Powering up Apache JMeter with Streamlit and opening the door for machine learning.


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Powering up Apache JMeter with Streamlit


Apache JMeter is an open source load testing tool written in 100% pure Java. JMeter supports umpteen protocols including HTTP(S), FTP, SMTP, Web Services, JMS and much more. In JMeter, you can generate HTML results after you done with the execution or you can use Backend Listeners to monitor the runtime results.

Streamlit is an open source framework for Machine Learning and Data Sciences team. You can build tools to visualize the data and interactive prototypes.

Apache JMeter + Streamlit

By integrating Streamlit with Apache JMeter, you can build machine learning models to train to detect anomalies from your JMeter test results. This project is just a beginning where you can execute and visualize the test results in interactive charts.


Use the latest version as possible.

Streamlit Installation

I prefer Anaconda to install the Streamlit, you can follow the instructions mentioned here.

JMeter Installation

Getting Started with JMeter.

Streamlit Hello World

After installing all the necessary components, you could run a hello program by invoking streamlit hello. This will open a browser (or new tab). You can run Streamlit from your GitHub Gists, e.g. streamlit run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/streamlit/demo-uber-nyc-pickups/master/app.py

Streamlit + JMeter

By leveraging Streamlit with JMeter which brings machine learning capabilities to detect the anomalies and to study the performance of your application. Using this repo, you can run your JMeter scripts and visualize the results instantly.

Streamlit brings intuitive user interface for your JMeter execution and results analysis.


  • Set the environment variable JMETER_HOME pointing to your apache-jmeter folder. E.g. C:\apache-jmeter-5.2
  • Make sure the changes are propagated in your system. You may need to kill the explorer or restart your system.
  • You can check the changes are reflected by issuing the command %JMETER_HOME% in the command prompt.


  • Clone this repository and navigate into it.
  • Run the below command to get started

python -m pip install -r .\requirements.txt

  • In the command prompt, enter the below command

streamlit run app.py

  • In case of PowerShell, issue the below command

streamlit run .\app.py

  • This will open a new tab or launch the default browser with the URL http://localhost:8501
  • You could see the About page as shown below.


Execute JMeter Test Plan

To execute JMeter test plan, click on left sidebar widget and then click on Execute JMeter Test Plan radio button. This will bring up the page where you can select the JMeter test plan as shown below.


After selecting the JMX file, click on Run button to execute the JMeter test plan. This will execute your test plan in CLI mode and generates unique log file and place it in the bin folder.

Execution in progress

At top right corner, you could see the progress of the app.


To monitor the performance, go to the command prompt which displays the run time stats.

If you would like to stop the script execution, go to the command prompt and issue the CTRL + C shortcut.


To analyze the test results, click on Analyze JMeter Test Results radio button which will bring up the page as shown below. Select the csv file to analyze which will display the metrics such as start time, end time, summary report etc.

To view the graphs, click on Show Graphs check box.


All the graphs are interactive, on need basis you can generate variety of combinations by custom coding. Under the hood, graphs plotted using vega-lite.



  • Supports only CSV results
  • By default, it fetches all the files from the JMETER_HOME folder.
  • Limited number of charts has been added, other type of charts can be added by custom coding.

Known Issues

  • Doesn't execute if the JMeter file name which has space
  • Quick Navigation between Execute and Analyze may break the code, you may need to launch the app again.
  • Doesn't display the JMeter test results runtime

What's next?

  • This is just a inception version where I experimented the capabilities of streamlit. The next big thing is writing a training model to detect the anomalies and predict the point of failure which is work-in-progress.
  • Pin pandas-profiling to latest version 3.6.2

    Pin pandas-profiling to latest version 3.6.2

    This PR pins pandas-profiling to the latest release 3.6.2.



    [3.6.2](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/compare/v3.6.1...v3.6.2) (2023-01-02)
    Bug Fixes
    * comparison alerts ([1229](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1229)) ([bbca61b](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/bbca61b0b5e109563aee88a245d6b776d1b65d9b))
    * comparison histogram ([1228](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1228)) ([0081581](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/0081581c67d0667ad869677a5b9b29d276d5a461))
    * comparison report style issues ([a465cdd](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/a465cddc88091ed99485b7e34d4c037faf37f6d3))
    * update the link for the people-example.csv ([2bb5043](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/2bb5043fd147a289cfe54a9feddcb9693275e13d))


    [3.6.1](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/compare/v3.6.0...v3.6.1) (2022-12-23)
    Bug Fixes
    * categorical var frequency plot ([6cb391f](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/6cb391fd8d26c98792e14592b4d853f9a557eab0))
    * remove ipywidgets import ([1b8b117](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/1b8b11719cd2a1dfcde9ecd7406aa0545bf46a8e))


    [3.6.0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/compare/v3.5.0...v3.6.0) (2022-12-21)
    Bug Fixes
    * add css to cope with large tables ([7f42f87](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/7f42f87cedd06694fe83241416e1fa21327b8c97))
    * adjust categoricals layout ([f0bb45a](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/f0bb45a2a2d89b5c6e77fd20939e069979b2b948))
    * categorical data not being obscured in the common values plot ([40236bc](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/40236bc67619a8aadeae797920c6238616169641))
    * compare report ignoring config parameter ([3d60556](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/3d6055675579d72a5ddf34c4c85e94befb403e72))
    * compare report warnings always showing the last alert type ([6b3c13d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/6b3c13dd33489c8a895b2db1854b23a7edd3b948))
    * comparison fails when duplicates are disable ([1208](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1208)) ([6d19620](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/6d1962044d5bcf634266998551328bd3cdeb354c))
    * do no raise exception for percentage formatter ([3ea626d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/3ea626de3d839a55fb0fac9dc7a5fa1da18ba037))
    * enforce recomputation of description sets ([a9fd1c8](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/a9fd1c845511679a18c87a9566d343ea945e9f16))
    * error comparing only one precomputed profile ([00646cd](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/00646cde15e0fb0dad29e4bd3cc5747b3eff61e2))
    * **html:** sensible cloud-platform notebook html rendering ([b22ece2](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/b22ece261c0e9a74254361b6b7e121ab94abe44d))
    * ignoring config of precomputed reports ([6478c40](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/6478c4047ee871ede7f7aa76379818ee3217e7d7))
    * only compute auto correlation when no config is specified ([d5d4f58](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/d5d4f58d3b0728bed021677ffb7be14cb7f04f27))
    * remove malfunctioning hook ([e2593f5](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e2593f5bb093117c7afb8914eafbda6e2e110782))
    * remove unused test ([2170338](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/21703385a42bf38d4306511e0f99bed9e1092991))
    * return the proper type for widgets ([4c0b358](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/4c0b358002d75139c23babc30cbc0c7b23534d92))
    * set compute default to false ([c70e491](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/c70e49136fbdf1d3fe7e6ef5b23a8adbd0567ecf))
    * solve mypy error ([9c4266e](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/9c4266eb1cb252d8008795080723598d2d151e26))
    * solve mypy issue ([e3e7788](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e3e7788907eebcf572423b48800f848d965f5969))
    * uses colors from the specified config ([c0c556d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/c0c556d29cc191d44fdb08fc813818709c1b0666))
    * **utils:** use 'urllib.request' instead of 'requests' ([1177](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1177)) ([e4d020b](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e4d020b873b67845a329517e42620ed96545d60e)), closes [#1168](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1168)
    * add heatmap values as a table under correlations ([fc5da9e](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/fc5da9eff07e7e18c5fd2d8caa698af7aee861e2))
    * allow to specify the configuration for the comparison report ([ad725b0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/ad725b0f7d3b61c2a4fafddbdbfc1451197e2c94))
    * design improvements on the correlations section ([e5cd8cf](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e5cd8cfb4b91f22b3435f9830f516e929c4e8d32))
    * implement imbalanced warning ([ce84c81](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/ce84c81c9d2194237676a407fbe5d2461ed64eda))
    * update variables layout ([1207](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1207)) ([cf0e0a7](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/cf0e0a72477ce13941caf09887afe6a1c3073858))


    [3.5.0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/compare/v3.4.0...v3.5.0) (2022-11-22)
    Bug Fixes
    * change context managed backend ([1149](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1149)) ([11e1a8a](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/11e1a8a3fa8d13513fe926b731fb907a066af2a1))
    * dataset names on comparison report ([1159](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1159)) ([3c14d43](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/3c14d438d9a557ac85f5663cc3446c0fb3081e18))
    * duplicate key in test dict ([1126](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1126)) ([d19affe](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/d19affe15a4e3063af7187ca5fa81f1bf75ce648))
    * improve description and correct plot for ‘auto’ correlation ([1119](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1119)) ([2617b92](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/2617b92d08ed87546c80e0cc01cd475d1e60ec56))
    * remove correlation calculation for constants ([1152](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1152)) ([1ed2bc0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/1ed2bc0702f504592ed211097469405a5061a857))
    * time series render format ([1157](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1157)) ([39ca8ce](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/39ca8ce7d4ed2ad0ebb78db5d5f26d3ace08753a))
    * update config files to only calculate 'auto' correlation ([1158](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1158)) ([34cf73d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/34cf73dadaea08e44e741f99fa0a10c322c86109))
    * update repository links ([1141](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1141)) ([c742c5d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/c742c5dbeb18fe2907a4c03792e8802993c46da5))
    * add typechecking to profile report ([1139](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1139)) ([ec8ece0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/ec8ece0de394eb4c2918bb6a74f0c5e5bb77ca61))
    * report comparison example ([1160](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1160)) ([5e75fd2](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/5e75fd275d14c8ce7ba49d0a15ec26810c4c0e73))
    * report comparisons ([1069](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1069)) ([70ee5c7](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/70ee5c776ad0c72d709631690a2df1cde5ca0424)), closes [#1137](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1137) [#1136](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1136) [#1143](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1143) [#1148](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1148) [#1150](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1150)


