gitbees uses the GitHub API
to show user data
and ``repos`
Make sure you have a python interpreter and then python
gitbees is under the MIT License
Marcello B, 2021
gitbees uses the GitHub API
to show user data
and ``repos`
Make sure you have a python interpreter and then python
gitbees is under the MIT License
Marcello B, 2021
Scratch2py Scratch2py or S2py is a easy to use, versatile tool to communicate with the Scratch API Based of scratchclient by Raihan142857 Installation
Discord status insult changer Change the discord status throught websocket every 5 seconds with an insult! - pip install httpx - put your tokens in "t
ZeusMusic Requirements 📝 FFmpeg NodeJS Python 3.7 or higher PyTgCalls MongoDB 2nd Telegram Account (needed for userbot) 🧪 Get SESSION
Discord Payment Checker Uses discords api to see if a token has a valid payment method. Report Bug · Request Feature Features Checks tokens Checks all
🧝♀️ 💙 Queen Zellei 💙 🧝♀️ Queen Zellie is a chat bot for Telegram. Make it easy and fun to use Telegram. Telegram | Telegram Channel | Whatsapp H
labeller_images_python_telegramBOT This is a bot to help collect data for any machine learning project. It was developed using the python-telegram-bot
A simple Discord Bot A simple discord bot written in python which can surf subreddits, send a random meme, jokes and also weather of a given place. We
Discord Bot A simple python discord bot with commands for moderation, utility and fun. Moderation $kick user reason - Kick a user from the server
Project title A little info about your project and/ or overview that explains what the project is about. 🌟 Hello everyone! This is the repository of
Discord-Streaming-Status Discord Streaming Status For Both User Accounts And Bot Accounts. Open your cmd and enter the command: pip install discord BE
NFT Generator Автоматическая генерация крипто-артов на основе слоев изображения. Установка pip3 install -r requirements.txt rm -rf result/* Как это ра
disnake A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. About disnake All the contributors and develop
Sub Manager Sub Manager is a bot framework for Reddit to automate a variety of tasks on one or more subreddits, and can be configured and run without
- Este processo já foi concluído. Obrigado pelo seu interesse! Processo Seletivo para a bolsa de migração de conteúdo de Design de Software Primeirame
DUSC-Bot Discord bot developed by Delhi University Student Community! Libraries Used Pycord - Documentation Features Can purge messages in bulk Drop-D
Auto Invite To Org By Issue Comment A GitHub action script to automatically invite everyone to the organization who comment at the issue page. What is
Geek-Jokes A RESTful API to get random geek jokes written in Flask What is the Geek-Jokes-api? The Geek Jokes RESTful API lets you fetch a random geek
Direct queries to Jira have two issues: they are sloooooow many queries are impo
AminoLab AminoLab Api For AminoApps using Installing pip install AminoLab Example #Login import AminoLab client = AminoLab.Client()
Chatbot Python Chatbot with python! How to Run Installation requirements. pip install -r requirements.txt Sample Chatbot The required files must be d