Mizogg-Bitcoin-Tools - A Python Tools for Bitcoin Information Balance, HASH160, DEC



Tools for Bitcoin Information Balance, HASH160, DEC,

English and Russian Version

Install_libraries.bat to get started( Only needs to be done once)

then to run use any of the start.bat files

Miz_Tools_ice.py Version 3

Using iceland2k14 secp256k1 https://github.com/iceland2k14/secp256k1 fastest Python Libary

  ************************ Main Menu Mizogg's Tools ***************************
*                                                                           *
*    Option 1.Bitcoin Address with Balance Check                   =  1     *
*    Option 2.Bitcoin Address to HASH160                           =  2     *
*    Option 3.HASH160 to Bitcoin Address(Not Working)              =  3     *
*    Option 4.Brain Wallet Bitcoin with Balance Check              =  4     *
*    Option 5.Hexadecimal to Decimal (HEX 2 DEC)                   =  5     *
*    Option 6.Decimal to Hexadecimal (DEC 2 HEX)                   =  6     *
*    Option 7.Hexadecimal to Bitcoin Address with Balance Check    =  7     *
*    Option 8.Decimal to Bitcoin Address with Balance Check        =  8     *
*    Option 9.Mnemonic Words to Bitcoin Address with Balance Check =  9     *
*    Option 10.WIF to Bitcoin Address with Balance Check           =  10    *
*    Option 11.Retrieve ECDSA signature R,S,Z rawtx or txid tool   =  11    *
*                                                                           *
*                    Generators & Multi Check Tools                         *
*    Option 12.Bitcoin Addresses from file with Balance Check      = 12     *
*    Option 13.Bitcoin Addresses from file to HASH160 file         = 13     *
*    Option 14.Brain Wallet list from file with Balance Check      = 14     *
*    Option 15.Mnemonic Words Generator Random Choice [Offline]    = 15     *
*    Option 16.Bitcoin random scan randomly in Range [Offline]     = 16     *
*    Option 17.Bitcoin Sequence scan sequentially in Range division= 17     *
*                                                                           *
**** Main Menu Mizogg's Tools Using iceland2k14 secp256k1 made in Python ****

 Type You Choice Here Enter 1-17 :

  ************************ Главное меню Mizogg's Tools **********************************
*                                                                                     *
*  Вариант 1. Биткойн-адрес с проверкой баланса                          =  1         *
*  Вариант 2. Биткойн-адрес на HASH160                                   =  2         *
*  Вариант 3. HASH160 на биткойн-адрес (не работает)                     =  3         *
*  Вариант 4. Мозговой кошелек Биткойн с проверкой баланса               =  4         *
*  Вариант 5. Шестнадцатеричный код в десятичный (HEX 2 DEC)             =  5         *
*  Вариант 6. Десятичный в шестнадцатеричный (DEC 2 HEX)                 =  6         *
*  Вариант 7. Шестнадцатеричный адрес в биткойн с проверкой баланса      =  7         *
*  Вариант 8. Десятичный адрес в биткойн с проверкой баланса             =  8         *
*  Вариант 9. Мнемонические слова для биткойн-адреса с проверкой баланса =  9         *
*  Вариант 10.WIF на биткойн-адрес с проверкой баланса                  =  10         *
*  Вариант 11.Получить подпись ECDSA R, S, Z с помощью инструмента rawtx или txid = 11*
*                                                                                               *
*                    Генераторы и мультипроверочные инструменты                                 *
*  Вариант 12. Биткойн-адреса из файла с проверкой баланса                      = 12            *
*  Вариант 13. Биткойн-адреса из файла в файл HASH160                           = 13            *
*  Вариант 14. Список Brain Wallet из файла с проверкой баланса                 = 14            *
*  Вариант 15. Генератор мнемонических слов, случайный выбор [офлайн]           = 15            *
*  Вариант 16. Случайное сканирование биткойнов в случайном порядке в диапазоне = 16            *
*  Вариант 17. Последовательность биткойнов сканируется последовательно в диапазоне деления= 17 *
*                                                                                               *
************ Главное меню Mizogg's Tools Using iceland2k14 secp256k1 ****************************

 Введите свой выбор здесь Enter 1-17 :

Miz_Tools_bit.py Version 1 Coming Soon or Check https://mizogg.co.uk

Using Bit Library made in Python Only 1 file needed

************************ Main Menu Mizogg's Tools ***************************
*                                                                           *
*    Option 1.Bitcoin Address with Balance Check                   =  1     *
*    Option 2.Bitcoin Address to HASH160                           =  2     *
*    Option 3.HASH160 to Bitcoin Address(Not Working)              =  3     *
*    Option 4.Brain Wallet Bitcoin with Balance Check              =  4     *
*    Option 5.Hexadecimal to Decimal (HEX 2 DEC)                   =  5     *
*    Option 6.Decimal to Hexadecimal (DEC 2 HEX)                   =  6     *
*    Option 7.Hexadecimal to Bitcoin Address with Balance Check    =  7     *
*    Option 8.Decimal to Bitcoin Address with Balance Check        =  8     *
*    Option 9.Mnemonic Words to Bitcoin Address with Balance Check =  9     *    
*    Option 10.WIF to Bitcoin Address with Balance Check           =  10    *
*    Option 11.Retrieve ECDSA signature R,S,Z rawtx or txid        =  11    *
*                                                                           *
*                    Generators & Multi Check Tools                         *
*    Option 12.Bitcoin Addresses from file with Balance Check      = 12     *
*    Option 13.Bitcoin Addresses from file to HASH160 file         = 13     *
*    Option 14.Brain Wallet list from file with Balance Check      = 14     *
*    Option 15.Mnemonic Words Generator Random Choice [Offline]    = 15     *
*    Option 16.Bitcoin random scan randomly in Range [Offline]     = 16     *
*    Option 17.Bitcoin Sequence scan sequentially [Offline]        = 17     *
*                                                                           *
******** Main Menu Mizogg's Tools Using Bit Library made in Python **********