    [3.4.0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/compare/v3.3.0...v3.4.0) (2022-10-20)
    Bug Fixes
    * correlation `auto` passing extra parameters ([1114](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1114)) ([21f4fe6](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/21f4fe68b3febe359ea60f7b9790a39db28c222a))
    * cramer's correlation fails with missings vals ([1109](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1109)) ([8e7f8b2](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/8e7f8b2147886e1d01e3a5c5fa8423cf8e781b76))
    * drop joblib dependency ([1090](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1090)) ([586cef3](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/586cef360d6b8ed926953298ed3a9772b8369052)), closes [#1056](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1056)
    * fix linter errors ([1117](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1117)) ([5f17cfd](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/5f17cfdb3c7c07f981fb200a1f12a73bf40690f3))
    * make tangled-up-in-unicode an optional dependency ([1070](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1070)) ([e6b2a00](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e6b2a0018a007bef8029ca1c69b6123d0a8e5cda))
    * remove unused imports ([56beed4](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/56beed456c4fab13a45fd77d93ca12fc38053bb0))
    * remove unused imports ([66864c1](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/66864c15cfa9b80cb426957e17410c579425d450))
    * Remove unused imports. ([985fbd1](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/985fbd1fc0e826bda3ac1b725fa8842013743ab3))
    * add support for Pandas 1.5 ([1076](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1076)) ([5c5a710](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/5c5a710f23d83ba5ff1dc9ab6fc23b28094560fb))
    * added filter to locate columns ([1115](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1115)) ([c2f817d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/c2f817d09a38094dcf83b0e49d86e3c87d822c7b))
    * introduce auto parameter for correlations  ([1095](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1095)) ([4d2e415](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/4d2e415601afce2c997298cdedc69e6e04ac6689))


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.ydata.ai/docs/master/pages/reference/changelog.html?highlight=change+log


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.ydata.ai/docs/master/pages/reference/changelog.html?highlight=change+log


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    This release candidate improves handling of sensitive data and futhermore reduces technical debt with various fixes. The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.
    A warm thank you to everyone who has contributed to this release: gauravkumar37 Jooong smaranjitghose XavierBanos Tam Nguyen andycraig mgorsk1 mbh86 MHUNCHO GaelVaroquaux AmauryLepicard baluyotraf pvojnisek abegong


    pandas-profiling` now has build-in supports for Files and Images, such as extracting file sizes, creation dates and dimensions and scanning for truncated images or those containing EXIF information. Moreover, the text analysis features have also been reworked, providing more informative statistics.
    Read the [changelog v2.8.0](https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html#changelog-v2-8-0) for more details.
    Contributors: loopyme Bradley-Butcher willemhendriks, IscaAy, frellnick, dataverz ieaves


    Announcement and changelog are available in the documentation.
    We are grateful for loopyme and kyleYang for creating parts of the features on this release.
    Thanks for all contributors that made this release possible 1313e dataprofessor neomatrix369 jiangfangfangxm WesleyTheGeolien NickYi1990 ricgu8086.


    Dependency policy
    The current dependency policy is suboptimal. Pinning the dependencies is great for reproducibility (high guarantee to work), but on the downside requires frequent maintenance and introduces compatibility issues with other packages. Therefore, we are moving away from pinning dependencies and instead specify a minimum version. 
    Pandas v1
    Early releases of pandas v1 demonstrated many regressions that broke functionality (as acknowledged by the authors [here](https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/31523)). At this point, pandas is more stable and we notice high demand for compatibility. We move on to support pandas' latest versions. To ensure compatibility with both versions, we have extended the test matrix to test against both pandas 0.x.y and 1.x.y.
    Python 3.6+ features
    Python 3.6 introduces ordered dicts and f-strings, which we now rely on. This means that from pandas-profiling 2.6, you should minimally run Python 3.6. For users that for some reason cannot update, you can use pandas-profiling 2.5.0, but you unfortunately won't benefit from updates or maintenance.
    Extended continuous integration
    Starting from this release, we use Github Actions and Travis CI combined to increase maintainability. 
    Travis CI handles the testing, Github Actions automates part of the development process by running black and building the docs.


    - Progress bar added (224)
    - Character analysis for Text/NLP (278)
    - Themes: configuration and demo's (Orange, Dark)
    - Tutorial on modifying the report's structure (362; 281, 259, 253, 234). This jupyter notebook also demonstrates how to use the Kaggle api together with pandas-profiling.
    - Toggle descriptions at correlations.
    - This is the last version to support Python 3.5.
    - The order of columns changed when sort="None" (377, fixed).
    - Pandas v1.0.X is not yet supported (367, 366, 363, 353, pinned pandas to < 1)
    - Improved mixed type detection (351)
    - Refactor of report structures.
    - Correlations are more stable (e.g. Phi_k color scale now from 0-1, rows and columns with NaN values are dropped, 329).
    - Distinct counts exclude NaNs.
    - Fixed alerts in notebooks.
    Other improvements:
    - Warnings are now sorted.
    - Links to Binder and Google Colab are added for notebooks (349)
    - The overview section is tabbed.
    * Commit for pandas-profiling v2.5.0
    - Progress bar added (224)
    - Character analysis for Text/NLP (278)
    - Themes: configuration and demo's (Orange, Dark)
    - Tutorial on modifying the report's structure (362; 281, 259, 253, 234). This jupyter notebook also demonstrates how to use the Kaggle api together with pandas-profiling.
    - Toggle descriptions at correlations.
    - This is the last version to support Python 3.5.
    - The order of columns changed when sort="None" (377, fixed).
    - Pandas v1.0.X is not yet supported (367, 366, 363, 353, pinned pandas to < 1)
    - Improved mixed type detection (351)
    - Refactor of report structures.
    - Correlations are more stable (e.g. Phi_k color scale now from 0-1, rows and columns with NaN values are dropped, 329).
    - Distinct counts exclude NaNs.
    - Fixed alerts in notebooks.
    Other improvements:
    - Warnings are now sorted.
    - Links to Binder and Google Colab are added for notebooks (349)
    - The overview section is tabbed.


    The v2.4.0 release decouples the data structure of reports from the actual rendering. It's now much simpler to change the user interface, whether the user is in a jupyter notebook, webpage, native application or just wants a json view of the data.
    We are also proud to announce that we are accepted for the GitHub Sponsor programme. You are cordially invited to support me [through this programme](https://github.com/sponsors/sbrugman), because you want to see me continue working on this project and to boost community funding, GitHub will match your contribution!
    Other improvements:
    - extended configuration with better defaults, including minimal mode for big data (258, 310)
    - more example datasets
    - rejection of highly correlated variables is generalized (284, 299)
    - many structural and stability improvements (254, 274, 239)
    Special thanks to marco-cardoso ajupton lvwerra gliptak neomatrix369 for their contributions.


    - (Experimental) Support for "path" type
    - Fix numeric precision (225)
    - Force labels in missing values diagram for large number of columns (222)
    - Add pull request template
    - Add [Census Dataset](https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/census+income) from the UCI ML Repository
    Thanks bensdm and huaiweicheng for your valuable contributions to this version!


    New release introducing variable size binning (via astropy), PyCharm integration and various fixes and optimizations.
    - Added Variable bin sizing via Bayesian Boxing (feature request [216])
    - PyCharm integration, console attempts to detect file type.
    - Fixed bug [215].
    - Updated the `missingno` package to 0.4.2, fixing the font size in the `bar` diagram.
    - Various optimizations
    Thanks to:
    Utsav37 mansenfranzen  jakevdp


    Fix [211] and README


    - Fix of [206]
    - Improve code maintainability of the view (HTML templates, notebook)
    - Fix bug in dendrogram sizing


    The `pandas-profiling` release version 2.1.0 includes:
    - **Correlations**: correlation calculations are now more fault tolerant ([51] and [197]), correlation names in the report are clarified.
    - **Jupyter Notebook**: rendering a profiling report is done inside the `srcdoc` attribute (which fixes [199]), a full-width option is added and the column layout is improved.
    - **User experience**: The table styling and sample section formatting is improved.
    - **Warnings**: detection added for categorical variable that is suspected to be of the datetime type.
    - **Documentation and community**:
    	- The [Contribution page](CONTRIBUTING.md) helps users that want to contribute.
    	- Typo's fixed [195], Thank you abhilashshakti
    	- Added more examples.
    - **Other bugfixes and improvements**:
    	- Add version information to console interface.
    	- Fix: Remove one-time used logger [202]
    	- Fix: Dealing with string indices [200]
    abhilashshakti adamrossnelson manycoding InsciteAnalytics


    Bugfix on version structure for 2.0.2.


    Revised version structure, fixed recursion preventing installation of dependencies ([184]).
    The setup.py file used to include utils from the package prior to installation.
    This causes errors when the dependencies are not yet present.


    - Add offline support [177], [179] and [180]


    With 23 commits, 123 files changes and 20+ issues resolved, Pandas Profiling v2.0.0 is a big leap forward. 
    Thanks to the great contributions from everyone involved! Special thanks to JosPolfliet  conradoqg eyaltra.


    - Fix the correlation images (160).


    * Multiple Bugfixes
    * Enable Travis CI builds
    Aylr LeonardAukea kevanshea endremborza romainx drkarthi


    - Performance enhancement. It is now possible to disable some heavy resource operations and achieve better performances (see also 76):
    - Correlation checking by turning `check_correlation` to `False` (43)
    - Recoded checking by turning `check_recoded` to `False`.
    - Possibility to install using conda
    - Implementation of a new Boolean variable type (25)
    - Add new badges for zeros and highly skewed (63)
    - Code refactoring (internal improvement) to split on main modules in 4 modules (65)
    - Improve types handling
    - types like `list`, `tuple` and `dict` are now officially unsupported until we improve them
    - mixed columns are also correctly handled
    - New Binary variable type supporting native `boolean` type and also binary numeric values (77)
    - Warnings column names have link to corresponding detail in variables section in order to ease the navigation (66)
    - Spearman and Pearson Correlation matrix diagrams added in the report (83)
    Bug fixes
    - 56 Incorrect calculation for % unique for variables with missing values bug
    - 11 Avoid to throw an error when calling `get_rejected_variables` while correlation has not been computed
    - 68 Avoid to set the matplotlib backend if not necessary


    Bug fixes and new check for recoded categorical variables. Thanks to all who contributed!
    New additions include frequency counts and extreme values for numeric variables.
    Pandas-profiling now does all 1d-calculations in a multitprocessing fashion, _vastly_ speeding up runtime.


