Bayesian A/B testing


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Bayesian A/B testing

bayesian_testing is a small package for a quick evaluation of A/B (or A/B/C/...) tests using Bayesian approach.

The package currently supports these data inputs:

  • binary data ([0, 1, 0, ...]) - convenient for conversion-like A/B testing
  • normal data with unknown variance - convenient for normal data A/B testing
  • delta-lognormal data (lognormal data with zeros) - convenient for revenue-like A/B testing

The core evaluation metric of the approach is Probability of Being Best (i.e. "being larger" from data point of view) which is calculated using simulations from posterior distributions (considering given data).


bayesian_testing can be installed using pip:

pip install bayesian_testing

Alternatively, you can clone the repository and use poetry manually:

cd bayesian_testing
pip install poetry
poetry install
poetry shell

Basic Usage

The primary features are BinaryDataTest, NormalDataTest and DeltaLognormalDataTest classes.

In all cases, there are two methods to insert data:

  • add_variant_data - adding raw data for a variant as a list of numbers (or numpy 1-D array)
  • add_variant_data_agg - adding aggregated variant data (this can be practical for large data, as the aggregation can be done on a database level)

Both methods for adding data are allowing specification of prior distribution using default parameters (see details in respective docstrings). Default prior setup should be sufficient for most of the cases (e.g. in cases with unknown priors or large amounts of data).

To get the results of the test, simply call method evaluate, or probabs_of_being_best for returning just the probabilities.

Probabilities of being best are approximated using simulations, hence evaluate can return slightly different values for different runs. To stabilize it, you can set sim_count parameter of evaluate to higher value (default value is 20K), or even use seed parameter to fix it completely.


Class for Bayesian A/B test for binary-like data (e.g. conversions, successes, etc.).

import numpy as np
from bayesian_testing.experiments import BinaryDataTest

# generating some random data
rng = np.random.default_rng(52)
# random 1x1500 array of 0/1 data with 5.2% probability for 1:
data_a = rng.binomial(n=1, p=0.052, size=1500)
# random 1x1200 array of 0/1 data with 6.7% probability for 1:
data_b = rng.binomial(n=1, p=0.067, size=1200)

# initialize a test
test = BinaryDataTest()

# add variant using raw data (arrays of zeros and ones):
test.add_variant_data("A", data_a)
test.add_variant_data("B", data_b)
# priors can be specified like this (default for this test is a=b=1/2):
# test.add_variant_data("B", data_b, a_prior=1, b_prior=20)

# add variant using aggregated data (same as raw data with 950 zeros and 50 ones):
test.add_variant_data_agg("C", totals=1000, positives=50)

# evaluate test
[{'variant': 'A',
  'totals': 1500,
  'positives': 80,
  'conv_rate': 0.05333,
  'prob_being_best': 0.06625},
 {'variant': 'B',
  'totals': 1200,
  'positives': 80,
  'conv_rate': 0.06667,
  'prob_being_best': 0.89005},
 {'variant': 'C',
  'totals': 1000,
  'positives': 50,
  'conv_rate': 0.05,
  'prob_being_best': 0.0437}]


Class for Bayesian A/B test for normal data.

import numpy as np
from bayesian_testing.experiments import NormalDataTest

# generating some random data
rng = np.random.default_rng(21)
data_a = rng.normal(7.2, 2, 1000)
data_b = rng.normal(7.1, 2, 800)
data_c = rng.normal(7.0, 4, 500)

# initialize a test
test = NormalDataTest()

# add variant using raw data:
test.add_variant_data("A", data_a)
test.add_variant_data("B", data_b)
# test.add_variant_data("C", data_c)

# add variant using aggregated data:
test.add_variant_data_agg("C", len(data_c), sum(data_c), sum(np.square(data_c)))

# evaluate test
test.evaluate(sim_count=20000, seed=52)
[{'variant': 'A',
  'totals': 1000,
  'sum_values': 7294.67901,
  'avg_values': 7.29468,
  'prob_being_best': 0.1707},
 {'variant': 'B',
  'totals': 800,
  'sum_values': 5685.86168,
  'avg_values': 7.10733,
  'prob_being_best': 0.00125},
 {'variant': 'C',
  'totals': 500,
  'sum_values': 3736.91581,
  'avg_values': 7.47383,
  'prob_being_best': 0.82805}]


Class for Bayesian A/B test for delta-lognormal data (log-normal with zeros). Delta-lognormal data is typical case of revenue per session data where many sessions have 0 revenue but non-zero values are positive numbers with possible log-normal distribution. To handle this data, the calculation is combining binary Bayes model for zero vs non-zero "conversions" and log-normal model for non-zero values.

