GUI Python program that plots functions that are entered by the user.
The program takes minimum and maximum value for x and plot it as a Graph GUI.
The Program developed using Python Libraries: tkinter, matplotlib and sympy.
PyWebIO Write interactive web app in script way. [Document] | [Demos] | [Why PyWebIO?] English | 中文 PyWebIO provides a series of imperative functions
guietta - a tool for making simple Python GUIs
pyqt-custom-frameless-mainwindow PyQt Custom Frameless Main Window (Enable to move and resize) Requirements PyQt5 = 5.8 Setup pip3 install git+https:
brewhouse-management A desktop application developed in Python with PyQt5 to predict demand and help monitor and schedule brewing processes for Barnab
BlobBackup is a minimalistic backup utility for your Windows, Mac or Linux computer. With an excellent engine, extensive storage support, and an easy
GuiUtilities Pequeña suite de utileria con Tkinter enfocada en sistemas Linux. Lista de trabajo Crear archivo Copiar archivo a otro dir Editar con un
Welcome to Enaml Enaml is a programming language and framework for creating professional-quality user interfaces with minimal effort. What you get A d
Py3Editor My text editor written in Python and Tkinter! Contains a basic set of
Volatility GUI This is a GUI for Volatility forensics tool written in PyQT5 Prerequisites: 1- Installed version of Volatility. 2- Install PyQT5. sudo
currency-calculator currency calculator with PyQt5
REQUIREMENTS: WINDOWS ONLY pip install pywin32 NOTES: Will not work on top of a fullscreen application, if you are using this to draw on top of a gam
kHTGui GUI to enable user selection of measurement and station in kHTConnector module. Helper tool for PowerBI users If you're planning to import data
Interface para Scrcpy Uma interfáce de usuário relativamente simples em pyqt5 para sistemas UNIX Requerimentos: Python3 PyQt5 adb scrcpy Você pode ins
Pomodoro A small pomodoro GUI for Windows/Linux created with PyQt5. Features The "Timer" tab allows you to set your desired work and rest times aswell
SimpleGUIBuilder A GUI for designing Python GUI's for PySimpleGUI. Installation There is none :) just download the file from a release and run it. Don
Fluent-Python-Calculator A simple Python calculator with Sun-Valley-ttk-theme About Fluent-Python-Calculator: A very simple calculator with a modern U Cross platform desktop notifications for Python scripts and applications. Docs You can read the docs on this Git's Wiki, or here Supported P
A GUI based CRUD database management system built using mysql and python
The GUI application by Python3.8. Using QT Design draw UI and generator UI XML file provides to PySide2 build GUI components. Total adopt OOD design class, service, and abstract class. OOP implemente
conversation-helper GUI implementation of a Transformer chatbot. Suggests amicable responses to messages from friends. Screenshots Upcoming Release Im