    What's new:
    - histograms for date variables
    - bug fixes


    Initial release.
    • PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pandas-profiling
    • Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/pandas-profiling/
    • Repo: https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling
    opened by pyup-bot 0
  • Pin pandas-profiling to latest version 3.6.1

    Pin pandas-profiling to latest version 3.6.1

    This PR pins pandas-profiling to the latest release 3.6.1.



    [3.6.1](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/compare/v3.6.0...v3.6.1) (2022-12-23)
    Bug Fixes
    * categorical var frequency plot ([6cb391f](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/6cb391fd8d26c98792e14592b4d853f9a557eab0))
    * remove ipywidgets import ([1b8b117](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/1b8b11719cd2a1dfcde9ecd7406aa0545bf46a8e))


    [3.6.0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/compare/v3.5.0...v3.6.0) (2022-12-21)
    Bug Fixes
    * add css to cope with large tables ([7f42f87](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/7f42f87cedd06694fe83241416e1fa21327b8c97))
    * adjust categoricals layout ([f0bb45a](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/f0bb45a2a2d89b5c6e77fd20939e069979b2b948))
    * categorical data not being obscured in the common values plot ([40236bc](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/40236bc67619a8aadeae797920c6238616169641))
    * compare report ignoring config parameter ([3d60556](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/3d6055675579d72a5ddf34c4c85e94befb403e72))
    * compare report warnings always showing the last alert type ([6b3c13d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/6b3c13dd33489c8a895b2db1854b23a7edd3b948))
    * comparison fails when duplicates are disable ([1208](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1208)) ([6d19620](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/6d1962044d5bcf634266998551328bd3cdeb354c))
    * do no raise exception for percentage formatter ([3ea626d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/3ea626de3d839a55fb0fac9dc7a5fa1da18ba037))
    * enforce recomputation of description sets ([a9fd1c8](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/a9fd1c845511679a18c87a9566d343ea945e9f16))
    * error comparing only one precomputed profile ([00646cd](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/00646cde15e0fb0dad29e4bd3cc5747b3eff61e2))
    * **html:** sensible cloud-platform notebook html rendering ([b22ece2](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/b22ece261c0e9a74254361b6b7e121ab94abe44d))
    * ignoring config of precomputed reports ([6478c40](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/6478c4047ee871ede7f7aa76379818ee3217e7d7))
    * only compute auto correlation when no config is specified ([d5d4f58](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/d5d4f58d3b0728bed021677ffb7be14cb7f04f27))
    * remove malfunctioning hook ([e2593f5](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e2593f5bb093117c7afb8914eafbda6e2e110782))
    * remove unused test ([2170338](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/21703385a42bf38d4306511e0f99bed9e1092991))
    * return the proper type for widgets ([4c0b358](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/4c0b358002d75139c23babc30cbc0c7b23534d92))
    * set compute default to false ([c70e491](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/c70e49136fbdf1d3fe7e6ef5b23a8adbd0567ecf))
    * solve mypy error ([9c4266e](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/9c4266eb1cb252d8008795080723598d2d151e26))
    * solve mypy issue ([e3e7788](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e3e7788907eebcf572423b48800f848d965f5969))
    * uses colors from the specified config ([c0c556d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/c0c556d29cc191d44fdb08fc813818709c1b0666))
    * **utils:** use 'urllib.request' instead of 'requests' ([1177](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1177)) ([e4d020b](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e4d020b873b67845a329517e42620ed96545d60e)), closes [#1168](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1168)
    * add heatmap values as a table under correlations ([fc5da9e](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/fc5da9eff07e7e18c5fd2d8caa698af7aee861e2))
    * allow to specify the configuration for the comparison report ([ad725b0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/ad725b0f7d3b61c2a4fafddbdbfc1451197e2c94))
    * design improvements on the correlations section ([e5cd8cf](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e5cd8cfb4b91f22b3435f9830f516e929c4e8d32))
    * implement imbalanced warning ([ce84c81](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/ce84c81c9d2194237676a407fbe5d2461ed64eda))
    * update variables layout ([1207](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1207)) ([cf0e0a7](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/cf0e0a72477ce13941caf09887afe6a1c3073858))


    [3.5.0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/compare/v3.4.0...v3.5.0) (2022-11-22)
    Bug Fixes
    * change context managed backend ([1149](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1149)) ([11e1a8a](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/11e1a8a3fa8d13513fe926b731fb907a066af2a1))
    * dataset names on comparison report ([1159](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1159)) ([3c14d43](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/3c14d438d9a557ac85f5663cc3446c0fb3081e18))
    * duplicate key in test dict ([1126](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1126)) ([d19affe](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/d19affe15a4e3063af7187ca5fa81f1bf75ce648))
    * improve description and correct plot for ‘auto’ correlation ([1119](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1119)) ([2617b92](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/2617b92d08ed87546c80e0cc01cd475d1e60ec56))
    * remove correlation calculation for constants ([1152](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1152)) ([1ed2bc0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/1ed2bc0702f504592ed211097469405a5061a857))
    * time series render format ([1157](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1157)) ([39ca8ce](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/39ca8ce7d4ed2ad0ebb78db5d5f26d3ace08753a))
    * update config files to only calculate 'auto' correlation ([1158](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1158)) ([34cf73d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/34cf73dadaea08e44e741f99fa0a10c322c86109))
    * update repository links ([1141](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1141)) ([c742c5d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/c742c5dbeb18fe2907a4c03792e8802993c46da5))
    * add typechecking to profile report ([1139](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1139)) ([ec8ece0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/ec8ece0de394eb4c2918bb6a74f0c5e5bb77ca61))
    * report comparison example ([1160](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1160)) ([5e75fd2](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/5e75fd275d14c8ce7ba49d0a15ec26810c4c0e73))
    * report comparisons ([1069](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1069)) ([70ee5c7](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/70ee5c776ad0c72d709631690a2df1cde5ca0424)), closes [#1137](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1137) [#1136](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1136) [#1143](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1143) [#1148](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1148) [#1150](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1150)


    [3.4.0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/compare/v3.3.0...v3.4.0) (2022-10-20)
    Bug Fixes
    * correlation `auto` passing extra parameters ([1114](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1114)) ([21f4fe6](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/21f4fe68b3febe359ea60f7b9790a39db28c222a))
    * cramer's correlation fails with missings vals ([1109](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1109)) ([8e7f8b2](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/8e7f8b2147886e1d01e3a5c5fa8423cf8e781b76))
    * drop joblib dependency ([1090](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1090)) ([586cef3](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/586cef360d6b8ed926953298ed3a9772b8369052)), closes [#1056](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1056)
    * fix linter errors ([1117](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1117)) ([5f17cfd](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/5f17cfdb3c7c07f981fb200a1f12a73bf40690f3))
    * make tangled-up-in-unicode an optional dependency ([1070](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1070)) ([e6b2a00](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e6b2a0018a007bef8029ca1c69b6123d0a8e5cda))
    * remove unused imports ([56beed4](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/56beed456c4fab13a45fd77d93ca12fc38053bb0))
    * remove unused imports ([66864c1](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/66864c15cfa9b80cb426957e17410c579425d450))
    * Remove unused imports. ([985fbd1](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/985fbd1fc0e826bda3ac1b725fa8842013743ab3))
    * add support for Pandas 1.5 ([1076](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1076)) ([5c5a710](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/5c5a710f23d83ba5ff1dc9ab6fc23b28094560fb))
    * added filter to locate columns ([1115](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1115)) ([c2f817d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/c2f817d09a38094dcf83b0e49d86e3c87d822c7b))
    * introduce auto parameter for correlations  ([1095](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1095)) ([4d2e415](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/4d2e415601afce2c997298cdedc69e6e04ac6689))


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.ydata.ai/docs/master/pages/reference/changelog.html?highlight=change+log


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.ydata.ai/docs/master/pages/reference/changelog.html?highlight=change+log


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    This release candidate improves handling of sensitive data and futhermore reduces technical debt with various fixes. The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.
    A warm thank you to everyone who has contributed to this release: gauravkumar37 Jooong smaranjitghose XavierBanos Tam Nguyen andycraig mgorsk1 mbh86 MHUNCHO GaelVaroquaux AmauryLepicard baluyotraf pvojnisek abegong


    pandas-profiling` now has build-in supports for Files and Images, such as extracting file sizes, creation dates and dimensions and scanning for truncated images or those containing EXIF information. Moreover, the text analysis features have also been reworked, providing more informative statistics.
    Read the [changelog v2.8.0](https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html#changelog-v2-8-0) for more details.
    Contributors: loopyme Bradley-Butcher willemhendriks, IscaAy, frellnick, dataverz ieaves


    Announcement and changelog are available in the documentation.
    We are grateful for loopyme and kyleYang for creating parts of the features on this release.
    Thanks for all contributors that made this release possible 1313e dataprofessor neomatrix369 jiangfangfangxm WesleyTheGeolien NickYi1990 ricgu8086.


    Dependency policy
    The current dependency policy is suboptimal. Pinning the dependencies is great for reproducibility (high guarantee to work), but on the downside requires frequent maintenance and introduces compatibility issues with other packages. Therefore, we are moving away from pinning dependencies and instead specify a minimum version. 
    Pandas v1
    Early releases of pandas v1 demonstrated many regressions that broke functionality (as acknowledged by the authors [here](https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/31523)). At this point, pandas is more stable and we notice high demand for compatibility. We move on to support pandas' latest versions. To ensure compatibility with both versions, we have extended the test matrix to test against both pandas 0.x.y and 1.x.y.
    Python 3.6+ features
    Python 3.6 introduces ordered dicts and f-strings, which we now rely on. This means that from pandas-profiling 2.6, you should minimally run Python 3.6. For users that for some reason cannot update, you can use pandas-profiling 2.5.0, but you unfortunately won't benefit from updates or maintenance.
    Extended continuous integration
    Starting from this release, we use Github Actions and Travis CI combined to increase maintainability. 
    Travis CI handles the testing, Github Actions automates part of the development process by running black and building the docs.


