My text editor written in Python and Tkinter!
SignIn-SignUpFormRepo Hello there, I am Shahid and this is the Signin/Signup GUI form using tkinter in python if you want to use avatar images then pa
This repository contains some projects that I have done using Python + Tkinter.
Bill Cipher is a Python3 Tkinter Application that creates Python remote backdoors, while giving you the option to convert it to an exe. The program also configures a .py server file that works with the backdoor
GUI-Calculator A GUI calculator made with tkinter module in python How to setup the calculator If pygame is not installed, go to terminal and do pip i
Leer en Español Welcome to Pygubu! Pygubu is a RAD tool to enable quick and easy development of user interfaces for the Python's tkinter module. The u
Server_chat Python script with tkinter that allows you to open a local chat room To begn you'll have to start the server side script and run it. You w
py_address_book_gui An address book with graphical user interface developed with
Rock-Paper-Scissors-Game- Project Description: This was my test project when i started to learn Python Tkinter. Its the simplest interface possible. R
Animedoro Timer ⏲️ 📙 version- 1️⃣ . 0️⃣ . 0️⃣ Hey ! did you ever feel bad for not concentarting enough? , it's not you're mistake, there is a flaw in
Makes no sense to me. Please explain.
Neukivy is a collection of neumorphic widgets built with Kivy. The library is currently in its initial development so there isn't much yet. But hopefully it will grow into a library you can use to ea
Interface para Scrcpy Uma interfáce de usuário relativamente simples em pyqt5 para sistemas UNIX Requerimentos: Python3 PyQt5 adb scrcpy Você pode ins
TextTUI is a set of extensions to the Textual and Textual-Inputs libraries. Currently a Work in Progress that is based on the 0.1.14 branch of is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python using Rich as a renderer. The end goal is to be able to rapidly create rich term
DesktopAssitant A Virtual Desktop Assistant Written in Python. It's generally a basic virtual assistant The basic purpose of this is to make work easi
tf_publisher_gui for ROS Introduction How to use cd catkin_ws/src git clone cd catkin_ws catkin_make s
CBMPy Metadraft: a flexible and extensible, GUI-based genome-scale model reconstruction tool that supports multiple Systems Biology standards.
Criando interfaces gráficas com Python e Qt 6 (PyQt6) Qt O Qt é um framework para criação de interfaces gráficas multiplataforma, atualmente ele é des
Rollarr This is the new and improved Automatic Pre-roll script with a GUI for Plex now called Rollarr! It should be stable but if you find a bug pleas
py_address_book_gui An address book with graphical user interface developed with
Neutron Make desktop applications using HTML and CSS with python What is Neutron Neutron will allow developers to design modern applications in python
Introdução Iniciante em programação Python, decidi criar um programa com diversas ferramentas de A a Z. Funções Ferramenta de Gerenciamento e Manutenç
guietta - a tool for making simple Python GUIs
re-wx is a library for building modern declarative desktop applications. It's built as a management layer on top of WXPython, which means you get all the goodness of a mature, native, cross-platform
Yasb: Yet Another Status Bar Yasb is a highly configurable and hackable taskbar written in python with Qt6. This project is still in (very) early deve
qemu-manager A small manager/GUI Frontend for QEMU written in Python Requirements You'll need to have the following tools installed to run this: QEMU
codon optimize cds paired with taxids singlefastas gui Linux GUI app to codon optimize a directory with fasta files using taxonomy ids imported as a 1
BlobBackup is a minimalistic backup utility for your Windows, Mac or Linux computer. With an excellent engine, extensive storage support, and an easy
RunCat by PySide6 A cute running cat animation on your Windows/macOS taskbar. Tags PyQt PySide RunCat Demo You only have to run the RunCat.exe. Run pi
Sudoku-Solver-Using-Tkinter This program is written in python. It will help you find a valid solution for a sudoku puzzle. Requirements: Python3 IDLE