Python application, displaying currently played track from Spotify on OLED display connected via I2C

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RaspberryPi Spotify OLED Display

This application will display currently played track on SSD1306 OLED display connected to RaspberryPi.

Displayed stuff:

  • Current track/album/artist (in case it's too long for screen, it will scroll)
  • Track time and progress
  • Current status (playing/stopped)
  • Progress bar

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How to run

First, you have to create an application in your Spotify dashboard:

After you've done that, go to the app page and look for Client ID and Client Secret. You'll also need redirect URI, i'm using http://localhost:16969/callback because i have literally no clue what it's used for and it just works.

After that, install dependencies required for this app:

# this should be in repo and since Pillow uses C libs, it's probably better to install it that way
sudo apt install python3-pil python3-pip
# get the rest of dependencies with pip
pip3 install spotipy schedule adafruit-circuitpython-ssd1306

Then, i recommend creating a script that'll set environmental variables for Spotipy so it'll run. I'm using something like this:

# Setup the environment for Spotipy
export SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI='http://localhost:16969/callback'

# Note: change the paths if necessary.
# cd to the directory you'll want to keep the cache and logs it.
# make sure you have write permissions there, otherwise it won't work
# and spotipy will keep asking for API key.
cd /home/pi/SpotifyOLED

After that, give this script permissions to run (assuming you saved it as -> chmod +x, and RUN IT FOR THE FIRST TIME MANUALLY. Then, check the terminal window - you should see a message saying Go to the following URL - copy and paste this URL to your browser, and when it finishes loading (and it will fail if you've set the redirect URI to localhost, so don't worry about it, it's perfectly fine) copy the URL from browser and paste it to the terminal. After that, there should be .cache file created with your API key, and the script should start running normally.

How to run at boot?

Edit /etc/rc.local as superuser with your favourite editor. You'll probably see something like this there:

# Print the IP address
_IP=$(hostname -I) || true
if [ "$_IP" ]; then
  printf "My IP address is %s\n" "$_IP"

exit 0

Remove the exit 0 line, and add this instead (obviously change the path, if it's different for you):

bash -c '/home/pi/SpotifyOLED/ > /home/pi/SpotifyOLED/stdout.log 2>&1' &

This will run the script in background, redirecting the standard output and standard error output to /home/pi/SpotifyOLED/stdout.log file (in case there's some critical error, it'll be there instead of going nowhere) - if the app crashes, please provide the message from this file in issue report.

There's also log in spotify_display.log file, which should be in script working directory. In case something is going wrong with Spotify API, all the messages will go there. If you wanna diagnose the issues in detail, change the log level in from INFO to DEBUG

Wojciech Olech
C, C++, Python and embedded stuff (Arduino, STM32, ESP8266)
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