    - Progress bar added (224)
    - Character analysis for Text/NLP (278)
    - Themes: configuration and demo's (Orange, Dark)
    - Tutorial on modifying the report's structure (362; 281, 259, 253, 234). This jupyter notebook also demonstrates how to use the Kaggle api together with pandas-profiling.
    - Toggle descriptions at correlations.
    - This is the last version to support Python 3.5.
    - The order of columns changed when sort="None" (377, fixed).
    - Pandas v1.0.X is not yet supported (367, 366, 363, 353, pinned pandas to < 1)
    - Improved mixed type detection (351)
    - Refactor of report structures.
    - Correlations are more stable (e.g. Phi_k color scale now from 0-1, rows and columns with NaN values are dropped, 329).
    - Distinct counts exclude NaNs.
    - Fixed alerts in notebooks.
    Other improvements:
    - Warnings are now sorted.
    - Links to Binder and Google Colab are added for notebooks (349)
    - The overview section is tabbed.
    * Commit for pandas-profiling v2.5.0
    - Progress bar added (224)
    - Character analysis for Text/NLP (278)
    - Themes: configuration and demo's (Orange, Dark)
    - Tutorial on modifying the report's structure (362; 281, 259, 253, 234). This jupyter notebook also demonstrates how to use the Kaggle api together with pandas-profiling.
    - Toggle descriptions at correlations.
    - This is the last version to support Python 3.5.
    - The order of columns changed when sort="None" (377, fixed).
    - Pandas v1.0.X is not yet supported (367, 366, 363, 353, pinned pandas to < 1)
    - Improved mixed type detection (351)
    - Refactor of report structures.
    - Correlations are more stable (e.g. Phi_k color scale now from 0-1, rows and columns with NaN values are dropped, 329).
    - Distinct counts exclude NaNs.
    - Fixed alerts in notebooks.
    Other improvements:
    - Warnings are now sorted.
    - Links to Binder and Google Colab are added for notebooks (349)
    - The overview section is tabbed.


    The v2.4.0 release decouples the data structure of reports from the actual rendering. It's now much simpler to change the user interface, whether the user is in a jupyter notebook, webpage, native application or just wants a json view of the data.
    We are also proud to announce that we are accepted for the GitHub Sponsor programme. You are cordially invited to support me [through this programme](https://github.com/sponsors/sbrugman), because you want to see me continue working on this project and to boost community funding, GitHub will match your contribution!
    Other improvements:
    - extended configuration with better defaults, including minimal mode for big data (258, 310)
    - more example datasets
    - rejection of highly correlated variables is generalized (284, 299)
    - many structural and stability improvements (254, 274, 239)
    Special thanks to marco-cardoso ajupton lvwerra gliptak neomatrix369 for their contributions.


    - (Experimental) Support for "path" type
    - Fix numeric precision (225)
    - Force labels in missing values diagram for large number of columns (222)
    - Add pull request template
    - Add [Census Dataset](https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/census+income) from the UCI ML Repository
    Thanks bensdm and huaiweicheng for your valuable contributions to this version!


    New release introducing variable size binning (via astropy), PyCharm integration and various fixes and optimizations.
    - Added Variable bin sizing via Bayesian Boxing (feature request [216])
    - PyCharm integration, console attempts to detect file type.
    - Fixed bug [215].
    - Updated the `missingno` package to 0.4.2, fixing the font size in the `bar` diagram.
    - Various optimizations
    Thanks to:
    Utsav37 mansenfranzen  jakevdp


    Fix [211] and README


    - Fix of [206]
    - Improve code maintainability of the view (HTML templates, notebook)
    - Fix bug in dendrogram sizing


    The `pandas-profiling` release version 2.1.0 includes:
    - **Correlations**: correlation calculations are now more fault tolerant ([51] and [197]), correlation names in the report are clarified.
    - **Jupyter Notebook**: rendering a profiling report is done inside the `srcdoc` attribute (which fixes [199]), a full-width option is added and the column layout is improved.
    - **User experience**: The table styling and sample section formatting is improved.
    - **Warnings**: detection added for categorical variable that is suspected to be of the datetime type.
    - **Documentation and community**:
    	- The [Contribution page](CONTRIBUTING.md) helps users that want to contribute.
    	- Typo's fixed [195], Thank you abhilashshakti
    	- Added more examples.
    - **Other bugfixes and improvements**:
    	- Add version information to console interface.
    	- Fix: Remove one-time used logger [202]
    	- Fix: Dealing with string indices [200]
    abhilashshakti adamrossnelson manycoding InsciteAnalytics


    Bugfix on version structure for 2.0.2.


    Revised version structure, fixed recursion preventing installation of dependencies ([184]).
    The setup.py file used to include utils from the package prior to installation.
    This causes errors when the dependencies are not yet present.


    - Add offline support [177], [179] and [180]


    With 23 commits, 123 files changes and 20+ issues resolved, Pandas Profiling v2.0.0 is a big leap forward. 
    Thanks to the great contributions from everyone involved! Special thanks to JosPolfliet  conradoqg eyaltra.


    - Fix the correlation images (160).


    * Multiple Bugfixes
    * Enable Travis CI builds
    Aylr LeonardAukea kevanshea endremborza romainx drkarthi


    - Performance enhancement. It is now possible to disable some heavy resource operations and achieve better performances (see also 76):
    - Correlation checking by turning `check_correlation` to `False` (43)
    - Recoded checking by turning `check_recoded` to `False`.
    - Possibility to install using conda
    - Implementation of a new Boolean variable type (25)
    - Add new badges for zeros and highly skewed (63)
    - Code refactoring (internal improvement) to split on main modules in 4 modules (65)
    - Improve types handling
    - types like `list`, `tuple` and `dict` are now officially unsupported until we improve them
    - mixed columns are also correctly handled
    - New Binary variable type supporting native `boolean` type and also binary numeric values (77)
    - Warnings column names have link to corresponding detail in variables section in order to ease the navigation (66)
    - Spearman and Pearson Correlation matrix diagrams added in the report (83)
    Bug fixes
    - 56 Incorrect calculation for % unique for variables with missing values bug
    - 11 Avoid to throw an error when calling `get_rejected_variables` while correlation has not been computed
    - 68 Avoid to set the matplotlib backend if not necessary


    Bug fixes and new check for recoded categorical variables. Thanks to all who contributed!
    New additions include frequency counts and extreme values for numeric variables.
    Pandas-profiling now does all 1d-calculations in a multitprocessing fashion, _vastly_ speeding up runtime.


    What's new:
    - histograms for date variables
    - bug fixes


    Initial release.
    • PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pandas-profiling
    • Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/pandas-profiling/
    • Repo: https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling
    opened by pyup-bot 0
  • Pin pandas-profiling to latest version 3.6.0

    Pin pandas-profiling to latest version 3.6.0

    This PR pins pandas-profiling to the latest release 3.6.0.



    [3.6.0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/compare/v3.5.0...v3.6.0) (2022-12-21)
    Bug Fixes
    * add css to cope with large tables ([7f42f87](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/7f42f87cedd06694fe83241416e1fa21327b8c97))
    * adjust categoricals layout ([f0bb45a](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/f0bb45a2a2d89b5c6e77fd20939e069979b2b948))
    * categorical data not being obscured in the common values plot ([40236bc](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/40236bc67619a8aadeae797920c6238616169641))
    * compare report ignoring config parameter ([3d60556](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/3d6055675579d72a5ddf34c4c85e94befb403e72))
    * compare report warnings always showing the last alert type ([6b3c13d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/6b3c13dd33489c8a895b2db1854b23a7edd3b948))
    * comparison fails when duplicates are disable ([1208](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1208)) ([6d19620](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/6d1962044d5bcf634266998551328bd3cdeb354c))
    * do no raise exception for percentage formatter ([3ea626d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/3ea626de3d839a55fb0fac9dc7a5fa1da18ba037))
    * enforce recomputation of description sets ([a9fd1c8](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/a9fd1c845511679a18c87a9566d343ea945e9f16))
    * error comparing only one precomputed profile ([00646cd](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/00646cde15e0fb0dad29e4bd3cc5747b3eff61e2))
    * **html:** sensible cloud-platform notebook html rendering ([b22ece2](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/b22ece261c0e9a74254361b6b7e121ab94abe44d))
    * ignoring config of precomputed reports ([6478c40](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/6478c4047ee871ede7f7aa76379818ee3217e7d7))
    * only compute auto correlation when no config is specified ([d5d4f58](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/d5d4f58d3b0728bed021677ffb7be14cb7f04f27))
    * remove malfunctioning hook ([e2593f5](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e2593f5bb093117c7afb8914eafbda6e2e110782))
    * remove unused test ([2170338](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/21703385a42bf38d4306511e0f99bed9e1092991))
    * return the proper type for widgets ([4c0b358](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/4c0b358002d75139c23babc30cbc0c7b23534d92))
    * set compute default to false ([c70e491](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/c70e49136fbdf1d3fe7e6ef5b23a8adbd0567ecf))
    * solve mypy error ([9c4266e](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/9c4266eb1cb252d8008795080723598d2d151e26))
    * solve mypy issue ([e3e7788](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e3e7788907eebcf572423b48800f848d965f5969))
    * uses colors from the specified config ([c0c556d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/c0c556d29cc191d44fdb08fc813818709c1b0666))
    * **utils:** use 'urllib.request' instead of 'requests' ([1177](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1177)) ([e4d020b](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e4d020b873b67845a329517e42620ed96545d60e)), closes [#1168](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1168)
    * add heatmap values as a table under correlations ([fc5da9e](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/fc5da9eff07e7e18c5fd2d8caa698af7aee861e2))
    * allow to specify the configuration for the comparison report ([ad725b0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/ad725b0f7d3b61c2a4fafddbdbfc1451197e2c94))
    * design improvements on the correlations section ([e5cd8cf](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e5cd8cfb4b91f22b3435f9830f516e929c4e8d32))
    * implement imbalanced warning ([ce84c81](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/ce84c81c9d2194237676a407fbe5d2461ed64eda))
    * update variables layout ([1207](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1207)) ([cf0e0a7](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/cf0e0a72477ce13941caf09887afe6a1c3073858))


