My Discord Bot that I used to learn Python. Please disregard the unstructured code!



My personal Discord Bot.

To run this bot, change in config.ini to your Discord Bot Token, which can be retrieved from your Discord Developer Portal.
will also need to be changed to your Hypixel API Key, which can be created by connecting to the Minecraft server and running the /api new command.

If you wish, you may also change in config.ini to a Discord channel ID. Bot events, errors, etc will be sent to the specified channel.

This bot retrieves statistics from the official public Hypixel API. Documentation for the API can be found here.


matsivoss/Botschiee is licensed under the MIT License. This license can be viewed here.


This bot is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Hypixel, Inc. All logos, brands, trademarks, and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.



Restricted Commands

  • h!load - Load an extension.

  • h!unload - Unload an extension.

  • h!reload - Reload an extension.

  • h!stop - Stop the bot.

  • h!logs - Uploads the logs to mystbin and DMs them to you.

  • h!eval - Evaluates Python code. This can be used with code blocks as well.

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