Doggo Browser Quick Start $ python3 -m venv ./venv/ $ source ./venv/bin/activate $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt $ ./sobaki.py References Heavily I
WebTest This wraps any WSGI application and makes it easy to send test requests to that application, without starting up an HTTP server. This provides
SpeedMon Automatically run periodic internet speed tests and save results to a variety of storage backends. Supported Backends InfluxDB v1 InfluxDB v2
swagger-hack 在测试中偶尔会碰到swagger泄露 常见的泄露如图: 有的泄露接口特别多,每一个都手动去试根本试不过来 于是用python写了个脚本自动爬取所有接口,配置好传参发包访问 原理是首先抓取http://url/swagger-resources 获取到有哪些标准及对应的文档地
Statistical tests for the sequential locality of graphs You can assess the statistical significance of the sequential locality of an adjacency matrix
This is a pytest plugin, that enables you to test your code that relies on a running PostgreSQL Database. It allows you to specify fixtures for PostgreSQL process and client.
Google-Hacking-Crawler 该脚本可输入Google Hacking语句,自动调用Chrome浏览器爬取结果 环境配置 python -m pip install -r requirements.txt 下载Chrome浏览器
README Django Waffle is (yet another) feature flipper for Django. You can define the conditions for which a flag should be active, and use it in a num
Huxley Watches you browse, takes screenshots, tells you when they change Huxley is a test-like system for catching visual regressions in Web applicati
uvicorn-browser This project is inspired by autoreload. Installation pip install uvicorn-browser Usage Run uvicorn-browser --help to see all options.
reCaptchaBypasser ' Usage : from selenium import webdriver from reCaptchaBypasser import reCaptchaScraper import time driver = webdriver.chrome(execu
deep-significance: Easy and Better Significance Testing for Deep Neural Networks Contents ⁉️ Why 📥 Installation 🔖 Examples Intermezzo: Almost Stocha
hyppo (HYPothesis Testing in PythOn, pronounced "Hippo") is an open-source software package for multivariate hypothesis testing.
Penetration testing
pytest-pytorch What is it? pytest-pytorch is a lightweight pytest-plugin that enhances the developer experience when working with the PyTorch test sui
A single module to link Python ecosystem to the Web. Have a quick look at the Gallery first to get convinced ! FAQ For any questions, please use Stack
An AWS Pentesting tool that lets you use one-liner commands to backdoor an AWS account's resources with a rogue AWS account - or share the resources with the entire internet 😈
To prevent RATel from being detected by antivirus, please do not upload the payload to TOTAL VIRUS. Each month I will test myself if the payload gets detected by antivirus. So you’ll have a photo eve
Build fast, reliable, end-to-end tests. SeleniumBase is a Python framework for web automation, end-to-end testing, and more. Tests are run with "pytes
Automate home Yet another home automation project because a smart light is more than just on or off. Overview When talking about home automation there