    [3.5.0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/compare/v3.4.0...v3.5.0) (2022-11-22)
    Bug Fixes
    * change context managed backend ([1149](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1149)) ([11e1a8a](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/11e1a8a3fa8d13513fe926b731fb907a066af2a1))
    * dataset names on comparison report ([1159](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1159)) ([3c14d43](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/3c14d438d9a557ac85f5663cc3446c0fb3081e18))
    * duplicate key in test dict ([1126](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1126)) ([d19affe](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/d19affe15a4e3063af7187ca5fa81f1bf75ce648))
    * improve description and correct plot for ‘auto’ correlation ([1119](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1119)) ([2617b92](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/2617b92d08ed87546c80e0cc01cd475d1e60ec56))
    * remove correlation calculation for constants ([1152](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1152)) ([1ed2bc0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/1ed2bc0702f504592ed211097469405a5061a857))
    * time series render format ([1157](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1157)) ([39ca8ce](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/39ca8ce7d4ed2ad0ebb78db5d5f26d3ace08753a))
    * update config files to only calculate 'auto' correlation ([1158](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1158)) ([34cf73d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/34cf73dadaea08e44e741f99fa0a10c322c86109))
    * update repository links ([1141](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1141)) ([c742c5d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/c742c5dbeb18fe2907a4c03792e8802993c46da5))
    * add typechecking to profile report ([1139](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1139)) ([ec8ece0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/ec8ece0de394eb4c2918bb6a74f0c5e5bb77ca61))
    * report comparison example ([1160](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1160)) ([5e75fd2](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/5e75fd275d14c8ce7ba49d0a15ec26810c4c0e73))
    * report comparisons ([1069](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1069)) ([70ee5c7](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/70ee5c776ad0c72d709631690a2df1cde5ca0424)), closes [#1137](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1137) [#1136](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1136) [#1143](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1143) [#1148](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1148) [#1150](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1150)


    [3.4.0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/compare/v3.3.0...v3.4.0) (2022-10-20)
    Bug Fixes
    * correlation `auto` passing extra parameters ([1114](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1114)) ([21f4fe6](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/21f4fe68b3febe359ea60f7b9790a39db28c222a))
    * cramer's correlation fails with missings vals ([1109](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1109)) ([8e7f8b2](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/8e7f8b2147886e1d01e3a5c5fa8423cf8e781b76))
    * drop joblib dependency ([1090](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1090)) ([586cef3](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/586cef360d6b8ed926953298ed3a9772b8369052)), closes [#1056](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1056)
    * fix linter errors ([1117](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1117)) ([5f17cfd](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/5f17cfdb3c7c07f981fb200a1f12a73bf40690f3))
    * make tangled-up-in-unicode an optional dependency ([1070](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1070)) ([e6b2a00](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e6b2a0018a007bef8029ca1c69b6123d0a8e5cda))
    * remove unused imports ([56beed4](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/56beed456c4fab13a45fd77d93ca12fc38053bb0))
    * remove unused imports ([66864c1](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/66864c15cfa9b80cb426957e17410c579425d450))
    * Remove unused imports. ([985fbd1](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/985fbd1fc0e826bda3ac1b725fa8842013743ab3))
    * add support for Pandas 1.5 ([1076](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1076)) ([5c5a710](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/5c5a710f23d83ba5ff1dc9ab6fc23b28094560fb))
    * added filter to locate columns ([1115](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1115)) ([c2f817d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/c2f817d09a38094dcf83b0e49d86e3c87d822c7b))
    * introduce auto parameter for correlations  ([1095](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1095)) ([4d2e415](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/4d2e415601afce2c997298cdedc69e6e04ac6689))


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.ydata.ai/docs/master/pages/reference/changelog.html?highlight=change+log


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.ydata.ai/docs/master/pages/reference/changelog.html?highlight=change+log


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    This release candidate improves handling of sensitive data and futhermore reduces technical debt with various fixes. The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.
    A warm thank you to everyone who has contributed to this release: gauravkumar37 Jooong smaranjitghose XavierBanos Tam Nguyen andycraig mgorsk1 mbh86 MHUNCHO GaelVaroquaux AmauryLepicard baluyotraf pvojnisek abegong


    pandas-profiling` now has build-in supports for Files and Images, such as extracting file sizes, creation dates and dimensions and scanning for truncated images or those containing EXIF information. Moreover, the text analysis features have also been reworked, providing more informative statistics.
    Read the [changelog v2.8.0](https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html#changelog-v2-8-0) for more details.
    Contributors: loopyme Bradley-Butcher willemhendriks, IscaAy, frellnick, dataverz ieaves


    Announcement and changelog are available in the documentation.
    We are grateful for loopyme and kyleYang for creating parts of the features on this release.
    Thanks for all contributors that made this release possible 1313e dataprofessor neomatrix369 jiangfangfangxm WesleyTheGeolien NickYi1990 ricgu8086.


    Dependency policy
    The current dependency policy is suboptimal. Pinning the dependencies is great for reproducibility (high guarantee to work), but on the downside requires frequent maintenance and introduces compatibility issues with other packages. Therefore, we are moving away from pinning dependencies and instead specify a minimum version. 
    Pandas v1
    Early releases of pandas v1 demonstrated many regressions that broke functionality (as acknowledged by the authors [here](https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/31523)). At this point, pandas is more stable and we notice high demand for compatibility. We move on to support pandas' latest versions. To ensure compatibility with both versions, we have extended the test matrix to test against both pandas 0.x.y and 1.x.y.
    Python 3.6+ features
    Python 3.6 introduces ordered dicts and f-strings, which we now rely on. This means that from pandas-profiling 2.6, you should minimally run Python 3.6. For users that for some reason cannot update, you can use pandas-profiling 2.5.0, but you unfortunately won't benefit from updates or maintenance.
    Extended continuous integration
    Starting from this release, we use Github Actions and Travis CI combined to increase maintainability. 
    Travis CI handles the testing, Github Actions automates part of the development process by running black and building the docs.


    - Progress bar added (224)
    - Character analysis for Text/NLP (278)
    - Themes: configuration and demo's (Orange, Dark)
    - Tutorial on modifying the report's structure (362; 281, 259, 253, 234). This jupyter notebook also demonstrates how to use the Kaggle api together with pandas-profiling.
    - Toggle descriptions at correlations.
    - This is the last version to support Python 3.5.
    - The order of columns changed when sort="None" (377, fixed).
    - Pandas v1.0.X is not yet supported (367, 366, 363, 353, pinned pandas to < 1)
    - Improved mixed type detection (351)
    - Refactor of report structures.
    - Correlations are more stable (e.g. Phi_k color scale now from 0-1, rows and columns with NaN values are dropped, 329).
    - Distinct counts exclude NaNs.
    - Fixed alerts in notebooks.
    Other improvements:
    - Warnings are now sorted.
    - Links to Binder and Google Colab are added for notebooks (349)
    - The overview section is tabbed.
    * Commit for pandas-profiling v2.5.0
    - Progress bar added (224)
    - Character analysis for Text/NLP (278)
    - Themes: configuration and demo's (Orange, Dark)
    - Tutorial on modifying the report's structure (362; 281, 259, 253, 234). This jupyter notebook also demonstrates how to use the Kaggle api together with pandas-profiling.
    - Toggle descriptions at correlations.
    - This is the last version to support Python 3.5.
    - The order of columns changed when sort="None" (377, fixed).
    - Pandas v1.0.X is not yet supported (367, 366, 363, 353, pinned pandas to < 1)
    - Improved mixed type detection (351)
    - Refactor of report structures.
    - Correlations are more stable (e.g. Phi_k color scale now from 0-1, rows and columns with NaN values are dropped, 329).
    - Distinct counts exclude NaNs.
    - Fixed alerts in notebooks.
    Other improvements:
    - Warnings are now sorted.
    - Links to Binder and Google Colab are added for notebooks (349)
    - The overview section is tabbed.


    The v2.4.0 release decouples the data structure of reports from the actual rendering. It's now much simpler to change the user interface, whether the user is in a jupyter notebook, webpage, native application or just wants a json view of the data.
    We are also proud to announce that we are accepted for the GitHub Sponsor programme. You are cordially invited to support me [through this programme](https://github.com/sponsors/sbrugman), because you want to see me continue working on this project and to boost community funding, GitHub will match your contribution!
    Other improvements:
    - extended configuration with better defaults, including minimal mode for big data (258, 310)
    - more example datasets
    - rejection of highly correlated variables is generalized (284, 299)
    - many structural and stability improvements (254, 274, 239)
    Special thanks to marco-cardoso ajupton lvwerra gliptak neomatrix369 for their contributions.


    - (Experimental) Support for "path" type
    - Fix numeric precision (225)
    - Force labels in missing values diagram for large number of columns (222)
    - Add pull request template
    - Add [Census Dataset](https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/census+income) from the UCI ML Repository
    Thanks bensdm and huaiweicheng for your valuable contributions to this version!


    New release introducing variable size binning (via astropy), PyCharm integration and various fixes and optimizations.
    - Added Variable bin sizing via Bayesian Boxing (feature request [216])
    - PyCharm integration, console attempts to detect file type.
    - Fixed bug [215].
    - Updated the `missingno` package to 0.4.2, fixing the font size in the `bar` diagram.
    - Various optimizations
    Thanks to:
    Utsav37 mansenfranzen  jakevdp


    Fix [211] and README


    - Fix of [206]
    - Improve code maintainability of the view (HTML templates, notebook)
    - Fix bug in dendrogram sizing


    The `pandas-profiling` release version 2.1.0 includes:
    - **Correlations**: correlation calculations are now more fault tolerant ([51] and [197]), correlation names in the report are clarified.
    - **Jupyter Notebook**: rendering a profiling report is done inside the `srcdoc` attribute (which fixes [199]), a full-width option is added and the column layout is improved.
    - **User experience**: The table styling and sample section formatting is improved.
    - **Warnings**: detection added for categorical variable that is suspected to be of the datetime type.
    - **Documentation and community**:
    	- The [Contribution page](CONTRIBUTING.md) helps users that want to contribute.
    	- Typo's fixed [195], Thank you abhilashshakti
    	- Added more examples.
    - **Other bugfixes and improvements**:
    	- Add version information to console interface.
    	- Fix: Remove one-time used logger [202]
    	- Fix: Dealing with string indices [200]
    abhilashshakti adamrossnelson manycoding InsciteAnalytics


    Bugfix on version structure for 2.0.2.


