removed completely in a near-future release, as a breaking change.

    Thanks to Charlie DeTar (@yourcelf) for responsibly reporting this security issue through private channels.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3(Feb 2, 2018)

    Security fix

    v1.3 includes the v1.2.1 security fix released at the same time. Please review the v1.2.1 release notes, below, if you are using Anymail's tracking webhooks.

    New features

    • Inbound handling: Add normalized inbound message event, signal, and webhooks for all supported ESPs. (See new Receiving mail docs.) This hasn't been through much real-world testing yet; bug reports and feedback are very welcome.
    • API network timeouts: For Requests-based backends (all but SparkPost), use a default timeout of 30 seconds for all ESP API calls, to avoid stalling forever on a bad connection. Add a REQUESTS_TIMEOUT Anymail setting to override. (See #80.)
    • Test backend improvements: Generate unique tracking message_id when using the test backend; add console backend for use in development. (See #85.)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.1(Feb 2, 2018)

    Security fix

    This release fixes a moderate severity security issue affecting Anymail v0.2–v1.2: Prevent timing attack on WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION secret (CVE-2018-6596)

    If you are using Anymail's tracking webhooks, you should upgrade to this release, and you may want to rotate to a new WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION shared secret (see docs). You should definitely change your webhook auth if your logs indicate attempted exploit.

    (If you are only sending email using an Anymail EmailBackend, and have not set up Anymail's event tracking webhooks, this issue does not affect you.)

    More information

    Anymail's webhook validation was vulnerable to a timing attack. A remote attacker could use this to obtain your WEBHOOK_AUTHORIZATION shared secret, potentially allowing them to post fabricated or malicious email tracking events to your app.

    There have not been any reports of attempted exploit. (The vulnerability was discovered through code review.) Attempts would be visible in HTTP logs as a very large number of 400 responses on Anymail's webhook urls (by default "/anymail/esp_name/tracking/"), and in Python error monitoring as a very large number of AnymailWebhookValidationFailure exceptions.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2(Nov 2, 2017)

  • v1.1(Oct 28, 2017)

    Bug fixes

    • Mailgun: Support metadata in opened/clicked/unsubscribed tracking webhooks, and fix potential problems if metadata keys collided with Mailgun event parameter names. (See #76, #77)

    Other changes

    • Internal: Rework Anymail's ParsedEmail class and rename to EmailAddress to align it with similar functionality in the Python 3.6 email package, in preparation for future inbound support. ParsedEmail was not documented for use outside Anymail's internals (so this change does not bump the semver major version), but if you were using it in an undocumented way you will need to update your code.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Great script for sending and spaming emails! gmail, yahoo, outlook, hotmail.

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python-mail A python mailserver meant for friends who value privacy and a hard to use interface.... Basic info This mailserver was just a random proje

Hashm 2 Jan 19, 2022

ok-mail-helper ok-mail-helper是一个基于imap/smtp协议邮件客户端,使用python3.x开发,支持邮件接收并解析、邮件发送,用户可在自己的项目中直接引入、开箱即用,或者结合flask等web框架轻松做成http接口供前端调用、把邮箱管理集成到自己的系统中,亦可通过

xlvchao 1 Feb 08, 2022
Dotfiles and some scripts for NeoMutt

Mutt dotfiles Robust Mutt configs with examples for the following account types: Generic IMAP/SMTP Google (Gmail/Gsuite etc) via IMAP/SMTP Microsoft O

CEUK 29 Jan 04, 2023
faceFarm is an active yahoo email detection script that functions to take over the facebook account using email.

faceFarm – The simple Email Detector. Email Valid Detector for Facebook (Yahoo) faceFarm is an active yahoo email detection script that functions to t

Fadjrir Herlambang 2 Jan 18, 2022
Temp-SMS-Receive - A Program Which Allows You To Receive Temp SMS

Welcome to Temp-SMS-Receive 👋 A Program Which Allows You To Receive Temp SMS AP

Sandaru Ashen Fernando 21 Dec 10, 2022
Collection of emails sent from the Hungarian gov and Viktor Orbán to the citizens of Hungary

Public list of Hungary and Viktor Orbán's emails since March 2021 Collection of emails sent from the Hungarian government and Viktor Orbán to the citi

Miguel Sozinho Ramalho 1 Mar 28, 2022
Python library for sending emails. Python library for sending emails. Installation git clone cd python install Usage Imp

Sun 4 Nov 24, 2021
Euserv_extend captcha solver + pin code(Gmail)

Euserv_extend captcha solver + pin code(Gmail)

19 Nov 30, 2022
check disk storage's amount and if necessary, send alert message by email

DiskStorageAmountChecker What is this script? (このスクリプトは何ですか?) This script check disk storage's available amount of specified servers and send alerting

Hajime Kurita 1 Oct 22, 2021
Mail hosting made simple

Modoboa Modoboa is a mail hosting and management platform including a modern and simplified Web User Interface. It provides useful components such as

Modoboa 2.4k Jan 03, 2023
Using this repository you can send mails to multiple recipients.Was created in support of Ukraine, to turn society`s attention to war.

mails-in-support-of-UA Using this repository you can send mails to multiple recipients.Was created in support of Ukraine, to turn society`s attention

Oleksii Budzinskiy 2 Mar 04, 2022
Use Django admin to manage drip campaign emails using querysets on Django's User model.

Django Drip Drip campaigns are pre-written sets of emails sent to customers or prospects over time. Django Drips lets you use the admin to manage drip

Zapier 630 Nov 16, 2022
Mailer is python3 script use for sending spear-phishing to target email...It was created by Spider Anongreyhat

Mailer Mailer is a python3 script. It's used for sending spear-phishing to target email...It was created by Spider Anongreyhat Screenshots Installatio

Spider Anongreyhat 31 Dec 05, 2022
Bulk Email and certificate sending application E-mail services This application allows you to send automatic mass mail and automatic mass certificates to the people in your mailing list, m

Ahmet Furkan DEMIR 16 Nov 01, 2022
You take an email and password from the combo list file and check it on

Brute-Force-mail tool information: Combo Type: email:pass Domains: All domains of the site Url: Api: ☑️ Proxy: No ☑️ The correct

6 Jun 05, 2022
Automatically Send Custom Named Certificates via Mail

Welcome to Certificate Launchpad 🚀 Automatically Send Custom Named Certificates via Email Intro After any event, sending certificates to attendees or

Dc7 16 Oct 16, 2022