 Type You Choice Here Enter 1-17 :

Hexadecimal to Bitcoin Address Tool
Hexadecimal HEX ->  1
PrivateKey (hex) :  1
PrivateKey (dec) :  1
PrivateKey (wif) Compressed   :  KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZi3qYjgd9M7rFU73sVHnoWn
PrivateKey (wif) UnCompressed :  5HpHagT65TZzG1PH3CSu63k8DbpvD8s5ip4nEB3kEsreAnchuDf
Bitcoin Address Compressed   =  1BgGZ9tcN4rm9KBzDn7KprQz87SZ26SAMH     Balance =  0.00000000  BTC
Bitcoin Address UnCompressed =  1EHNa6Q4Jz2uvNExL497mE43ikXhwF6kZm     Balance =  0.00000000  BTC
Bitcoin Address Segwit       =  3JvL6Ymt8MVWiCNHC7oWU6nLeHNJKLZGLN     Balance =  0.00000000  BTC
{'address': '1EHNa6Q4Jz2uvNExL497mE43ikXhwF6kZm', 'final_balance': 0, 'n_tx': 1391, 'total_received': 781873722, 'total_sent': 781873722}
{'address': '3JvL6Ymt8MVWiCNHC7oWU6nLeHNJKLZGLN', 'final_balance': 0, 'n_tx': 2, 'total_received': 1000, 'total_sent': 1000}
{'address': '1BgGZ9tcN4rm9KBzDn7KprQz87SZ26SAMH', 'final_balance': 0, 'n_tx': 62, 'total_received': 15211855, 'total_sent': 15211855}


************************ Main Menu Mizogg's Tools ***************************
*                                                                           *
*    Option 1.Bitcoin Address with Balance Check                   =  1     *
*    Option 2.Bitcoin Address to HASH160                           =  2     *
*    Option 3.HASH160 to Bitcoin Address(Not Working)              =  3     *
*    Option 4.Brain Wallet Bitcoin with Balance Check              =  4     *
*    Option 5.Hexadecimal to Decimal (HEX 2 DEC)                   =  5     *
*    Option 6.Decimal to Hexadecimal (DEC 2 HEX)                   =  6     *
*    Option 7.Hexadecimal to Bitcoin Address with Balance Check    =  7     *
*    Option 8.Decimal to Bitcoin Address with Balance Check        =  8     *
*    Option 9.Mnemonic Words to Bitcoin Address with Balance Check =  9     *
*    Option 10.WIF to Bitcoin Address with Balance Check           =  10    *
*    Option 11.Retrieve ECDSA signature R,S,Z rawtx or txid        =  11    *
*                                                                           *
*                    Generators & Multi Check Tools                         *
*    Option 12.Bitcoin Addresses from file with Balance Check      = 12     *
*    Option 13.Bitcoin Addresses from file to HASH160 file         = 13     *
*    Option 14.Brain Wallet list from file with Balance Check      = 14     *
*    Option 15.Mnemonic Words Generator Random Choice [Offline]    = 15     *
*    Option 16.Bitcoin random scan randomly in Range [Offline]     = 16     *
*    Option 17.Bitcoin Sequence scan sequentially [Offline]        = 17     *
*                                                                           *
******** Main Menu Mizogg's Tools Using Bit Library made in Python **********

 Type You Choice Here Enter 1-17 :


    1-txid  blockchain API R,S,Z calculation starts. [Internet required]
    2-rawtx R,S,Z,Pubkey for each of the inputs present in the rawtx data. [No Internet required]
    Type 1-2 to Start
  Enter Your -txid = 82e5e1689ee396c8416b94c86aed9f4fe793a0fa2fa729df4a8312a287bc2d5e

  Starting Program...
  [Input Index #: 0]
 R: 009bf436ce1f12979ff47b4671f16b06a71e74269005c19178384e9d267e50bbe9
 S: 00c7eabd8cf796a78d8a7032f99105cdcb1ae75cd8b518ed4efe14247fb00c9622
 Z: 9f4503ab6cae01b9fc124e40de9f3ec3cb7a794129aa3a5c2dfec3809f04c354
  PubKey: 04e3896e6cabfa05a332368443877d826efc7ace23019bd5c2bc7497f3711f009e873b1fcc03222f118a6ff696efa9ec9bb3678447aae159491c75468dcc245a6c
  [Input Index #: 1]
 R: 0094b12a2dd0f59b3b4b84e6db0eb4ba4460696a4f3abf5cc6e241bbdb08163b45
 S: 07eaf632f320b5d9d58f1e8d186ccebabea93bad4a6a282a3c472393fe756bfb
 Z: 94bbf25ba5b93ba78ee017eff80c986ee4e87804bee5770fae5b486f05608d95
  PubKey: 04e3896e6cabfa05a332368443877d826efc7ace23019bd5c2bc7497f3711f009e873b1fcc03222f118a6ff696efa9ec9bb3678447aae159491c75468dcc245a6c
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