    Revised version structure, fixed recursion preventing installation of dependencies ([184]).
    The setup.py file used to include utils from the package prior to installation.
    This causes errors when the dependencies are not yet present.


    - Add offline support [177], [179] and [180]


    With 23 commits, 123 files changes and 20+ issues resolved, Pandas Profiling v2.0.0 is a big leap forward. 
    Thanks to the great contributions from everyone involved! Special thanks to JosPolfliet  conradoqg eyaltra.


    - Fix the correlation images (160).


    * Multiple Bugfixes
    * Enable Travis CI builds
    Aylr LeonardAukea kevanshea endremborza romainx drkarthi


    - Performance enhancement. It is now possible to disable some heavy resource operations and achieve better performances (see also 76):
    - Correlation checking by turning `check_correlation` to `False` (43)
    - Recoded checking by turning `check_recoded` to `False`.
    - Possibility to install using conda
    - Implementation of a new Boolean variable type (25)
    - Add new badges for zeros and highly skewed (63)
    - Code refactoring (internal improvement) to split on main modules in 4 modules (65)
    - Improve types handling
    - types like `list`, `tuple` and `dict` are now officially unsupported until we improve them
    - mixed columns are also correctly handled
    - New Binary variable type supporting native `boolean` type and also binary numeric values (77)
    - Warnings column names have link to corresponding detail in variables section in order to ease the navigation (66)
    - Spearman and Pearson Correlation matrix diagrams added in the report (83)
    Bug fixes
    - 56 Incorrect calculation for % unique for variables with missing values bug
    - 11 Avoid to throw an error when calling `get_rejected_variables` while correlation has not been computed
    - 68 Avoid to set the matplotlib backend if not necessary


    Bug fixes and new check for recoded categorical variables. Thanks to all who contributed!
    New additions include frequency counts and extreme values for numeric variables.
    Pandas-profiling now does all 1d-calculations in a multitprocessing fashion, _vastly_ speeding up runtime.


    What's new:
    - histograms for date variables
    - bug fixes


    Initial release.
    • PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pandas-profiling
    • Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/pandas-profiling/
    • Repo: https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling
    opened by pyup-bot 0
  • Pin streamlit to latest version 1.15.2

    Pin streamlit to latest version 1.15.2

    This PR pins streamlit to the latest release 1.15.2.



































    - ❄️ Add st.snow()!


    - 🗜 WebSocket compression is now disabled by default, which will improve CPU and latency performance for large dataframes. You can use the `server.enableWebsocketCompression`
     configuration option to re-enable it if you find the increased network traffic more impactful.
    - ☑️ 🔘 Radio and checkboxes improve focus on Keyboard navigation ([4308](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/4308))


    *Release date: Jan 27, 2022*
    **Notable Changes**
    - 🌟 Favicon defaults to a PNG to allow for transparency ([4272](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/4272)).
    - 🚦 Select Slider Widget now has the `disabled` parameter that removes interactivity (completing all of our widgets) ([4314](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/4314)).
    **Other Changes**
    - 🔤 Improvements to our markdown library to provide better support for HTML (specifically nested HTML) ([4221](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/4221)).
    - 📖 Expanders maintain their expanded state better when multiple expanders are present ([4290](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/4290)).
    - 🗳 Improved file uploader and camera input to call its `on_change` handler only when necessary ([4270](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/4270)).


    - 📸 Introducing `st.camera_input` for uploading images straight from your camera.
    **Notable Changes**
    - 🚦 Widgets now have the `disabled` parameter that removes interactivity.
    - 🚮 Clear `st.experimental_memo` and `st.experimental_singleton` programmatically by using the `clear()` method on a cached function.
    - 📨 Developers can now configure the maximum size of a message to accommodate larger messages within the Streamlit application. See `server.maxMessageSize`.
    - 🐍 We formally added support for Python 3.10.
    **Other Changes**
    - 😵‍💫 Calling `str` or `repr` on `threading.current_thread()` does not cause a RecursionError ([4172](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/4172)).
    - 📹 Gracefully stop screencast recording when user removes permission to record ([4180](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/4180)).
    - 🌇 Better scale images by using a higher-quality image bilinear resampling algorithm ([4159](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/4159)).


    * 🎈 Fix st.balloons to show the balloons
    * 📊 Allow st.columns to create space even if empty


    *Release date: Dec 16, 2021*
    **Notable Changes**
    - 💯 Support for NumPy values in `st.metric` .
    - **🌐** Support for Mesh Layers in PyDeck.
    - 📊 Updated Plotly chart version to support the latest features.
    - 🏀 `st.spinner` element has visual animated spinner.
    - 🍰 `st.caption` supports HTML in text with `unsafe_allow_html` parameter.
    **Other Changes**
    - 🪲 Bug fix: Allow `st.session_state` to be used to set number_input values with no warning ([4047](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/4047)).
    - 🪲 Bug fix: Fix footer alignment in wide mode ([4035](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/4035)).
    - ?? Bug fix: Better support for Graphviz and Bokeh charts in containers (columns, expanders, etc.) ([4039](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/4039)).
    - 🐞 Bug fix: Support inline data values in Vega-Lite ([4070](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/4070)).
    - ✍️ Types: Updated type annotations for experimental memo and singleton decorators.
    - ✍️ Types: Improved type annotations for `st.selectbox`, `st.select_slider`, `st.radio`, `st.number_input`, and `st.multiselect` .


    *Release date: Nov 11, 2021*
    **Notable Changes**
    - **✏️** `st.text_input` and `st.text_area` now have a `placeholder` parameter to display text when the field is empty.
    - 📏 Viewers can now resize the input box in `st.text_area` .
    - 📁 Streamlit can auto-reload when files in the sub-directories change.
    - 🌈 We've upgraded Bokeh support to 2.4.1! We recommend updating your Bokeh library to 2.4.1 to maintain functionality. Going forward, we'll let you know if there's a mismatch in your Bokeh version via an error prompt.
    - 🔒 Developers can access secrets via attribute notation (e.g., `[st.secrets.foo](http://st.secrets.foo)` vs. `st.secrets["foo"]`) just like session state.
    **Other Changes**
    - 👀 Visual fixes (https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/3863, https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/3995, https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/3926, https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/3975)
    - 🍔 Fixes to the hamburger menu (https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/3968)
    - 🖨️ Ability to print session state (https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/3970),


    - 🧠 Memory improvements: Streamlit apps allocate way less memory over time now.
    **Notable Changes**
    - ♻️ Apps automatically rerun now when the content of `secrets.toml` changes (before this you had to refresh the page manually).
    **Other Changes**
    - 🔗 Redirected some links to our [brand-new docs site](https://docs.streamlit.io/), e.g. in exceptions.
    - 🪲 Bug fix: Allow initialization of range slider with session state ([3586](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3586)).
    - 🐞 Bug fix: Refresh chart when using `add_rows` with `datetime` index ([3653](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3653)).
    - ✍️ Added some more type annotation in our codebase ([3908](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3908)).


    _Release date: Oct 5, 2021_
    - 🎈Announcing Streamlit 1.0! To read more about check out our [1.0 blog post](https://blog.streamlit.io/announcing-streamlit-1-0/)
    **Other Changes**
    - 🐞 Fixed an issue where using `df.dtypes` to show datatypes for a DF fails while using Arrow ([3709](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3709)), Image captions stay within image width and are readable ([#3530](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3530))


    _Release date: Sep 22, 2021_
    - 💰 Introducing `st.experimental_memo` and `experimental_singleton`, a new primitive for caching! See [our blog post](https://blog.streamlit.io/new-experimental-primitives-for-caching/)
    - 🍔 Streamlit allows developers to configure their hamburger menu to be more user-centric
    **Notable Changes**
    - 💅 We updated our UI to a more polished look with a new font.
    - 🎨 We now support `theme.base` in the theme object when it's sent to custom components.
    - 🧠 We've modified session state to reset widgets if any of their arguments changed even if they provide a key.
    - Some widget behavior may have changed, but we believe this change makes the most sense. We have added a section to [our documentation](https://docs.streamlit.io/en/0.89.0/advanced_widget_behavior.html) describing how they behave.
    **Other Changes**
    - 🐞 Bug fixes: Support svgs from a URL ([3809](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/3809)) and that do not start with `<svg>` tag ([#3789](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/3789))


    _Release date: Sep 2, 2021_
    - ⬇️ Introducing `st.download_button`, a new button widget for easily downloading files
    **Notable Changes**
    - 🛑 We made changes to improve the redacted exception experience on Streamlit Cloud. When `client.showErrorDetails=true` exceptions display the Error Type and the Traceback, but redact the actual error text to prevent data leaks.


