Send logs to RabbitMQ from Python/Django.



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Logging handler to ships logs to RabbitMQ. Compatible with Django.


Install using pip.

pip install python_logging_rabbitmq


Version Dependency
>= 2.x Pika == 0.13
<= 1.1.1 Pika <= 0.10


This package has two built-in handlers that you can import as follows:

from python_logging_rabbitmq import RabbitMQHandler

or (thanks to @wallezhang)

from python_logging_rabbitmq import RabbitMQHandlerOneWay
Handler Description
RabbitMQHandler Basic handler for sending logs to RabbitMQ. Every record will be delivered directly to RabbitMQ using the exchange configured.
RabbitMQHandlerOneWay High throughput handler. Initializes an internal queue where logs are stored temporarily. A thread is used to deliver the logs to RabbitMQ using the exchange configured. Your app doesn't need to wait until the log is delivered. Notice that if the main thread dies you might lose logs.

Standalone python

To use with python first create a logger for your app, then create an instance of the handler and add it to the logger created.

import logging
from python_logging_rabbitmq import RabbitMQHandler

logger = logging.getLogger('myapp')

rabbit = RabbitMQHandler(host='localhost', port=5672)

logger.debug('test debug')

As result, a similar message as follows will be sent to RabbitMQ:

	"msg":"test debug",

Sending logs

By default, logs will be sent to RabbitMQ using the exchange 'log', this should be of type topic. The routing key used is formed by concatenating the logger name and the log level. For example:

import logging
from python_logging_rabbitmq import RabbitMQHandler

logger = logging.getLogger('myapp')
logger.addHandler(RabbitMQHandler(host='localhost', port=5672))'test info')
logger.debug('test debug')
logger.warning('test warning')

The messages will be sent using the following routing keys:

  • myapp.INFO
  • myapp.DEBUG
  • myapp.WARNING

For an explanation about topics and routing keys go to

When create the handler, you're able to specify different parameters in order to connect to RabbitMQ or configure the handler behavior.

Overriding routing-key creation

If you wish to override routing-key format entirely, you can pass routing_key_formatter function which takes LogRecord objects and returns routing-key. For example:

	routing_key_formatter=lambda r: (


These are the configuration allowed:

Parameter Description Default
host RabbitMQ Server hostname or ip address. localhost
port RabbitMQ Server port. 5672
username Username for authentication. None
password Provide a password for the username. None
exchange Name of the exchange to publish the logs. This exchange is considered of type topic. log
declare_exchange Whether or not to declare the exchange. False
routing_key_format Customize how messages are routed to the queues. {name}.{level}
routing_key_formatter Customize how routing-key is constructed. None
connection_params Allow extra params to connect with RabbitMQ. None
formatter Use custom formatter for the logs. python_logging_rabbitmq.JSONFormatter
close_after_emit Close the active connection after send a log. A new connection is open for the next log. False
fields Dict to add as a field in each logs send to RabbitMQ. This is useful when you want fields in each log but without pass them every time. None
fields_under_root When is True, each key in parameter 'fields' will be added as an entry in the log, otherwise they will be logged under the key 'fields'. True
message_headers A dictionary of headers to be published with the message. None
record_fields A set of attributes that should be preserved from the record object. None
exclude_record_fields A set of attributes that should be ignored from the record object. None
heartbeat Lower bound for heartbeat timeout 60


RabbitMQ Connection

rabbit = RabbitMQHandler(
		'virtual_host': '/',
		'connection_attempts': 3,
		'socket_timeout': 5000

Custom fields

rabbit = RabbitMQHandler(
		'source': 'MyApp',
		'env': 'production'

Custom formatter

By default, python_logging_rabbitmq implements a custom JSONFormatter; but if you prefer to format your own message you could do it as follow:

import logging
from python_logging_rabbitmq import RabbitMQHandler

FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s %(message)s'
formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=FORMAT)
rabbit = RabbitMQHandler(formatter=formatter)

For a custom JSON Formatter take a look at


To use with Django add the handler in the logging config.

	'version': 1,
	'disable_existing_loggers': False,
	'handlers': {
		'rabbit': {
			'level': 'DEBUG',
			'class': 'python_logging_rabbitmq.RabbitMQHandler',
			'host': 'localhost'
	'loggers': {
		'myapp': {
			'handlers': ['rabbit'],
			'level': 'DEBUG',
			'propagate': False


Same as when use it with standalone python, you could configure the handle directly when declaring it in the config:

	'version': 1,
	'disable_existing_loggers': False,
	'handlers': {
		'rabbit': {
			'level': 'DEBUG',
			'class': 'python_logging_rabbitmq.RabbitMQHandler',
			'host': 'localhost',
			'port': 5672,
			'username': 'guest',
			'password': 'guest',
			'exchange': 'log',
			'declare_exchange': False,
			'connection_params': {
				'virtual_host': '/',
				'connection_attempts': 3,
				'socket_timeout': 5000
			'fields': {
				'source': 'MainAPI',
				'env': 'production'
			'fields_under_root': True
	'loggers': {
		'myapp': {
			'handlers': ['rabbit'],
			'level': 'DEBUG',
			'propagate': False

Custom formatter

	'version': 1,
	'disable_existing_loggers': False,
	'formatters': {
		'standard': {
			'format': '%(levelname)-8s [%(asctime)s]: %(message)s'
	'handlers': {
		'rabbit': {
			'level': 'DEBUG',
			'class': 'python_logging_rabbitmq.RabbitMQHandler',
			'host': 'localhost',
			'formatter': 'standard'
	'loggers': {
		'myapp': {
			'handlers': ['rabbit'],
			'level': 'DEBUG',
			'propagate': False

JSON formatter

pip install python-json-logger
	'version': 1,
	'disable_existing_loggers': False,
	'formatters': {
		'json': {
			'()': 'pythonjsonlogger.jsonlogger.JsonFormatter',
			'fmt': '%(name)s %(levelname) %(asctime)s %(message)s'
	'handlers': {
		'rabbit': {
			'level': 'DEBUG',
			'class': 'python_logging_rabbitmq.RabbitMQHandler',
			'host': 'localhost',
			'formatter': 'json'
	'loggers': {
		'myapp': {
			'handlers': ['rabbit'],
			'level': 'DEBUG',
			'propagate': False


Date Version Notes
Mar 10, 2019 1.1.1 Removed direct dependency with Django. Integration with Travis CI. Configuration for tests. Using pipenv.
May 04, 2018 1.0.9 Fixed exchange_type parameter in channel.exchange_declare (Thanks to @cklos).
Mar 21, 2018 1.0.8 Allowing message headers (Thanks to @merretbuurman).
May 15, 2017 1.0.7 Adding support to customize the routing_key (Thanks to @hansyulian).
Mar 30, 2017 1.0.6 Fix compatibility with python3 in RabbitMQHandlerOneWay (by @sactre).
Mar 28, 2017 1.0.5 Explicit local imports.
Mar 16, 2017 1.0.4 Added new handler RabbitMQHandlerOneWay (by @wallezhang).
Mar 14, 2017 1.0.3 Added config parameter close_after_emit.
Dec 21, 2016 1.0.2 Minor fixes.
Dec 21, 2016 1.0.1 Minor fixes.
Dec 21, 2016 1.0.0 Initial release.

What's next?

  • Let's talk about tests.
  • Issues, pull requests, suggestions are welcome.
  • Fork and improve it. Free for all.

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    But I think it is because of the line 62
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    Hello everybody,

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    Thx !

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                routing_key ="{name}.{level}".format(, level=record.levelname)

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