SimpleWallet - Simple wallet for Bitcoin


Simple Wallet

This is a basic python starter package to be used as a template for creating your own python packages. See "PythonStarterPackage Setup" in doc/ for a detailed explanation of the package resources.


The Python Starter Package app is intended for the Linux terminal and should work on it out of the box. However, you may need to add ~/.local/bin/ to PATH if you are getting a command not found error when trying to run the app. See this thread for details: To add ~/.local/bin/ to PATH do the following:

  1. Add export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH to ~/.bash_profile.
echo export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH > ~/.bash_profile
  1. Execute command.
source ~/.bash_profile

This app can work for Windows and Mac. It is recommended to run it on the Git Bash terminal. Here are the instructions for installing and setting up Git Bash:

  1. Go to and click download.
Version >= 2.34.1
  1. During the installation setup, make sure to include OpenSSH. Recommenced setting should be fine:
Use bundled OpenSSH - This uses ssh.exe that comes with Git.
  1. Leave the other settings as default, click through, and install.

IMPORTANT: For Windows, run this app on the bash.exe terminal rather git-bash.exe. There is a known issue with git-bash.exe messing up Python os commands in import os. See this thread for details:

  • bash.exe can be found in your Git folder in the bin/ directory.
  • For example: If git-bash.exe is here C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe then you should find bash.exe here C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe.


This library is hosted on PyPi and can be installed via pip:

pip3 install PythonStarterPackage


After installation, you can run this app in your terminal with this command:


You can also run it with python3 -m:

python3 -m pythonstarterpackage

Further, you can import the package resources and run them in your own project:

from pythonstarterpackage import *
starter = StarterPkg()


The purpose of this project is to show you how to create a standard python package from scratch. This project is inspired by @iamtennislover's excellent getmyip package ( and @sigma-coding's great guide on deploying python packages (


See "PythonStarterPackage Setup" in doc/ for a detailed walkthrough of what each of the package resources do. Once you have an understanding of this package, you can clone this package to your local directory and proceed to testing and deployment.


In the directory containing the file, you can test the package by installing it in pip3 editable mode. This will allow you make changes to it and test it without having to push the changes each time.

  1. Use pip3 to install the package in editable mode:
pip3 install -e .
  1. Run the package by calling the package directly:

Or use python3 -m:

python3 -m pythonstarterpackage
  1. Testing the import. Run the file:
python3 ./test/
  1. Once finished, delete the PythonStarterPackage.egg-info file and uninstall the package with:
pip3 uninstall PythonStarterPackage

Note: It is recommended that you use a virtual environment when testing your package.

  1. To create a virtual environment:
virtualenv venv
  1. Activate the environment use: . venv/bin/activate. On Windows it may be: . venv/Script/activate.

Dependency Mapping

Next, make sure to check the package dependencies and update the setup.cfg file as needed. To do this:

  1. Create (or overwrite) the requirements.txt document with pipreqs. This is an extremely useful tool because it automatically finds all of the relevant versions of dependencies your package relies on and puts them into the requirements.txt file. If you don't have pipreqs, install it with pip install pipreqs.
pipreqs --force --encoding utf-8
  1. Once the requirements.txt is updated, check to see if there is any additional dependencies that need to be added or updated in setup.cfg under the install_requires =. If so, add or update it.


Once the package is ready, we can work on deploying the package.

  1. Upgrade setuptools, wheel, and twine (twine will be used in the next part).
pip3 install --upgrade setuptools wheel twine
  1. Build the package with
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
  1. Check the contents of the .whl and .tar.gz distributions. The key things to look for are: (1) all of your package subdirectories like utils are added to both distributions, (2) your config and package data are included in both distributions.
unzip -l dist/*.whl && tar --list -f dist/*.tar.gz
  1. Test a local install of the package and run it to make sure it is working.
pip3 install .
  1. After testing that it is working, uninstall the package from pip3.
pip3 uninstall PythonStarterPackage

If there are any issues in the above you can always uninstall the package and delete the distributions then proceed to troubleshoot the issue. Once complete start over from the beginning. The commands below allows you to delete the distributions.

rm -rf build dist src/*.egg-info

BE CAREFUL not to miss copy the above command, as if you delete something you didn't intend you will not be able to retrieve.

Upload to PyPi

In order to upload to PyPi make sure to setup your PyPi account first. See "PyPi Setup" in doc/ for more details. You will also need to have twine installed and upgraded. Once you have all of this setup do the following:

  1. Upload using twine.
twine upload dist/*
  1. Install your package with pip.
pip3 install PythonStarterPackage

Note: If you get a "Requirements already satisfied..." for PythonStarterPackage when trying to install, it may be because pip still thinks you have the package already installed from the testing earlier. To cleanly break that connection, simply delete the ./src/PythonStarterPackage.egg-info. Then try uninstalling and reinstalling again.

  1. Finally, run the app with: pythonstarterpackage.
  2. Uninstall with: pip3 uninstall PythonStarterPackage.

Support and Contributions

Our software is open source and free for public use. If you found any of these repos useful and would like to support this project financially, feel free to donate to our bitcoin address.

Bitcoin Address 1: 1GZQY6hMwszqxCmbC6uGxkyD5HKPhK1Pmf

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