    _Release date: Aug 19, 2021_
    - 🔢 Introducing `st.metric`, an API for displaying KPIs. Check out the [demo app](https://share.streamlit.io/streamlit/release-demos/0.87/0.87) showcasing the functionality
    **Other Changes**
    - 🐞 **Bug Fixes**: File uploader retains state upon expander closing ([3557](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3557)), setIn Error with `st.empty` ([#3659](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3659)), Missing IFrame embeds in docs ([#3706](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3706)), Fix error writing certain PNG files ([#3597](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3597))


    _Release date: Aug 5, 2021_
    - 🎓 Our layout primitives are graduating from beta! You can now use `st.columns`, `st.container` and `st.expander` without the `beta_` prefix.
    **Notable Changes**
    - 📱 When using `st.columns`, columns will stack vertically when viewport size <640px so that column layout on smaller viewports is consistent and cleaner. ([3594](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3594))
    **Other Changes**
    - 🐞 **Bug fixes**: Fixed `st.date_input` crashes if its empty ([3194](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3194)), Opening files with utf-8([#3022](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3022)), `st.select_slider` resets its state upon interaction ([#3600](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3600))


    _Release Date: Jul 22, 2021_
    - Streamlit now uses [Apache Arrow](https://arrow.apache.org) for serializing data frames when they are sent from Streamlit server to the front end. See our [blog post](https://blog.streamlit.io/all-in-on-apache-arrow/)
     - (Users who wish to continue using the legacy data frame serialization can do so by setting the `dataFrameSerialization` config option to `"legacy"` in their `config.toml`)
    **Other Changes**
    - Bug fixes: Unresponsive pydeck example ([3395](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3395)), JSON parse error message ([#2324](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/2324)), Tooltips rendering ([#3300](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3300)), Colorpicker not working on Streamlit Sharing ([#2689](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/2689))


    _Release date: Jul 1, 2021_
    - 🧠 Introducing `st.session_state` and widget callbacks to allow you to add statefulness to your apps. Check out the [blog post](http://blog.streamlit.io/session-state-for-streamlit/)
    **Notable Changes**
    - 🪄 `st.text_input` now has an `autocomplete` parameter to allow password managers to be used
    **Other Changes**
    - Using st.set_page_config to assign the page title no longer appends “Streamlit” to that title ([3467](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/3467))
    - NumberInput: disable plus/minus buttons when the widget is already at its max (or min) value ([3493](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/3493))


    _Release date: Jun 17, 2021_
    - 🛣️ Updates to Streamlit docs to include step-by-step guides which demonstrate how to [connect Streamlit apps to various databases](https://docs.streamlit.io/en/0.83.0/tutorial/databases.html) & APIs
    **Notable Changes**
    - 📄 st.form now has a clear_on_submit parameter which “resets” all the form’s widgets when the form is submitted.
    **Other Changes**
    - Fixed bugs regarding file encodings (3320, 3108, 2731)


    _Release date: May 13, 2021_
    **Notable Changes**
    - ♻️ Improvements to memory management by forcing garbage collection between script runs.


    _Release date: Apr 29, 2021_
    - 📝 Introducing `st.form` and `st.form_submit_button` to allow you to batch input widgets. Check out our [blog post](http://blog.streamlit.io/introducing-submit-button-and-forms)
    - 🔤 Introducing `st.caption` so you can add explainer text anywhere in you apps.
    - 🎨 Updates to Theming, including ability to build a theme that inherits from any of our default themes.
    - 🚀 Improvements to deployment experience to Streamlit sharing from the app menu.
    **Other changes**
    - Support for binary files in Custom Components ([3144](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/pull/3144))


    _Release date: Apr 8, 2021_
    - 🔐 Streamlit now support Secrets management for apps deployed to Streamlit Sharing!
    - ⚓️ Titles and headers now come with automatically generated anchor links. Just hover over any title and click the 🔗 to get the link!
    **Other changes**
    - Added `allow-downloads` capability to custom components ([3040](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3040))
    - Fixed a markdown tables in dark theme ([3020](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/3020))
    - Improved color picker widget in the Custom Theme dialog ([2970](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/2970))


    _Release date: Mar 18, 2021_
    - 🌈 Introducing support for custom themes. Check out our [blog post](http://blog.streamlit.io/introducing-theming/)
    - 🌚 This release also introduces dark mode!
    - 🛠️ Support for tooltips on all input widgets
    **Other changes**
    - Fixed bugs regarding file encodings ([1936](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/1936), [#2606](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/2606)) and caching functions ([#2728](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/2728))


    _Release date: Mar 4, 2021_
    - If you're in the Streamlit for Teams beta, we made a few updates to how secrets work. Check the beta docs for more info!
    - Dataframes now displays timezones for all DateTime and Time columns, and shows the time with the timezone applied, rather than in UTC
    **Notable Bug Fixes**
    - Various improvement to column alignment in `st.beta_columns`
    - Removed the long-deprecated `format` param from `st.image`, and replaced with `output_format`.


    _Release date: Feb 23, 2021_
    - Added a new config option `client.showErrorDetails` allowing the developer to control the granularity of error messages. This is useful for when you deploy an app, and want to conceal from your users potentially-sensitive information contained in tracebacks.
    **Notable bug fixes**
    - Fixed [bug](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/1957) where `st.image` wasn't rendering certain kinds of SVGs correctly.
    - Fixed [regression](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/2699) where the current value of an `st.slider` was only shown on hover.


    _Release date: February 4, 2021_
    **Notable Changes**
    - 🎨 [`st.color_picker`](https://docs.streamlit.io/en/0.76.0/api.html#streamlit.color_picker) is now out of beta. This means the old beta_color_picker function, which was marked as deprecated for the past 3 months, has now been replaced with color_picker.
    - 🐍 Display a warning when a Streamlit script is run directly as `python script.py`.
    - [`st.image`](https://docs.streamlit.io/en/0.76.0/api.html#streamlit.image)'s `use_column_width` now defaults to an `auto` option which will resize the image to the column width if the image exceeds the column width.
    - ✂️ Fixed bugs ([2437](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/2437) and [2247](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/2247)) with content getting cut off within a [`st.beta_expander`](https://docs.streamlit.io/en/0.76.0/api.html#streamlit.beta_expander)
    - 📜 Fixed a [bug](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/2543) in [`st.dataframe`](https://docs.streamlit.io/en/0.76.0/api.html#streamlit.dataframe) where the scrollbar overlapped with the contents in the last column.
    - 💾 Fixed a [bug](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/2561) for [`st.file_uploader`](https://docs.streamlit.io/en/0.76.0/api.html#streamlit.file_uploader) where file data returned was not the most recently uploaded file.
    - ➕ Fixed bugs ([2086](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/2086) and [2556](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/2556)) where some LaTeX commands were not rendering correctly.


    _Release date: January 21, 2021_
    **Notable Changes**
    - 🕳 [`st.empty`](https://docs.streamlit.io/en/0.75.0/api.html#streamlit.empty)
    previously would clear the component at the end of the script. It has now been
    updated to clear the component instantly.
    - 🛹 Previously in wide mode, we had thin margins around the webpage. This has
    now been increased to provide a better visual experience.


    - Fixed regression in url markdown. 2564
    - Fixed regression with hotkeys. 2566


    _Release date: January 6, 2021_
    **Notable Changes**
    - 💾 [`st.file_uploader`](https://docs.streamlit.io/en/0.74.0/api.html#streamlit.file_uploader). has been stabilized and the deprecation warning
    and associated configuration option (`deprecation.showfileUploaderEncoding`) has been removed.
    - 📊 [`st.bokeh_chart`](https://docs.streamlit.io/en/0.74.0/api.html#streamlit.bokeh_chart) is no longer duplicated when the page loads.
    - 🎈 Fixed page icon to support emojis with variants (i.e. 🤦‍♀️ vs 🤦🏼‍♀️) or dashes (i.e 🌙 - crescent-moon).


    Patch Streamlit when running in an environment without Git.


    Release date: December 17, 2020
    **Notable Changes**
    🐍 Streamlit can now be installed on Python 3.9. Streamlit components are not yet compatible with Python 3.9 and must use version 3.8 or earlier.
    🧱 Streamlit Components now allows same origin, enabling features provided by the browser such as a webcam component.
    🐙 Fix Streamlit Share deploy experience for users running on Git versions 2.7.0 or earlier.
    🧰 Handle unexpected closing of uploaded files for st.file_uploader.
    • PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/streamlit
    • Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/streamlit/
    • Homepage: https://streamlit.io
    opened by pyup-bot 0
  • Pin pandas to latest version 1.5.2

    Pin pandas to latest version 1.5.2

    This PR pins pandas to the latest release 1.5.2.

    The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

    • PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pandas
    • Homepage: https://pandas.pydata.org
    opened by pyup-bot 0
  • Pin pandas-profiling to latest version 3.5.0

    Pin pandas-profiling to latest version 3.5.0

    This PR pins pandas-profiling to the latest release 3.5.0.



    [3.5.0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/compare/v3.4.0...v3.5.0) (2022-11-22)
    Bug Fixes
    * change context managed backend ([1149](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1149)) ([11e1a8a](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/11e1a8a3fa8d13513fe926b731fb907a066af2a1))
    * dataset names on comparison report ([1159](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1159)) ([3c14d43](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/3c14d438d9a557ac85f5663cc3446c0fb3081e18))
    * duplicate key in test dict ([1126](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1126)) ([d19affe](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/d19affe15a4e3063af7187ca5fa81f1bf75ce648))
    * improve description and correct plot for ‘auto’ correlation ([1119](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1119)) ([2617b92](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/2617b92d08ed87546c80e0cc01cd475d1e60ec56))
    * remove correlation calculation for constants ([1152](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1152)) ([1ed2bc0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/1ed2bc0702f504592ed211097469405a5061a857))
    * time series render format ([1157](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1157)) ([39ca8ce](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/39ca8ce7d4ed2ad0ebb78db5d5f26d3ace08753a))
    * update config files to only calculate 'auto' correlation ([1158](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1158)) ([34cf73d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/34cf73dadaea08e44e741f99fa0a10c322c86109))
    * update repository links ([1141](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1141)) ([c742c5d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/c742c5dbeb18fe2907a4c03792e8802993c46da5))
    * add typechecking to profile report ([1139](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1139)) ([ec8ece0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/ec8ece0de394eb4c2918bb6a74f0c5e5bb77ca61))
    * report comparison example ([1160](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1160)) ([5e75fd2](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/5e75fd275d14c8ce7ba49d0a15ec26810c4c0e73))
    * report comparisons ([1069](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1069)) ([70ee5c7](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/70ee5c776ad0c72d709631690a2df1cde5ca0424)), closes [#1137](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1137) [#1136](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1136) [#1143](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1143) [#1148](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1148) [#1150](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1150)


    [3.4.0](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/compare/v3.3.0...v3.4.0) (2022-10-20)
    Bug Fixes
    * correlation `auto` passing extra parameters ([1114](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1114)) ([21f4fe6](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/21f4fe68b3febe359ea60f7b9790a39db28c222a))
    * cramer's correlation fails with missings vals ([1109](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1109)) ([8e7f8b2](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/8e7f8b2147886e1d01e3a5c5fa8423cf8e781b76))
    * drop joblib dependency ([1090](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1090)) ([586cef3](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/586cef360d6b8ed926953298ed3a9772b8369052)), closes [#1056](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1056)
    * fix linter errors ([1117](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1117)) ([5f17cfd](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/5f17cfdb3c7c07f981fb200a1f12a73bf40690f3))
    * make tangled-up-in-unicode an optional dependency ([1070](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1070)) ([e6b2a00](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/e6b2a0018a007bef8029ca1c69b6123d0a8e5cda))
    * remove unused imports ([56beed4](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/56beed456c4fab13a45fd77d93ca12fc38053bb0))
    * remove unused imports ([66864c1](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/66864c15cfa9b80cb426957e17410c579425d450))
    * Remove unused imports. ([985fbd1](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/985fbd1fc0e826bda3ac1b725fa8842013743ab3))
    * add support for Pandas 1.5 ([1076](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1076)) ([5c5a710](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/5c5a710f23d83ba5ff1dc9ab6fc23b28094560fb))
    * added filter to locate columns ([1115](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1115)) ([c2f817d](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/c2f817d09a38094dcf83b0e49d86e3c87d822c7b))
    * introduce auto parameter for correlations  ([1095](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/issues/1095)) ([4d2e415](https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/commit/4d2e415601afce2c997298cdedc69e6e04ac6689))


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.ydata.ai/docs/master/pages/reference/changelog.html?highlight=change+log


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.ydata.ai/docs/master/pages/reference/changelog.html?highlight=change+log


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.