0 for x in data_b), sum_values=sum(data_b), sum_logs=sum([np.log(x) for x in data_b if x > 0]), sum_logs_2=sum([np.square(np.log(x)) for x in data_b if x > 0]) ) test.evaluate(seed=21)">
import numpy as np
from bayesian_testing.experiments import DeltaLognormalDataTest

test = DeltaLognormalDataTest()

data_a = [7.1, 0.3, 5.9, 0, 1.3, 0.3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.5, 2.2, 0, 4.9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
data_b = [4.0, 0, 3.3, 19.3, 18.5, 0, 0, 0, 12.9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.7, 0, 0]

# adding variant using raw data
test.add_variant_data("A", data_a)

# alternatively, variant can be also added using aggregated data:
    positives=sum(x > 0 for x in data_b),
    sum_logs=sum([np.log(x) for x in data_b if x > 0]),
    sum_logs_2=sum([np.square(np.log(x)) for x in data_b if x > 0])

[{'variant': 'A',
  'totals': 20,
  'positives': 8,
  'sum_values': 23.5,
  'avg_values': 1.175,
  'avg_positive_values': 2.9375,
  'prob_being_best': 0.18915},
 {'variant': 'B',
  'totals': 20,
  'positives': 6,
  'sum_values': 61.7,
  'avg_values': 3.085,
  'avg_positive_values': 10.28333,
  'prob_being_best': 0.81085}]


To set up development environment use Poetry and pre-commit:

pip install poetry
poetry install
poetry run pre-commit install


Test classes to be added:

  • PoissonDataTest
  • ExponentialDataTest

Metrics to be added:

  • Expected Loss
  • Potential Value Remaining


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  • Results are different from online tool

    Results are different from online tool


    I tested your library and cross-checked against this online calculator: Here is the result from your library:

    [{'variant': 'True True True False False False False',
      'totals': 1172,
      'positives': 461,
      'positive_rate': 0.39334,
      'prob_being_best': 0.7422,
      'expected_loss': 0.0582635},
     {'variant': 'False True True False False False False',
      'totals': 222,
      'positives': 27,
      'positive_rate': 0.12162,
      'prob_being_best': 0.0,
      'expected_loss': 0.3280173},
     {'variant': 'False False True False False False False',
      'totals': 1363,
      'positives': 63,
      'positive_rate': 0.04622,
      'prob_being_best': 0.0,
      'expected_loss': 0.4051768},
     {'variant': 'False False False False False False False',
      'totals': 1052,
      'positives': 0,
      'positive_rate': 0.0,
      'prob_being_best': 0.0,
      'expected_loss': 0.4512031},
     {'variant': 'True False True False False False False',
      'totals': 1,
      'positives': 0,
      'positive_rate': 0.0,
      'prob_being_best': 0.2578,
      'expected_loss': 0.1997566}]

    So the best variant has 74% probability to be the winner. On the online calculator it is 63.48% instead (last variant is 36.52% instead of 25.78%).

    I used the BinaryDataTest() without any priors.

    I did not dig deeper on what might be right here, but wanted to drop this as feedback.

    opened by ThomasMeissnerDS 6
  • Minimum sample size

    Minimum sample size

    First, this package is great! I wanted to know if the probability estimates rely on a minimum sample size or how one might go about determining minimum sample size for a Binary test, for example.

    opened by abrunner94 5
  • Bump jupyter-server from 1.13.5 to 1.15.4

    Bump jupyter-server from 1.13.5 to 1.15.4

    Bumps jupyter-server from 1.13.5 to 1.15.4.

    Release notes

    Sourced from jupyter-server's releases.



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    @​blink1073 | @​codecov-commenter | @​minrk



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    Bugs fixed

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    Contributors to this release

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    @​blink1073 | @​minrk | @​Zsailer



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    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from jupyter-server's changelog.


    All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.


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    New features added

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    Maintenance and upkeep improvements

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    Contributors to this release

    (GitHub contributors page for this release)

    @​andreyvelich | @​blink1073 | @​codecov-commenter | @​divyansshhh | @​dleen | @​fcollonval | @​jhamet93 | @​meeseeksdev | @​minrk | @​rccern | @​welcome | @​Zsailer

    ... (truncated)


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