Crypt Wiki - VimWiki with added support for encryption/decryption


Crypt Wiki - VimWiki with added support for encryption/decryption

This project is meant to solve an issue I have ran into recently. I wanted to have a way of version controlling my notes while also retaining my privacy.


In order to use this repo you will need:

  • Vim
  • VimWiki
  • Python
  • pip : python -m pip install pip
  • python-gnupg : python -m pip install python-gnupg

How to use

In order to use the Crypt Wiki locally, run git clone

If you want to version control your notes like I do, simply fork this repository, clone your fork and enjoy version controlled encrypted notes.

How we got here

If you care for it, you can read the Backstory of how we got here. I promise not to bore you too much.

Stop it! Get some help.

All the help you need in order to setup the wiki can be found in the Tutorial section. Some of the topics included are:

Typical workflow I would use

I have provided a couple of placeholder directories for you to see how I would typically organize my notes inside the wiki. This however does not mean that you shouldn't experiment and find a layout that best fits you.

.cryptfile and encryption/decryption

After taking some notes and separating them in a workflow like above, say you want to mark some of the folders for encryption. Let's assume that you want everything under Work and Diary to be encrypted using GPG. For that you will use the script in this repository.

Firstly, you will need to setup a .cryptfile that contains two lines in it, each specifying the name of a directory you want to encrypt.

An example .cryptfile has been provided that encrypts the work and diary directory.



Secondly, you want to modify the script to include the GPG key identifier and the path to where your GPG folder is stored:

# Define these for proper encryption!
gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome=r'path/to/folder')
recipient = "[email protected]"

Lastly, to encrypt run python -e. After the files have been encrypted you can commit and push to version control as normal.

Decryption happens in a similar manner. Once you clone the repo, run python -d.

Day-to-day use

With the proper setup described in the tutorial, opening Vim and using the VimWiki shortcuts will work out of the box, placing you inside the file in this directory, which is the Wiki index. You can choose to delete all the other files such as the, or the tutorial folder, as these have been in order to showcase how the repository works.

Happy wiki-ing!

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