Serverless Public Key Infrastructure Framework

Portfolio-tracker - This serverless application let's you keep track of your investment portfolios

Portfolio-tracker - This serverless application let's you keep track of your investment portfolios

José Coelho 1 Jan 23, 2022
Serverless console based chat program made with PyDrive2.

Nautilus Serverless console based chat program made with PyDrive2. How To Use: After installing the program files from GitHub, they can be put anywher

legitimately_the_1984th_year_of_the_common_era_&_anno_domini_designations 0 Jul 30, 2022
Zappa makes it super easy to build and deploy server-less, event-driven Python applications on AWS Lambda + API Gateway.

Zappa makes it super easy to build and deploy server-less, event-driven Python applications (including, but not limited to, WSGI web apps) on AWS Lambda + API Gateway. Think of it as "serverless" web

Zappa 2.2k Jan 09, 2023
Repository for Research Paper: Serverless Thumbnail Generation

Serverless deployment on IBM Cloud Code Engine that uses the Lithops Framework to process images in parallel

Luca Mueller 2 Jan 12, 2022
Chainlink Python Serverless External Adapter Template

This template shows a basic usecase of an external adapter written in Python for the CryptoCompare API. It can be ran locally, in Docker, AWS Lambda, or GCP Functions.

Chainlink Hackathon - Insureblox 1 Nov 17, 2021
Serverless function for replicating weather underground data to an influxDB database

Weather Underground → Influx DB 🌤 Serverless function for replicating Weather U

Ben Meier 1 Dec 30, 2021
Serverless Public Key Infrastructure Framework

Ottr: Serverless Public Key Infrastructure Framework Ottr is a serverless framework for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that aims to provide a robust

Airbnb 259 Dec 28, 2022
Python Serverless Microframework for AWS

AWS Chalice Chalice is a framework for writing serverless apps in python. It allows you to quickly create and deploy applications that use AWS Lambda.

Amazon Web Services 9.4k Jan 08, 2023
⚡ Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions

⚡ Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! –

Serverless 44k Jan 03, 2023