sync/async MongoDB ODM, yes.


μMongo: sync/async ODM

Latest version Python versions marshmallow 3 only License Build status Documentation

μMongo is a Python MongoDB ODM. It inception comes from two needs: the lack of async ODM and the difficulty to do document (un)serialization with existing ODMs.

From this point, μMongo made a few design choices:

  • Stay close to the standards MongoDB driver to keep the same API when possible: use find({"field": "value"}) like usual but retrieve your data nicely OO wrapped !
  • Work with multiple drivers (PyMongo, TxMongo, motor_asyncio and mongomock for the moment)
  • Tight integration with Marshmallow serialization library to easily dump and load your data with the outside world
  • i18n integration to localize validation error messages
  • Free software: MIT license
  • Test with 90%+ coverage ;-)

µMongo requires MongoDB 4.2+ and Python 3.7+.

Quick example

import datetime as dt
from pymongo import MongoClient
from umongo import Document, fields, validate
from umongo.frameworks import PyMongoInstance

db = MongoClient().test
instance = PyMongoInstance(db)

class User(Document):
    email = fields.EmailField(required=True, unique=True)
    birthday = fields.DateTimeField(validate=validate.Range(min=dt.datetime(1900, 1, 1)))
    friends = fields.ListField(fields.ReferenceField("User"))

    class Meta:
        collection_name = "user"

# Make sure that unique indexes are created

goku = User(email='[email protected]', birthday=dt.datetime(1984, 11, 20))
vegeta = User(email='[email protected]', friends=[goku])

# <object umongo.data_objects.List([<object umongo.dal.pymongo.PyMongoReference(document=User, pk=ObjectId('5717568613adf27be6363f78'))>])>
# {id': '570ddb311d41c89cabceeddc', 'email': '[email protected]', friends': ['570ddb2a1d41c89cabceeddb']}
User.find_one({"email": '[email protected]'})
# <object Document __main__.User({'id': ObjectId('570ddb2a1d41c89cabceeddb'), 'friends': <object umongo.data_objects.List([])>,
#                                 'email': '[email protected]', 'birthday': datetime.datetime(1984, 11, 20, 0, 0)})>

Get it now:

$ pip install umongo           # This installs umongo with pymongo
$ pip install my-mongo-driver  # Other MongoDB drivers must be installed manually

Or to get it along with the MongoDB driver you're planing to use:

$ pip install umongo[motor]
$ pip install umongo[txmongo]
$ pip install umongo[mongomock]
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