Coerce authentication from Windows hosts via MS-FSRVP (Requires FS-VSS-AGENT service running on host)
Credits: @topotam (https://fr.slideshare.net/LionelTopotam/petit-potam-slidesrtfmossir)
Coerce authentication from Windows hosts via MS-FSRVP (Requires FS-VSS-AGENT service running on host)
Credits: @topotam (https://fr.slideshare.net/LionelTopotam/petit-potam-slidesrtfmossir)
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This is A Python & Bash Programming Based Termux-Tool Created By CRACKER911181. This Tool Created For Hacking and Pentesting. If You Use This Tool To Evil Purpose,The Owner Will Never be Responsible
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This repository detects a system vulnerable to CVE-2022-21907 and protects against this vulnerability if desired
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