A bot discord that can create directories, file, rename, move, navigate throw directories etc....


File Manager Discord

What is the purpose of this program ?

This program is made for a Discord bot. Its purpose is to organize the messages sent in a clear and structured way, thanks to files and directories. The whole database is made in XML. However, people do not interact directly with this database, but write commands on a channel, which are processed by the bot to interact with the XML file. The commands are simple and inspired by bash.

The commands


As in bash, this command allows to see the files that are in the directory.

Syntax: ls


As in bash, this command allows you to change of directory

Syntax: cd


cd.. is the equivalent of "cd .." in Bash

Syntax: cd..


As in bash, this command allows you to make a new directory

Syntax: mkdir {name_of_the_dir}


As in bash, this command allows you to make a new directory

Syntax: mkdir {name_of_the_dir}


This command allow user to come to the root of all the database. It's kind of a big cd..

Syntax: home


As in bash, this command allows you to get your current location. You can also see it with ls at the bottom

Syntax: pwd


This command isn't the same as in Bash. This command creates a "file" (which is just a tag for the XML), and maps the ID of a discord message to it. If you don't understand the utility of that, you'll understand it with the next command c

Syntax: touch {name_of_the_file} {id_of_the_message}


The command c (see) allows user to see the "content" of a file. Because we created a file with the ID of a message in it, this command, will show the message that correspond to the ID

Syntax: c {name_of_the_file}


It is possible that the ID you entered is wrong. To change this id you can use the command mdid

Syntax: mdid {name_of_the_file} {new_id_of_the_message}


You want to delete a file or a directory? No problem, the rm command allows you to do that

Syntax: mdid {type (dir or file)} {name}


If you are mistaken about the name of a file and want to rename it you can use the command rn

Syntax: rn {type (dir or file)} {actual_name} > {new_name}


You want to move a file or even a directory to another location? Use mv

Syntax: mv {type (dir or file)} {name_of_the_file_or_dir_you_want_to_mv} > {dir}


This command is the same as cd.. for cd but for mv. If you want to move a file or a directory to the directory before the one you are in, use mv.

Syntax: mv.. {type (dir or file)} {name_of_the_file_or_dir_you_want_to_mv}


This is the final command. This command can be used if you don't know what to do or if you don't know the use of a command and can be used in two ways

Just help

If you only write "help". You'll see the list of commands. (I added a (- ADMIN) for this example, but didnt implemented it)

Syntax: help

help + cmd

However, if you want to have more information about a command, you can write help + the command

Syntax : help {cmd}

Extensions I used


The xml.etree.ElementTree module implements a simple and efficient API for parsing and creating XML data. This is normally already installed with Python. More information here: https://docs.python.org/3/library/xml.etree.elementtree.html


Since the bot is on Discord, we logically use Discord.py if you want to install it:




Main: Python3 Also: HTML/CSS/JS C# C++
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