    This release candidate improves handling of sensitive data and futhermore reduces technical debt with various fixes. The full changelog is available here: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html.
    A warm thank you to everyone who has contributed to this release: gauravkumar37 Jooong smaranjitghose XavierBanos Tam Nguyen andycraig mgorsk1 mbh86 MHUNCHO GaelVaroquaux AmauryLepicard baluyotraf pvojnisek abegong


    pandas-profiling` now has build-in supports for Files and Images, such as extracting file sizes, creation dates and dimensions and scanning for truncated images or those containing EXIF information. Moreover, the text analysis features have also been reworked, providing more informative statistics.
    Read the [changelog v2.8.0](https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/changelog.html#changelog-v2-8-0) for more details.
    Contributors: loopyme Bradley-Butcher willemhendriks, IscaAy, frellnick, dataverz ieaves


    Announcement and changelog are available in the documentation.
    We are grateful for loopyme and kyleYang for creating parts of the features on this release.
    Thanks for all contributors that made this release possible 1313e dataprofessor neomatrix369 jiangfangfangxm WesleyTheGeolien NickYi1990 ricgu8086.


    Dependency policy
    The current dependency policy is suboptimal. Pinning the dependencies is great for reproducibility (high guarantee to work), but on the downside requires frequent maintenance and introduces compatibility issues with other packages. Therefore, we are moving away from pinning dependencies and instead specify a minimum version. 
    Pandas v1
    Early releases of pandas v1 demonstrated many regressions that broke functionality (as acknowledged by the authors [here](https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/31523)). At this point, pandas is more stable and we notice high demand for compatibility. We move on to support pandas' latest versions. To ensure compatibility with both versions, we have extended the test matrix to test against both pandas 0.x.y and 1.x.y.
    Python 3.6+ features
    Python 3.6 introduces ordered dicts and f-strings, which we now rely on. This means that from pandas-profiling 2.6, you should minimally run Python 3.6. For users that for some reason cannot update, you can use pandas-profiling 2.5.0, but you unfortunately won't benefit from updates or maintenance.
    Extended continuous integration
    Starting from this release, we use Github Actions and Travis CI combined to increase maintainability. 
    Travis CI handles the testing, Github Actions automates part of the development process by running black and building the docs.


    - Progress bar added (224)
    - Character analysis for Text/NLP (278)
    - Themes: configuration and demo's (Orange, Dark)
    - Tutorial on modifying the report's structure (362; 281, 259, 253, 234). This jupyter notebook also demonstrates how to use the Kaggle api together with pandas-profiling.
    - Toggle descriptions at correlations.
    - This is the last version to support Python 3.5.
    - The order of columns changed when sort="None" (377, fixed).
    - Pandas v1.0.X is not yet supported (367, 366, 363, 353, pinned pandas to < 1)
    - Improved mixed type detection (351)
    - Refactor of report structures.
    - Correlations are more stable (e.g. Phi_k color scale now from 0-1, rows and columns with NaN values are dropped, 329).
    - Distinct counts exclude NaNs.
    - Fixed alerts in notebooks.
    Other improvements:
    - Warnings are now sorted.
    - Links to Binder and Google Colab are added for notebooks (349)
    - The overview section is tabbed.
    * Commit for pandas-profiling v2.5.0
    - Progress bar added (224)
    - Character analysis for Text/NLP (278)
    - Themes: configuration and demo's (Orange, Dark)
    - Tutorial on modifying the report's structure (362; 281, 259, 253, 234). This jupyter notebook also demonstrates how to use the Kaggle api together with pandas-profiling.
    - Toggle descriptions at correlations.
    - This is the last version to support Python 3.5.
    - The order of columns changed when sort="None" (377, fixed).
    - Pandas v1.0.X is not yet supported (367, 366, 363, 353, pinned pandas to < 1)
    - Improved mixed type detection (351)
    - Refactor of report structures.
    - Correlations are more stable (e.g. Phi_k color scale now from 0-1, rows and columns with NaN values are dropped, 329).
    - Distinct counts exclude NaNs.
    - Fixed alerts in notebooks.
    Other improvements:
    - Warnings are now sorted.
    - Links to Binder and Google Colab are added for notebooks (349)
    - The overview section is tabbed.


    The v2.4.0 release decouples the data structure of reports from the actual rendering. It's now much simpler to change the user interface, whether the user is in a jupyter notebook, webpage, native application or just wants a json view of the data.
    We are also proud to announce that we are accepted for the GitHub Sponsor programme. You are cordially invited to support me [through this programme](https://github.com/sponsors/sbrugman), because you want to see me continue working on this project and to boost community funding, GitHub will match your contribution!
    Other improvements:
    - extended configuration with better defaults, including minimal mode for big data (258, 310)
    - more example datasets
    - rejection of highly correlated variables is generalized (284, 299)
    - many structural and stability improvements (254, 274, 239)
    Special thanks to marco-cardoso ajupton lvwerra gliptak neomatrix369 for their contributions.


    - (Experimental) Support for "path" type
    - Fix numeric precision (225)
    - Force labels in missing values diagram for large number of columns (222)
    - Add pull request template
    - Add [Census Dataset](https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/census+income) from the UCI ML Repository
    Thanks bensdm and huaiweicheng for your valuable contributions to this version!


    New release introducing variable size binning (via astropy), PyCharm integration and various fixes and optimizations.
    - Added Variable bin sizing via Bayesian Boxing (feature request [216])
    - PyCharm integration, console attempts to detect file type.
    - Fixed bug [215].
    - Updated the `missingno` package to 0.4.2, fixing the font size in the `bar` diagram.
    - Various optimizations
    Thanks to:
    Utsav37 mansenfranzen  jakevdp


    Fix [211] and README


    - Fix of [206]
    - Improve code maintainability of the view (HTML templates, notebook)
    - Fix bug in dendrogram sizing


    The `pandas-profiling` release version 2.1.0 includes:
    - **Correlations**: correlation calculations are now more fault tolerant ([51] and [197]), correlation names in the report are clarified.
    - **Jupyter Notebook**: rendering a profiling report is done inside the `srcdoc` attribute (which fixes [199]), a full-width option is added and the column layout is improved.
    - **User experience**: The table styling and sample section formatting is improved.
    - **Warnings**: detection added for categorical variable that is suspected to be of the datetime type.
    - **Documentation and community**:
    	- The [Contribution page](CONTRIBUTING.md) helps users that want to contribute.
    	- Typo's fixed [195], Thank you abhilashshakti
    	- Added more examples.
    - **Other bugfixes and improvements**:
    	- Add version information to console interface.
    	- Fix: Remove one-time used logger [202]
    	- Fix: Dealing with string indices [200]
    abhilashshakti adamrossnelson manycoding InsciteAnalytics


    Bugfix on version structure for 2.0.2.


    Revised version structure, fixed recursion preventing installation of dependencies ([184]).
    The setup.py file used to include utils from the package prior to installation.
    This causes errors when the dependencies are not yet present.


    - Add offline support [177], [179] and [180]


    With 23 commits, 123 files changes and 20+ issues resolved, Pandas Profiling v2.0.0 is a big leap forward. 
    Thanks to the great contributions from everyone involved! Special thanks to JosPolfliet  conradoqg eyaltra.


    - Fix the correlation images (160).


    * Multiple Bugfixes
    * Enable Travis CI builds
    Aylr LeonardAukea kevanshea endremborza romainx drkarthi


    - Performance enhancement. It is now possible to disable some heavy resource operations and achieve better performances (see also 76):
    - Correlation checking by turning `check_correlation` to `False` (43)
    - Recoded checking by turning `check_recoded` to `False`.
    - Possibility to install using conda
    - Implementation of a new Boolean variable type (25)
    - Add new badges for zeros and highly skewed (63)
    - Code refactoring (internal improvement) to split on main modules in 4 modules (65)
    - Improve types handling
    - types like `list`, `tuple` and `dict` are now officially unsupported until we improve them
    - mixed columns are also correctly handled
    - New Binary variable type supporting native `boolean` type and also binary numeric values (77)
    - Warnings column names have link to corresponding detail in variables section in order to ease the navigation (66)
    - Spearman and Pearson Correlation matrix diagrams added in the report (83)
    Bug fixes
    - 56 Incorrect calculation for % unique for variables with missing values bug
    - 11 Avoid to throw an error when calling `get_rejected_variables` while correlation has not been computed
    - 68 Avoid to set the matplotlib backend if not necessary


    Bug fixes and new check for recoded categorical variables. Thanks to all who contributed!
    New additions include frequency counts and extreme values for numeric variables.
    Pandas-profiling now does all 1d-calculations in a multitprocessing fashion, _vastly_ speeding up runtime.


    What's new:
    - histograms for date variables
    - bug fixes


    Initial release.
    • PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pandas-profiling
    • Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/pandas-profiling/
    • Repo: https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling
    opened by pyup-bot 0
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