TeamDltvideo Bot you can add in your Telegram Group Thanks
Video Stream is a telegram bot project that's allow you to play video on telegram group video chat
Heroku Deployment The easy way to host this bot, deploy to Heroku, (it will help to make the bot stable).
String Session đđģ
Commands /play (query)
- play music from youtube/stream (radio link)
- stream a live streaming music/vplay (query)
- play video from youtube/vstream (live link)
- play video live streaming video/pause
- pause the streaming (admin only)/resume
- resume the streaming (admin only)/skip
- switch to next stream (admin only)/stop
- end the streaming (admin only)/playlist
- show you all the current stream list/song (query)
- download music from youtube/video (query)
- download video from youtube/userbotjoin
- invite the userbot to join group (admin only)/userbotleave
- instruct userbot to leave the group (admin only)/leaveall
- order the userbot to leave from all group (sudo only)/clean
- clean all raw files/rmd
- clean all downloaded files