Monochrome's API, implemented with Deta Base and Deta Drive.



Monochrome's API, implemented with Deta Base and Deta Drive.

Create a free account on Deta to test this out!

Most users will prefer the Monochrome full stack, which contains the API, the frontend and the backend.



This service is available on

docker pull

The database needs to be set up, and an admin user created:

docker run                                         \
  -e DETA_PROJECT_KEY=...                          \ \

Once done, the image can be launched with the required env. vars:

docker run -p 3000:3000                            \
  -e DETA_PROJECT_KEY=...                          \
  -e JWT_SECRET_KEY=changeMe                       \

The images are stored on Deta Drive, they are available on the /media route or on the Deta Web UI.


A Makefile is provided with this repository, to simplify the development and usage:

help                 Show this help message
up start             Run a container from the image, or start it natively
# Docker utils
build                Build image
logs                 Read the container's logs
sh                   Open a shell in the running container
# Dev utils
lock                 Refresh pipfile.lock
lint                 Lint project code
format               Format project code
# Main utils
secret               Generate a secret
create_admin         Create a new admin user
# Tests
test                 Run the tests

So the basic usage would be:

make create_admin
make start


While using the Makefile, the image settings can be set with a .env file, see .env.example.


Even though Docker is the recommended method, some Makefile rules are native compatible, so a virtual environment can also be used after cloning this repository:

#You need to be able to run these commands on your terminal:
tar, 7z, unrar, xz
pip install pipenv
pipenv shell
pipenv install

make native=1 install

Environment variables

# Deta project key, more info on
# Comma-separated list of origins to allow for CORS, namely the origin of your frontend

# Secret used to sign the JWT
# Algorithm used to sign the JWT
# Amount of minutes a JWT will be valid for

# Path where temporary data will be stored (DON'T CHANGE THIS IN DETA MICROS)
TEMP_PATH = "/tmp"

# For pagination, the maximum of elements per request, has to be positive
# Allows anyone to create a "user" account


Each used can have one of different roles, this is done to have a sort of hierarchy:


The role the create-admin command gives to the user, it's the highest role and grants all the permissions (user and website management, upload and editing of manga and chapters)


This role can create new manga and upload new chapters, but can only edit/delete those that they have created themselves.


This user can only update its own user for now, it'll become more useful once other features are added to Monochrome (comments, notifications, reading progress...) You can already allow registrations via the respective env var, but it isn't recommended until meaningful features are added.

Tools used

  • FastAPI
  • Deta Base
  • Deta Drive
  • Pydantic


  • Creation 🟢 100% (new features can always be added)
  • Documentation 🟡 58%
  • OpenAPI 🟡 66%
  • Cleaner code 🟡 50%
  • Testing 🟠 40% (I still need to use this implementation throughly)
    • Unit 🟢 100%
    • Integration 🔴 10%


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