⚙️ Compile, Read and update your .conf file in python



Python3 PyPI PyPI format PyPI downloads PyPI downloads

Supported Data Types

- Str
- Int
- Float
- Bool
- Tuple
- List
- Dict
- Complex
- Bytes

Read Data

>>> from confcompiler import ConfRead
>>> Hostname = ConfRead('Config.conf', 'Hostname')
>>> Hostname
>>> type(Hostname)

>>> Connected 
   = ConfRead(
>>> Connected


Write Data

>>> from confcompiler import ConfWrite
>>> ConfWrite('Config.conf', 'Hostname', '')
>>> ConfWrite('Config.conf', 'Connected', True)

.conf Cheat Sheat

Commenting - All comments must start with '#' and must be on
             there on line, you cannot comment a line with
             data involved.

Variables  - Data must start with a variable name then continued
             with '=' after that the data.

Data Types - Str, Int, Float, Bool, Tuple, List, Dict, Complex, Bytes
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